I would love to see a recipe exchange forum added to cathe.com..........

RE: I would love to see a recipe exchange forum added t...

Yep..me too!! I think there was another thread a while back in the Ask Cathe folder. I am not sure if SNM responded to it or not. I think it's a great idea though!!

Aila:) :) :)
I would like to see it as well. Maybe if it can not be added we could start a recipe thread for everyone to add their recipes to. Actually I've been wanting to do this for some time now to see what kind of response I would get.
Yeah - I thought of that too back when I was asking people why a recipe would call for a chicken breast, then tell you to skin it - when you can just buy the skinless/boneless kind. I got a really good recipe out of that thread!
It would be an awesome idea!! I wish SMN would add it to the forum! Glad great minds think alike!! You all are great!!!!
RE: I would love to see a recipe exchange forum added t...

Count me in as one who would like to see a place for sharing recipes added here. It's a great idea in my opinion!

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