I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadline......


I would trade places with Charlotte in a heartbeat if I could! We're having the polar opposite problem.

I eat extremely clean, cleaner than ever for the past 2-3 weeks, work out at least 5 times a week (cardio+weights in some combination for at least an hour) longer and more intensely for the past 2 weeks. And *nothing* happens.

Diet: I average 1300-1400 calories a day combining good protein, complex carbs, and healthy fat at each meal ~30P/50P/20 macro ratios. I log portions etc., using fitday, so I know it's not a portion control thing.

I know, 1300 is not a lot, but I tried upping them to 1800 for about a month by adding more protein and complex carbs - but I started gaining. I've even tried zig-zagging calories and that's not working. If I eat more than 1300, I gain. If I eat less, I think I'll start to lose again - but lower than that with all the Cathe workouts just seems ridiculous.

I'm 5'9 and want to lose about 25 lbs, but HAVE to lose at least 5-10 before I go on vacation with my BF in 1.5 months.

So, I'm considering this gameplan in the interest of time: 1200 calories (avg. Weight Watchers amt.), replacing some complex carbs with more protein, and cutting back on weight training and increasing cardio. (Esp. HIIT)

Anyone else have any ideas on what I can do over the next 1.5 months to guarantee weight loss? When I get back, I'll return to a sensible diet. For now, I want to look as good as I can on vacation - haven't seen my BF in 6 months!! My body image issues drive him nuts. He knows I'm trying my hardest with little result, and he's supportive, so it's more about me. I'd feel a lot better if I felt at least a little thinner before I have to prance around in a bathing suit for 2 weeks!

It's so frustrating to be giving this weightloss thing my best - and have nothing to show for it. Desperate measures are required! I'm willing to try anything at this point. With the exception of crazy fad diets and diet pills. Although I might even do cabbage soup at this point!

(BTW - I was recently tested for hypothyroid, and the results came back normal. I'm still suspicious though - I have almost every single symptom, especially inability to lose weight!)


I personally feel that you do not need to reduce you calories any further. I'm also concerned with your willingness to to try anything!!

I think that you have gotten you metabolism a little confused and that's why you cannot lose weight. When you increase your calories, you need to do so gradually otherwise your body will store the extra calories as fat.

While you do indicate your height, you didn't really provide much information to go on. When you say you gained weight, did your clothes fit differently, or did the scale tell the story?

Taking drastic measures will only make the problem worse...when you come back from vacation you will probably gain weight by just looking at food because you will have practically starved yourself. It's really not worth it.

Tell us more about your workouts...what are you doing specifically? Perhaps you need to do something differently in that area.

I'm sure I am not making you feel better. But please be careful and don't do anything drastic...

Joni! i hear you!!! losing weight is a b!tch! getting your calories and %ages and portions all perfect is confusing and hard. it makes it seem like a waste of time when you see no results. hang in there and like Marietta said, take caution. my dh doesn't get my weight loss journey either. i can't believe i let myself get so fat and lazy and now i am paying for it BIG time! i hope you find something that works for you girl! let me know about it if you do!!!;-)

You're not going to like what I have to say but I must....

I think your metabolism is shut down. This happens from prolonged calorie deficits. Your body knows your on a diet so it holds onto everything you eat. A further calorie reduction will only fuel an already nasty situation. You can gain weight with only 1200 calories so don't think you are on the road to weight loss with that plan.

I think the reason you gained weight when zig zagging was because your metabolism is shut off. You need to continue the process until your metabolism knows that you are going to feed your body. It doesn't happen over night and it takes some time. Much better than starving your body!

See, I told you that you'd hate my opinion!:p
RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin...

Hi Marietta,

I guess I should say I'm willing to do anything within reason. I would never try diet pills, or even thermogenic supplements, or liquid diets etc.

When I increased my calories to 1800, I did it by adding 100-200 calories a day for a week so I did do it gradually, but to be honest I often found that even though I *thought* I'd added calories, my average over the month I increased still came out to about 1500. I still gained 5 lbs. though (from 188-193) I'm relatively muscular so I don't *look* what I weigh, but I definitely have plenty of fat to get rid of. I'd like to get down to about 165.

