I just had a colonoscopy in January.
Once you start taking the 'cleaning' product (I had to take 4 Dulcolax, followed 2 hours? later by a mix of 64 ounces of Gatorade mixed with a bottle of Miralax, taken in 8 oz. doses 1/2 hour apart) you will NOT want to eat much!
Some advice:
>>get EXTRA-soft toilet paper and/or some soft wipes (you'll be doing a LOT of wiping). Even better, if you have a bidet!
>>>if you do a Gatorade mix, dilute the Gatorade 1/2 and 1/2 with water before mixing the Miralax in. (By the time I got 1/2-way through the mix, I was sick--almost literally--of the sickly-sweet, artificial Gatorade flavor. I don't think I will be drinking orange Gatorade for a LOOOONG time!)
>>>put all foods you can't eat OUT OF SIGHT in cupboards or boxes (a couple of organic red delicious apples I'd left out smelled SOOOOO wonderful when I passed by, they were very tempting.
>>>get some tasty teas: I pretty much stuck with herbal teas, water and the Gatorade solution on the prep day (I thought of it as a liquid fast, and I've done those before. In the 70's, I went on a couple 3-day water fasts, and a few liquid fasts).
>>>do things that are incompatible with eating: put together a puzzle, knit, read. If possible, avoid places you usually eat (on the sofa, iin the kitchen). I discovered that I had an almost Pavlovian impulse to eat in certain situations, even when not hungry---this is another 'discovery' you can make during this time (think of it as an interesting experience/experiment).
>>>Think of the liquid prep as something positiive for your body (when everything is 'cleaned out', you can start fresh after the colonoscopy.
My colonoscopy was the first time I'd ever been under anesthesia (nursese who screened me were surprised by that, but seemed to not believe me when I said I didn't take any medication of any kind). I pretty much was out for it (except I woke up in the midst of it, saw the TV screen at the foot of the bed that everyone was looking at, that had some blurry---my glasses were off--fleshy-colored images that I realized in my daze were my innards, so I tried to get a look myself, then noticed the poking and prodding, closed my eyes, and said "ow", then "ow" then "OW, OW" then was out again until I woke up seated upright in the recovery room with my glasses on.)
The friend who was my 'driver' told me she was dizzy for the whole day after hers (and the following day), and felt 'off ' for about a week. I just felt a bit sleepy, but was okay after a 2-3-hour nap. The next day, I was back to normal.
My innards are 'normal" (I was hoping for "excellent" or "lovely" or something less banal, LOL!), but because my father died of colon cancer, I'm supposed to do this again in 5 years.
Good luck!
I hope everything 'comes out' alright (a bit of colonoscopy humor there.