I want to thank all of you who prayed for my mom and da...


Thankyou all for praying for my mom and dad.
They are feelin much better I know its from prayer.I believe in prayer so much and i told my dad and mom I asked you guys to pray for them they was so happy they said to tell you all thankyou!!
I got my dad something eat and made sure he ate good today.
He had spurs hope thats spelled right in his leg and sprained his angkle he trys to do stuff that he shouldn't he just don't want to be old and he is such a great man my mom and dad both are great parents
My mom and dad been married 60yrs and had 10 children I am the youngest we weren't rich but we was rich in love that they gave us thats more then any money could buy. Just wanted to tell you alittle about these great people.
But please keep them in all your prayers I know it helped them I appreicated so much I can't write how much not enough words !!
And keep an extra prayer for my mom she can't breath very good they never smoke or drank ever and she just has trouble with her lungs she is going to a specialist july5 I know all your prayers will help.And again thankyou very much Oh one more thing pray to give me strenght to help them I am really tired !!
Thankyou you all!!!!!
RE: I want to thank all of you who prayed for my mom an...

I'm glad to hear that your parents are doing better. :)
RE: I want to thank all of you who prayed for my mom an...

GREAT news Teresa! More prayers for your mom as she goes to the specialist.
Thanks for letting us know how they're doing!

I apparently missed your original request, but know that your parents will be in my prayers and thoughts. So will you. Try to rest, take care of yourself.

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