My clothes fit the same - I have gained some muscle because of increased upper body work, but overall - I don't think I'm losing fat. My workouts look something like this:

Sat: 45 minutes step aerobics (steady state)+ 45 minutes chest/shoulders
Sun: 45 minutes step aerobics (intervals)+ 45 minutes biceps/triceps
Mon: 45 minutes step aerobics (intervals)
Tues: 30 minutes step aerobics (steady state)+ 30 minutes lower body lifting + abs
Weds: rest
Thurs: 45 minutes step aerobics (intervals)
Fri: 45 minutes step (steady state)

What confuses me is that even eating an avg of 1300 calories a day, I rarely feel "starving" -- I eat 5-6 small meals of between 200-300 calories. Typically:

7am Meal 1: oatmeal + 2 boiled egg whites or cereal + milk
10am Meal 2: Yogurt and apple
12pm Meal 3: Veggies + chicken or tofu with olive oil and vinegar
3pm Meal 4: 1 oz. low fat cheese, 1 tbsp peanut butter, or 22 almonds
5pm Meal 5: Whey protein shake with 1 c. fruit (berries)
8pm Meal 6: Lean protein + veggies

Thanks for your concern - I won't do anything drastic. Except maybe getting up early to do cardio in the morning before breakfast for it's supposed fat burning benefit. ;-)
Well....I don't hate your opinion Sarah...sigh.... in fact you're probably right. I'd like it a LOT better if I could increase my calories with cookies and candy! I found it really tough to add more healthy food. I guess because I eat so many veggies, I stay relatively satsified.

I think you're probably right though. I've been researching this problem for months, and after being tested for hypothyroid and insulin resistance, the only possible thing is a sluggish metabolism.

I even went to the doctor and was told to "pig out" more often.

Ok, maybe what I'll do is compromise by trying to stick to 1500 calories and adding longer and/or more frequent cardio sessions.

If I could get my butt up in the a.m. that would help!

My body image
>issues drive him nuts. He knows I'm trying my hardest with
>little result, and he's supportive, so it's more about me. I'd
>feel a lot better if I felt at least a little thinner before I
>have to prance around in a bathing suit for 2 weeks!

If your body issues drive him nuts, then I am assuming that he loves you the way you are and that should make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world! I do know how you feel, though.

Marietta asked some great questions. How do you feel? How do you your clothes feel? Please do not go by scale. It is puny and meaningless in the world of fitness!

I personally even feel like 1800 calories are too little. I eat about 2500 a day and have gone down several pants sizes and lost over 35 pounds after my third baby. I have lost it slowly, though. The quicker you lose weight, the faster/easier it comes back on. If you don't eat enough, your body will store what you do eat as fat reserves and that gives you the opposite affect of what you want.

For your meals, eat a mix of complex carbs, fat and protein. If you are hungry, EAT!!!!!! Never starve yourself (read above). Eat some snacks between meals to keep your metabolism up. I usually eat nuts or a yogurt.

For your workouts, make at least one of the cardio days is a "light" day. My body tends to reward me when I do that! :) It also isn't good for your heart to do high intensity a lot.

Lastly, I want to add that you seem like such a lovely person! Please don't do anything drastic. I know that you want to be thinner, but please be healthy! You can't have a good time with your BF if you are not feeling good!


ETA DO NOT ADD MORE WORKOUT SESSIONS especially if you aren't going to consume more than 1500 calories! You are going to end up hurting yourelf either by overtraining or by straining your heart!
Hi Joni,

I want to clear up a misconception you have about the amount of calories allowed when using Weight Watchers. A 1200 calorie a day diet is unhealthy and WW is not an unhealthy program. If you don't use their core plan then you are given a daily points allowance along with a method for calculating the points for a given food. The calculation is based on calories, fat and fiber. The number of points you are allowed is based on what your current weight is. The minimum number of points is 20. Using Milton's Whole Grain Bread as an example, one slice is 90 calories, .5 grams of fat and 5 grams of fiber. The WW points value for one slice is 1. If I used my 20 points by eating 20 slices (just for the sake of explanation!) then
I'd be eating 1800 calories.

I don't know many women who haven't got some sort of body image issues and I'm no exception. So I feel for you. As you know the women who post here know lots and have the physique to show for their hard work and knowledge. I'd definately heed their warnings and try to put into practice some of their advice!

Good luck to you:D
Thanks Missy -

He adores me, yes. BUT! Because we were friends first for a long time, I know he really prefers slender women, and that's what bugs me. At 5'9", I wear between a 12-14, which isn't necessarily "fat", but I'd be a lot happier a lot leaner :)

I had my BMR tested in 2003 with a BodyGem machine (indirect calorimetry), and it measured 1700. Maybe I should at least try to eat that. But I swear, I never feel like I'm starving outside of mealtimes, I guess because I eat so frequently, except when I'm PMS and want to eat something really bad. When I increased my calories, I felt stuffed all the time. Although I have to say I definitely had more energy...
Hey Joni!

