I think I am depressed..


I am really just posting to tell you fellow exercisers how I feel because I think you will understand.

My husband recently lost his job and is having a difficult time finding another one.
I know everything will be okay but I feel so down. I really don't want to workout. This is not good because I feel horrible if I don't workout and don't push myself to do it. I know in my head that working out will help with the stress but I am finding it hard to keep going. My butt is growing as we speak!!!! Too, I am now back to work which means I am SITTING ALOT more than before. I am tired all the time.
Anyway, enough whining. I am just frustrated and had to spill my guts to some people who would understand how I feel about exercising. Thanks for listening (reading)
Hi Sharon,
I know just how you feel.
It is natural to go through down periods from time to time. What works best for some may not work best for others. If I am a little down, then working out is the best thing. However, whenever I am very sad or feel a loss I find it works best for me just to get into it: just feel as crummy as I need to, feel sorry for myself and eat as much ice cream or chocolate or whatever as I want to, and sleep as much as I want to (except at work). Perhaps most importantly, I try to sort out my feelings.
Since anger is often the cause of depression, you should have a talk with yourself to determine if you're feeling angry at your husband. Do you blame him for not finding a job yet? Is there anything more you think he could be doing that you could discuss with him? Try to work out your anger.
After a few days of this I usually tire of it and can't wait to get back to my usual routines!
Hope this helps??
Hi Sharon:

During this tough time, be easy on yourself. Dont struggle against what you are feeling or the situation. Your husband will find another job soon. Be simple. We all have periods of eb and flow in our workouts. This is just a time when you are not working out as often. Go with the flow, things will work out in their natural order and your life will be back to normal in no time.

Hi Sharon. I'm very sorry to hear that your husband lost his job and is having a hard time finding another one.

Yes, I understand being under stress and NOT wanting to work out, or NOT having the motivation. I'm the exact same way. If I'm all worried about something, it seems like that worry consumes me, and I "can't" work out. Not good news for my rear end either. :-(

So, I can't offer much except prayers and a hug.


I'm sure things will get better soon. Take care of yourself!

Hi Sharon,
I went through a similar experience last year. My husband lost his job and did not find another one for 6 months. It was hard and I was not a happy camper. The thing that got me through was exercise. No matter how dark things look, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. When one door closes, another opens. You need to stay healthy. Keep working out. Make yourself do it. I decided I'd rather be fit and bummed out, instead of depressed and out of shape. Things worked out and I have increased my fitness level. Do little things for yourself. Try not to deprive yourself of the free things in life. If you and your family are in good health, you already have it all. This is just a little tweak in the road of life. :)Please keep working out to Cathe, take a walk....you'll feel much better. Also, I hope your husband works out too. If he doesn't, maybe this is the time for him to start exercising to help give him a lift also.
Hi, Sharon. Just wanted to add my $.02 - I know how hard it is to apply the wisdom of the mind when the sorrow of the heart is profound.

I do agree with the others that exercise would indeed be a good way to take the edge off the emotional difficulties. What I'd like to suggest is to exercise strictly for your enjoyment, and not for specific physical results. If that means power walks 8 days a week, do it. If that means Circuit Max three sessions in a row, do it - whatever your FAVORITE workouts are.

I do hope things get better for you - keep us updated!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Hi Sharon! Your not alone! My husband lost his job too and found another one 4 wks. later but now on Fri. was told he lost this job too! He was w/them for only 7 wks. I don't know how he hasn't lost his mind yet. You must find the strength to work out so that it'll relieve your stress. That's the only thing that keeps me going. Also after you exercise in the evening try taking a hot bath w/candles and aromatherapy; this too will relax you. If you don't you'll go crazy and you'll only feel worse and he'll pick up on your feelings and that will make him even more nervous than he already is. I know your supporting him but you can help him to weather this through by exercising and feeling better. This will truly help him if you keep your strength and you feel better. Its helping my husband. I hope I've helped, Kathy

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