I lost Inches but the Scale Isn't Moving......why!



I've noticed since may that the scale hasn't been moving like it use too(was losing two pounds a week). BUT,since May I've lost inches (about six in total:))

Im I worrying about the wrong thing? should I just throw out my scale! I eat healthy,I do Weight Watchers and follow Cathe rotations! Does the body sometimes do this....lose weight...then loose inches...and so onn? I started with WW(ww broke a very long plateo) in jan and have lost 28 pds,I still have about 40-45more to go! Anybody have any thoughts,suggestion,advice!

Catherine...thank you,I guess I just needed someone (besides my DH,LOL) to say it! It just sooooo hard to NOT see that scale drop!
Im really wanting to get to a healthy BMI for my height/frame,something I've never done before!

BTW-Have fun at your STING concert tommorrow!;-)

You'll eventually start seeing the scale move again. Right now, you're in another kind of plateau....the one where you lose inches, but not pounds. Eventually, your body will reach its intended BMI, don't worry. Be happy you're not at the plateau where you lose nothing...so frustrating. Actually, you think you lose nothing, but your body is changing on the inside. In any case, cheer up!:) :)

Talk with your Weight Watchers leader. Continue to attend your meetings. If you feel discouraged, not getting weighed for one week may help reduce some stress.

If you are on the Flex plan, review your tracker and make sure that you are following the program correctly. Because you have already lost so much weight, you may want to check whether it is time to reduce your daily points. Vary your foods to keep interest and motivation.

If you are on the Core Program, check your portions and track your 35 points carefully.

Whether you are on the Flex or Core program, you might want to try the other program for a week to shake things up.

Sometimes plateus are broken by eating a little bit more, a few more points a day. If your body is in starvation mode, it may prevent you from loosing weight.

Drink your water and get enough sleep.

Hope that helps,

Amelia- I can tell you exactly what's going on....you are losing body fat. I am also in the same boat, the scale hasn't moved in over 6 weeks, but I've lost almost 7 inches. I have also lost about 3% body fat in the last 6 weeks. One thing that might help is a body fat caliper...I got one from Amazon.com for about $4 and it's super easy to use!

I am in the same boat. The scale has not moved much in about 6.5 months. I've lost only 7 lbs. since January BUT have dropped 14.5 inches.

My goal has been to lose roughly 20 more lbs. Though I am not fixated on a certain number, I identified what I thought be a healthy, realistic range based upon what I weighed when I was at my fittest and by the amount of fat I have on my body. However, based upon the comments on this thread, I am thinking we may need to let go of the scale number for awhile and consider the inches lost to be a measure of good progress. I've been wanting BOTH the scale and the measurements to drop, but I think I just need to be more patient.

Good luck & congrats on your weight loss so far!

~Cathy http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif

"Man who runs behind car gets exhausted. Man who runs in front of car gets tired." -Source unknown
Chiquita-I've been in one of those Plateaus to where you don't lose anything,VERY frustrating! WW broke a five month plateau,Thank you:)you guys cheered me up!

Rhonda-I don't go to meeting anymore,I just do WW by myself! Since starting WW My daily pts have dropped 3pts.I have also though about mixing things up abit with the core program! Thank you

Amy-I'll go to amazon and check out one of those Body fat caliper's. I thought about getting a HRM,so I can keep up with my cals lost during those intese cathe workouts! Congrats on your 7inches lost!:)

Cathy-Congrats on your 14.5 measurments lost...thats great!:)I also need to be more patient!

Thanks for the encouragement! Im putting the scale away and just weight once a month!

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