I must confess


I must confess that when I am not feeling up to it. I spray lysol on counters and pledge on the wood tables just before my husband gets home and then he thinks I have been cleaning all day. Does anyone else sometimes improvise like this on stressful days??
I confess that when Ive "pigged out"" BIG TIME when my DH isnt home but he knows I should be eating "clean", I tell him we will be having a "light" dinner because of my diet, when its really because IM BURSTING AND BLOATED.


No, but when I was a kid, I'd move the furniture around to make it "look like" I had moved it out and vacuummed behind and under it!
My mother-in-law told me that if you saute an onion, the house will smell like you've been cooking all day. She's right!


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