I reach my goal


New Member
the last time I wrote to Cathe it was last year in october,and at time working with the shows on tv I 105 lbs. in 18 month's,I was 49 years old.still had 50 lbs to lose,I started at 375 lbs.the reason I wanted to lose weight was my wife,she 40 years old,5'5" tall 125 lbs,black hair,sky blue eyes,and the mother of our 10 year old son.one day I came home early from work,over heard her talking with her work out friends,she saying that sex was not fun her anymore because of the weight I gained.we got married 20 years ago I weight 250 lbs.there was asking her if she was going to leave me she said no that I teated her to good.I left crying telling myself that I had to make her happy.now I down to 220 lbs,and our sex life is better than ever.to all the guys that want to lose weight it's great.thanks Cathe I could not have done it without you.
That is wonderful! And welcome to the boards as I can see that you have not been around too long!:)
Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment! Anytime you want to post your weight loss tips, I'm sure many of us would enjoy reading them.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Way to go! I dug up your original posts, and I gotta say you should be really proud of yourself! No quick fixes either - just hard work. Very, Very COOL!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on your weight loss! That's fantastic!:)

I think that in the Check-In section, there's a daily check-in group for guys!:)
That is truly an amazing accomplishment!! Wait to go! You should post in success stories on this forum and motivate others with your amazing story !!!!

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