I met DebbieH!


I met DebbieH on this board and eventually ended up teaching aerobics for her company. We had never even met as she lives across the country from me! Well her and her husband decided to take a trip to Vegas so we hooked up!

We picked them up outside their hotel and went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We had such a fun time and I wished we had longer to visit, but I had to get my kids. We live 100 miles from Vegas so we couldn't just invite them over!

She has tried Cathe's vacation workout and she said it was a great workout! She also said to tell all her Cathe friends HI!:)

I'm trying to get a picture up on the cathe addicts site.

That's great Andrea. I'm glad you got to meet her. She's so nice! We have Cheesecake Factory here in Chicago. I love that place. I'll be looking out for the picture on Cathe Addicts!

Andrea...thanks for sharing. We'll be looking forward to pictures!! So how is it you began teaching aerobics with her company and your way out where you are? Does she have people all over the country teaching? Does she supply you with the routines, etc..? Just really curious!!

Briee (missing Debbie's posts!!)

I knew Debbie taught and so I began emailing her with different kinds of questions. She kept encouraging me to go ahead and start a class in my dinky little town.

After about a year of this she asked if I would like to teach for her company. She sends the music and routines for a 10 week session and all the paperwork.

I absolutely loved it! Debbie picks out great music for the routines. Unfortunately, not many people where I live like to workout. The most I ever had in a class was 6. So after 6 months I stopped teaching.

I want to do it again someday, but it may be at a gym. Working with her also gave me the confidence to make up my own routines, so I feel a little more comfortable doing that now.

RE: Question for Andrea!

It's Debbie's own company, HeartSmart Aerobics.

I got a last minute message from Debbie last night. They have two extra tickets to Cher tonight so I DO get to see her again!

RE: I miss DebbieH

Hi Andrea! The dinky little town 100 miles from Vegas - is it Mesquite? That's where I live!

No, the other way (towards Reno). Ever heard of Amargosa? Way dinkier than Mesquite! I didn't realize Mesquite was that far from Vegas.

RE: Joey!

I've heard of Amargosa. Way dinkier! Mesquite is 90 miles from Vegas, so I thought maybe you were rounding up. But the way you said that no one is much into exersize in your town, it sounded just like Mesquite. There's 13 thousand people here and it seems like I'm the only one who works out! It sure would've been nice to have another Cathe fan here in town. I've tried recruiting, but nobody's interested, they all want a magic pill.
RE: Joey!

I know what you mean. I've loaned videos to quite a few people (thankfully I always get them back). None of them got hooked.

Our town is only about 1,500 people. I didn't realize Mesquite had so many people!


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