I slept for 13 hours, right through New Year's!!


OMG, I couldn't beleive it when I woke up! I went to "take a nap" at 8pm last night, and told my husband to wake me up in 2 hours so I could be awake for New Year's. Well, THIRTEEN hours later at 9am I woke up! He said he tried to get be up twice last night, one time I pulled the covers over my head, and the next time I almost hit him! :( I've been stressed out a lot lately, and have vowed to relax, do yoga, etc to calm down. I guess I neeeded the rest, but YIKES!
OMG, I couldn't beleive it when I woke up! I went to "take a nap" at 8pm last night, and told my husband to wake me up in 2 hours so I could be awake for New Year's. Well, THIRTEEN hours later at 9am I woke up! He said he tried to get be up twice last night, one time I pulled the covers over my head, and the next time I almost hit him! :( I've been stressed out a lot lately, and have vowed to relax, do yoga, etc to calm down. I guess I neeeded the rest, but YIKES!

LOL! this used to happen to me too! well, I guess I should say to DH! I used to fall asleep on the couch and he would have to wake me up to go to the bed! sometimes I wondered why I was still on the couch in the morning, and he said "I wasn't going to get hit, again!" and Yes, apparently you needed it! Good for you! Hope you feel better today and will go on to have a GREAT day!
I did the same thing last night! I got sleepy around 9pm, went to bed and did not wake up until just after 9a this morning, so I completely missed New Year's too. Well, so what! I had a great evening getting some much-needed sleep. I did not have a single drop of alcohol (a new first for New Year's eve), so I did not wake up hung-over this morning. I don't think I missed anything, did I? :)

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