[email protected]
Many of you have teenegaers, and know they are very trying. I have been thru a summer of hell with my 14 yr. old daughter. She was involved in a roll-over Thurs. night. There was no alcohol, I have not caught her doing anything like that, just TOTAL defiency. So, of course, she is grounded. She has a frind I do not care for, she gets way too much, and too much freedom. She is also a habitual liar. I have tried to persuade my daughter on her own to choose another friend. Of course, she hasn't, the world rises and falls on this girl, even though she does some crappy things to my daughter. Her mother is constantly calling down here,(they live 3 houses down), and quizzing my daughter on things they do because she can not believe her own daughter. Last night, her mother, informed me that my daughter was down there on Sat. night with her daugfhter in her bedroom at 12 when she went to bed. I said "No, she wasn't, she was home." Well, my darling daughter snuck out when we went to bed, and went tp'ing till who knows when with her daughter. I am glad her mother called, but I can not stand the meddling, and constant calls anymore. I hung up on her, and would not take her call when she called back again last night. I have forbid my daughter to hang out with her friend anymore. I also called the school Guidance Office this morning to get her into counseling, hoping that will help. The other problem is that after 2 years of quitting, I have begun to smoke again. That's a great problem solver, isn't it??? It just seems to help, even though I know it doesn't. I have vowed to quit tomorrow, and get back on a rotation. I feel so defeated and depressed, and I already take Prozac, but I also keep getting my period every 2 weeks. I just need people to tell me how this smoking is not helping me, and only hurting me. I know it was stupid to start again, but please tell me your thoughts. THANKS.
Lori S.
Lori S.