I should have just bought the entire DVD bundle!


Hi Everyone,

Due to the coupon sale and quantity discount Cathe is having, I'm ready to just buy a bunch of DVDs all at once. I should have just bought her entire bundle for $1,200 two months ago! Would have been faster and cheaper. I have bought 28 DVDs plus the STS 36 bundle over the last 2 months and am ready to buy almost all of the remainders. But I would like some input on some of the workouts. I have looked at each clip and read the reviews but am on the fence about some of them.

I am interested in advanced workouts (or ones I can alter to be more advanced). Just to let you know what I am looking for:

CARDIO - I like step, floor, steady state or cardio w/blasts - as long as the workout is very high intensity or keeps my HR up. I get a good workout from IMAX3 blasts, Cardio Core Circuit, Circuit Blast (cardio portion only). I did NOT get a good workout from any of the 3 Cardio Hits (not to be confused with HiiT). For easy days I do Hardcore Extreme #2 and #3, Low Max, Athletic Step, Step Moves (I don't really hit my target HR with these, but they are fun for easy days. HC extreme I will hit HR but not for long.)

WEIGHTS - I like Gym Styles Upper and Lower and ordered Butts and Guts.

TOTAL BODY WEIGHTS - I never do both upper and lower body weights on the same day. But I don't mind a video that does the entire body as long as it has a premix for each individual.

CARDIO + WEIGHTS - I never do a cardio and weights video. But I don't mind a video with a premix that splits them up.

If anyone has any input for the following DVDs, I'd appreciate it. I know everyone likes different videos for different reasons, so I will take any input. Also, I know some people find certain videos hard while others find the same one easy.

I figure I might as well just buy in one large order and take advantage of the quantity sale rather than buy a few here and a few there like I have been doing. I know it's a long list, so thanks in advance for any input.

*High Step Training
*Slow and Heavy
*Power Hour + Maximum Intensity Strength + Body Max
*Rhythmic Step + Interval Max + Maximum Intensity Cardio
*Pyramid Upper Body and Lower Body (I heard upper is good, lower is basic)
*Imax 2 + Cardio & Weights
*Body Blast Series: Timesaver
*Body Blast Series: Supersets + Push Pull
*Body Blast Series: Step, Jump & Pump + Step Blast
*Body Blast Series: Kick, Punch and crunch + Legs and Glutes
*Intensity Series: Boot Camp + Muscle Endurance
*Pure Strength Series
*The Classics Volume 1
*Lower Body Blast
*High Reps
*Cardio Fusion

(That was more than I expected! :eek: )
*High Step Training
*Slow and Heavy
*Power Hour + Maximum Intensity Strength + Body Max

I don't have the three dvds listed above, but I do want them....:) I don't know if Power Hour etc has premixes...I am sure someone else will know.

*Rhythmic Step + Interval Max + Maximum Intensity Cardio
*Pyramid Upper Body and Lower Body

I LOVE rhythmic step and PUB & PLB - rhythmic step probably won't get you into your target HR zone, but it is such a great routine. This and KPC (Kick Punch & Crunch) are probably the 2 Cathe dvds I do the most.

LOVE PUB Cathe is so funny and cute in this workout, too! She makes me giggle every time, even while I am cursing her. Man are her biceps strong!

Lower body I don't like as much only because I am too slow in changing the weights on my barbell! Silly me.

*Imax 2 + Cardio & Weights

Another great one for getting the HR up - and you can do premixes for the cardio & weights.

*Terminator - don't have this one, but since you really like the high intensity workouts I would think this would be another good one for you.

*Body Blast Series: Timesaver
*Body Blast Series: Supersets + Push Pull - don't have these either

*Body Blast Series: Step, Jump & Pump + Step Blast
*Body Blast Series: Kick, Punch and crunch + Legs and Glutes
*Intensity Series: Boot Camp + Muscle Endurance

I really like all three of these workouts - Especially KPC - definitely my favorite Cathe dvd these days (other than STS) Legs & glutes is another good one!

Muscle Endurance is a total body workout but has premixes so you can divide it up into just upper or lower body (I think, I usually do this as a total body workout, but if I am wrong about this I am sure someone will tell you)

*Pure Strength Series
*The Classics Volume 1

I don't have either of these workouts listed above

*Lower Body Blast
*High Reps
*Cardio Fusion

I LOVE high reps - another total body workout but you can do premixes to just do upper or lower body

Lower body blast - great use of the gliding discs and firewalkers. I personally got a better workout from butts & guts, but it is great to mix it up with this workout.

Intensity - sounds like a must have for a high intensity junkie like you :D

cardio fusion - great mix of the step workouts without the build up - if you know the routines already. But maybe not a must have for you?

Whoa, what an enabler I am - but it's not my fault, it's Cathe! Her workouts are just so great and so addictive!

