I pre-ordered!


Nothing like getting a jump on things!

My pre-order for the Body Blast Whole Enchilada is IN!

Ya snooze, ya looze, ladies!

Have a great weekend!

Happy Mom's Day, all you Mom's out there!

I preordered as well. AJ I'm so happy that you got your order in before the week end. Now you don't have to wait until Monday.:D
Now we can wait to see what the crew will be wearing, looking at the behind the scenes pictures....whew...just like Calvin said to Hobbes on summer vacation..."the days are just packed." LOL
I too pre-ordered! My husband keeps asking me, "Do you think you can go at least a year before you order more Cathe workouts? How many times a year does she come out with new workouts?" I said that I thought this was a little bit unusual for her to create new workouts so soon...tee hee. I just discovered Cathe when the Intensity series came out - after the presale - so I am very excited to be able to preorder and save. I told my hubby that he knows I would eventually get them all anyway so why not just get it over with and save a little money in the process?!!!!}(
Have a great weekend everyone!
Angela:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
I'm glad the pre=sale goes on until the 31st. That's when I'll order, so it goes on my next paycheck!
RE: I can't find it!

Go to the Home Page and on the right hand side is where you can click on. It announces the Body Blast Series.:D
RE: I can't find it!

I'm going to cry!! Mine won't do it. I don't have the option to click on that announcement. And is there any mention of the preorder? Because I don't see one :( . The only click option I have is the one that sends me to the forum here. This is just way too depressing.

RE: I can't find it!

Hi Sara,
Can you close all you Cathe windows and then type in www.cathe.com in your browser? Then maybe you can access the elusive click on button. Perhaps your homepage needed to be updated? ???? :D

Let us know how you do. Surely someone will be able to help you order the new Series.
RE: I can't find it!

Hey there! Sombebody on the forum just gave me a direct link to the preorder page. I tried closing everything down and doing just what you said. I assumed that it needed to be updated... it ddn't work. Then I went to my supervisor's computer (who has never been to the site) and it didn't work. I asked another coworker to go... didn't work!!! I can't believe it! I have never had trouble accessing anything on this site :( Thank you for your help. I hurried up and preordered before anything could go wrong ! :7

Hi Sara,
I'm sorry I wasn't much help. On the thread where Cathe announces the presale is a direct link to the site. I was going to suggest that next. So very glad you Finally got your order in.:D Computers cause alot of stressful anxiety sometimes. Grrr.
I ordered the Whole Enchilada as well...EEEE!!! :7

Wanda, I LUUURVE me some Calvin and Hobbes!!

How sad am I? I've been camped out on the computer literally all day waiting for this, and NOW I'm camped out waiting for the extra info Cathe said she was going to put in the Video/DVD section later!

Take care,
Hi Tanya,

Mrs. Wormwood says to a lost in space Calvin..."Calvin we are studying geography. What state are you in?" Calvin says: "Denial."

I love Calvin and Hobbes too! :D:D:D

The FAQ about preorder is up on the Video Discussions thread. Isn't it soooo coool that a new Series is in the works? :9
Hi Wanda!!

Hehehe..There are SOO many classic Calvin moments. A couple of my favorites are whenever he firsts turns into "Spaceman Spiff" and runs out on a test..Mrs. Wormwood comes out to find him with her face scrunched up, and thinks to herself "Five years until retirement! Five years until retirement! Five years..", and of course, all the Snowmen he does are classic....

Yay! I'm with you..I can't believe there's a new Series this FAST!! I still haven't tried out all my Intensities!! :p I keep going back and re-reading the information over and over..Yes, I need a life! x(

Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

Take care,

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