I want to look like Cathe, do I need to go to a gym?


Hi Veterans out there,

I have been stength training at home for the past 5 years. I have been a runner for 15 yrs. Up until 3 months ago I excercised to the advanced strength Firm tapes. A few months back I discovered Cathe and 6 days a week rotate upper & lower pyramid. I use the same weight Cathe uses. Now my question...I am patiently waiting for my arms to look as buff. I have seen changes since starting the Cathe program. Does Cathe also lift very heavy weights on a nautilus machine? Do you need to? Ideally I would love to have arms like the fitness models (Oxygen mag).

Any help would be much appreciated
Please remember that Cathe's degree of definition is rare. You can only look as defined as your genetics will allow. It is not realistic for us all to hope and expect that we can look "like Cathe". Don't you just want to look like you? Few of us will ever get those bicep veins. And frankly, I wouldn't want to.

Yup, Cathe trains at her gym, probably with much heavier weights than she uses in her workouts. But, it is telling also that her workouts put her to the test also. She sweats, groans, grimaces and has "out of body" experiences, just as we do. So, do you need the gym? Only time and your genetics will tell. After you have worked out with Cathe, with her GS and S&H and pyramid workouts, for a year, you should have a good idea of what it is possible for you to achieve with her at home. You cannot know within a matter of weeks.

Try her S&H series for maximum muscle growth, and rotate it with your pyramid workouts. That should give you plenty of muscle size and definition.

Thanks Clare,

I can't wait to see my hard work start to pay off. Sometimes I feel like I wasted 5 yrs doing Firm but I realize it got me ready for the next level of fitness..the Cathe level.

Thanks for your input and recommendations for future DVD's from Cathe.:)

RE: I want to look like Cathe, do I need to go to a gym...

Awesome advice Clare. It's also important to add that Cathe has achieved her definition naturally from more than 20 years of exercising. It is really unrealistic to expect to look like that in a short period of time.
RE: I want to look like Cathe, do I need to go to a gym...

I don't think you need to go to a gym, but also remember Cathe has been doing this a long time. My two cents it that getting the ripped look is a big relation to how well your diet is. Clean eating will help lose bodyfat and help those veins show.

RE: I want to look like Cathe, do I need to go to a gym...

I hear what you are saying. My goal is that by the time I reach 40 (4 more yrs)I will look like I lift weights. I am very strong and tone now but I would like to achieve that look. My husband works out 8 hrs a day (karate instructor) so I am trying to keep up with him. My boys tell me I look like Cathe (far from it) but it puts a smile on my face.

Colleen is that your Choc. lab? I have a black and a chocolate. Today I took the choc. to the vets. ITchy ears..poor thing has allergies. Picked up Frontline and Heartguard too. These guys cost me a fortune.

Gotta go but thanks again for replying back.

RE: I want to look like Cathe, do I need to go to a gym...

It's actually a Vizsla. Hard to tell from the squished picture. Your vet may have already told you but are you feeding a food without corn or wheat? My first Vizsla has chronic ear allergies. I feed Canidea or Wellness. We still get one bad one a year. When I get room for a freezer, I'll go back to raw...she had zero infections then. Oh...I hear you on the meds...I have 4 dogs...between food, frontline and heartworm meds, the cost us a fortune. Good thing they are all so cute <G>.

Labs are great dogs. I have a black lab mix, who is almost 13 now.

I think in 4 years you can create Cathe's look!

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