Wow, thanks for taking the time to respond! Why do I know I am just going to buy all of them anyway?!? I was hoping to weed a couple out if needed but your write-up makes me want the ones I was on the fence about.

I did Butts & Guts today, which I enjoyed, and MMA Kickbox. I didn't even hit my target HR or break a sweat at all with that although it was fun and flew by fast. I did like the abs section from MMA KB. I will try to modify it to be more intense next time.

Anyone else have any input on ANY of my listed DVDs before I buy?

definitely get Intensity, probably IMAX2 + Cardio & Weights, but maybe not Terminator because it will have lower & upper body trg in the same workout.

do you have Kick Max? that would be a good one, too.

4 Day Split? tons of premixes on that.

I love Lower Body Blast, too. high reps is fun, you can do upper & lower separately.
Cathe's stuff is amazing. everything is different. i have a lot of what is on your list and I love them all. I kept going back for more and wish I had just bought them all at once. i haven't regretted a single purchase. let us know what you end up buying then check back with what you think. i love opinions on dvd's. they help me decide on what to buy next.
I like Cathe's videos for basically strength training. She has a lot of step workouts and I don't like fancy step workouts. The only step workout of hers that I like is the step portion in Intensity. Intensity is a good cardio workout that will really get your heart rate up. You also mention that you don't do workouts that combine cardio and weights, these type of workouts can really get your heart rate up. I think you should give them a try. These are the ones that will get your heart rate up: Cathe's Bootcamp workout from 2001, Intensity Bootcamp Add-on, Step Pump and Jump, and High Step Challenge. They will really get your heart rate up. Her best strength training videos are: Muscle Max, StS Total Body, Pyramid Upper Body, Leaner Legs, Lower Body Blast, and Pyramid Lower Body. I also love Butts and Guts but you already have that one.:)
OK. I just bought all of the DVDs and added Low Impact Circuit. I figured it was easier than just trying to decide which ones I wanted. Plus with the 30% discount plus the coupons, it was hard to weed some out.

I will now own all of Cathe's DVDs except for 3 of them. I still haven't done every current video I own but am doing a new one every day.

Thanks for everyone's input.

Anderson - The only reason I haven't done cardio/weight combo videos in the past is because they are usually 1 hour long total. I like to do approx 1hr cardio + 1 hr weights. I've tried a couple circuit videos in the past (long time ago) and they were shorter videos and it got annoying for me to run around and change my equipment back and forth. I just didn't feel like I got a good workout. But actually, I will probably be trying some of Cathe's combo workouts since I usually like her flow of exercises. So thanks for bringing that up and I will definitely try her combo workouts.

I hope to get all my videos early next week.
since i am fairly new to Cathe and continuing to make purchases I would love to hear your take on each and every new DVD you try! I just love people's opinions on Cathe's workouts, how they combine then etc.. I've learned so much from everyone here. 'til then....
Hi CeCe,

I keep tracking my package and all my DVDs should be here tomorrow! I can't wait. I am fairly new to Cathe also. I started in mid-late January.

To get through all of my new videos, I try to do 1 cardio video daily for 4-5 days of the week. (Sometimes I have to do a video twice before I learn the footwork). And I try to do an Upper Body video once per week and a Lower Body video once per week. However, this week I upped it to TWO upper body and TWO lower body videos this week (I usually split the video days with my gym days but with all the videos I bought, it will take me too long to go through all of them).

So far I have done about 90% of my current Cathe videos. I have ruled a couple of them out of what will be my 'regular' rotation. For different reasons - didn't feel like I got a good enough cardio workout or the flow just wasn't for me. I try every video at least 2-3 times before I rule it out of my rotation. A couple others I will set aside for "easy" days or days where I also do a brutal hike.

I am also working on a spreadsheet to list all of my videos with all of the premixes with the listed times and listed body parts worked. That way I will be able to pick and choose easily my workouts for the entire week/month. I swear so far I have about 100+ options with all of the premixes!

So far my favorites are:
*Imax3 (Probably since this was my 1st Cathe video. Also, good intensity blasts)
*Cardio Core Circuit (semi-short (51min), but quite intense. My HR stays in my target HR zone almost the entire time)
*Body Max 2 Ultra Cardio Premix (I just really like the music. Wasn't as intense, so I raised my step to 10" (I'm tall at 5'6"), which raised my HR a bit. I also added my own propulsions to increase my HR.)
*I like the HiiTs since only 30 min long for short days

After I do more, I will definitely write more in-depth reviews. Especially for weight videos. :D
great. would love to hear which one's will not be yr fav's and which one's you like. I really like pyramid upper and lower body, gym styles and slow and heavy. i love kick punch crunch and... oh i have to stop cos really, i love them all - so far!

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