I Usually Hate Cardio, 8/29

Miss Lee

Good morning!!

I did about 40 minutes on the elliptical last night and have not tired of it yet! I love it, love it, LOVE it! Fianlly, a cardio workout I can actually look forward to. Don't worry, I still hate all other cardio--lol!

I have to run for now but I'll be back to chat with you all later:* :*
You are in the newlywed stage. Don't worry, you will sick of telling it something over and over while it tells you "I heard you" and then later it will tell you "You never told me that". Give it time Michele, give it time.

Nothing today for me. I woke up with a headache. I think it has to do with the thirty (read it and weep) pushups that I did yesterday. My head was ready to explode. I did six days and now I want a break. Oh, those push-ups. Well, it beats cardio.

I am out of here because I have this headache and I gotta make lunches. Of course I will discover later today that they didn't eat the produce but what can ya do?

Everyone have a good day.

I have about 2 seconds and then need to get up and get in the shower for a new PT apt. It was a horrid night last night DD had a 103.2 temp last night and we were up with her not sleeping all night again. DH and I took turns sleeping for about 3 hours and then bam back up again. She goes back to the Dr today and then we are going to the large childrens hospital to work with a sleep specialitst to figure out why she won't sleep. This is not a good situation and I am scheduled to start work next week, so we have got to get this figured out. It is a mess.

Anyway..got to run. BBL to check on everyone!
Hi ladies -

Michele - "I hope your honeymoon lasts forever." I think one of the speeches at my wedding went something like that. So hopefully you will never get over this honeymoon phase with Eli.

Jana - I hope they figure out your DD sleep problems. Sorry you have to go through this!

Kate - 30 pushups is quite impressive.

I didn't workout today. I didn't even wake up until 8 am! I am so bad, getting to work late today. I just really enjoy sleeping, thats all. I was going to walk last night when I got home, but got into a long conversation with my sister instead. As much as she likes to try and make things a competition between us, we really have so much in common that she is one of the few people I can tell everything to. So anyway, we were keeping this TTC thing a secret but she asked me straight out last night when we would start trying (after telling me there entire plan to start in 2 years) so I told her. She handled it a lot better than I thought. She did mention that she always thought she would be first to have a baby (she is the older sis), but that she is just not in that place in her life right now and I am. So I was glad to get that over with, I thought it was going to be a lot more drama. DH was a little upset I told her, he thought it was a private matter we shouldn't tell anyone about. I didn't realize he felt that way, I thought we just wanted it to be a surprise and didn't want everyone asked if we were pregnant yet. Oh well.
I just came back from a pretty cool lunch. We have trial section luncheons every once in a while where the trial section gets together to talk about what is going on and all offices teleconference in (New York, DC etc.). Anyway, today we had a guest speaker who was a juror on the Ken Lay/Skilling trial. She is an employee of our firm in the accounting section. She was excused from the jury for health reasons towards the end of the trial, so she wasn't there for the deliberations, but she obviously saw almost the whole thing and was there to give us tips on what was effective and ineffective with the lawyers' performance during the trial. It was pretty cool.
Hi girls!

Kate, Eli and I are on an EXTENDED honeymoon--lol! I hope you're feeling better. I hate headaches--they make you feel bad all over.

Janjan, that's tough about your DD. I hope the doc has some easy solution for you. Maybe this is something she will simply outgrow. Please keep us posted and here's a kisshie for ya:*

Daine, I'll bet that was interesting to have a juror from the Ken Lay trial. I've often wondered how Texans feel about Ken Lay. Is he reviled there or do people just think he was clueless. --I saw the post about your mom showing interest in diet and exercise. I'll keep her ion my prayers. That's really great and I hope she takes action and sticks with it. --I'm sure your DH will get over you telling your sister about your TTC plans. My DH is a very private person and he would probably feel the same way. It would drive him crazy if felt people were being nosey or were constatnly bringing it up. I think he just doesn't like to be the center of attention and it would embarrass him.

I downloaded one of those iTrain workouts today--a 20 min iClimb--and i used it for an elliptical workout. It was really good. I think I'm going to buy a couple of 40 min w/o's because they're so cheap :D .
Michele - What is it that you use on your curl hair again? Mine has not been curling right lately and looking too crispy.

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