I think adding early moring cardio is okay and I agree that it's not drastic and definitely worth trying.

How about also switching that cardio up a bit? Why not do something other than step sometimes and how about some circuit training?

In addition to getting your metabolism in check, I think your workouts need a little more variety....your body has probably become very accustomed to your current routine.

Keep us posted!!

Hi Elaine -

Ah - I've been misinformed. Someone told me that the points are roughly 50 calories each, and when I calculated my points it came to 24 - which is where I got the 1200. Makes more sense if calories/fat/fiber are factored in.

I know what you mean about the women here! I'm listening! All I have to do is look at Ima/Sarah's pics and say "I'll do what she's doing!" :)

Ok - to HE double toothpics with the short-term vacation plan. My BF knows how hard I'm trying, and as long as I know I'm doing my best and doing it sensibly, I suppose I'll find a way to get over the body image and focus on FUN!

Thanks to everyone - but feel free to keep the tips coming. I'm feeling inspired.
I just took a look at your workouts and it looks like you need to change up your cardio!!

Try replacing a step aerobic day with running/jogging for thirty minutes at a steady state one day, and also add circuit training at least one day a wekk - that blasts calories like crazy!

I have a hard time figuring out where to put circuits in my rotations and knowing what the benefits are exactly, but I know when I do BootCamp, HSTA!!!, and CIRCUIT MAX!!! I sweat like crazy and my heart rate stays up there the whole time!!

I would also add a kickbox during the week instead of one of your other step (KPC/Cardio Kicks/KM)! Your eating looks great and I wouldn't change that a bit - looks really clean to me!

Running and Kickboxing has always helped me get through plateaus - the Imax's are about the only step dvds I frequently use bc Interval training gets that metabolism recharged and burns more calories after a workout :) Hope this helps!
RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin...

Hi Joni,

I agree with the previous poster.... interval training is the way to go. I teach 2 step classes a week and one muscle shaping class a week, and if this is all I do for a month, my body just stops giving me any results(not to mention I start to gain weight). You need to shock your body and start doing different workouts. I just bought Kick Punch and Crunch and Boot Camp and boy, I can tell a difference just in 2 weeks of doing them once per week. I also started doing IMAX2 and instead of doing steady state step classes when I teach, I started adding in intervals. My classes are telling me that they have noticed a difference in their bodies in the past few weeks, and I have too!

Try doing something just a little different to kick your metabolism back into gear.

Also - Power Hour has made me shrink in inches even when I have not lost any pounds on the scale. Keep doing those shaping workouts! AND THROW OUT THE SCALE!!!!

Have a fabulous time on your vacation!!! You will look wonderful whatever weight you are at when you get there!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin...

I also think you need to shake up your cardio a bit. Try mixing in some kickboxing or some hi/low. Also, I'm one of those that believes you should work each body part more than just once a week. On one of your shorter cardio days, perhaps try fitting in a full body weight workout (Muscle Max, Muscle Endurance, Power Hour, etc) or replace one cardio workout with a circuit (Circuit Max, Boot Camp, the Terminators, etc).

Good Luck,
RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin...

Joni, you are not eating enough and you are making your body hold on for dear life to that which you don't want. I am 5' 7" and I eat 1800 calories on average per day and I weigh 117. If you are working out and building your body, you need to give it the correct amount of calories to lose weight. I know it sounds crazy but it takes a calorie surplus to put down muscle (which enhances your overall abilty to burn calories) and once you have that, you can decrease your intake slightly and slowly but surely drop extra pounds. Eat more and you will lose more. Don't listen to that silly voice in our head. Once youruse exercise and clean eating to pare down and(particularly strength training) get strong and healthy, you cannot cut back on calories and must not fear food. You are tall! Enjoy that and honor it by eating more calories and continuing to workout and you will drop, slowly, yes, but that's the best way.
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin...


I'm going to step in here and say something I believe you need to hear. Sarah looks fantastic, I agree, but you are not Sarah. Everyone is different and has to find their own body's niche. Please don't compare yourself to others...it will only cause frustration.

You could try shorter, more intense cardio sessions using HIIT. If you have a treadmill, you may want to try that.
RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin...

Wow - thanks to everyone for the sensible advice in this thread. I actually have heeded all of it - started eating more (all clean! and lots of protein) and have upped the cardio. I feel really good - a lot less tired - so something is working. And, I realize the long-term goal is more important than stressing out over looking good on vacation.

Thanks again!! You guys are awesome.

RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin...

Candi is wise. I am a small person, although tall-ish, ;) but I put down most of my fat stores in the belly, a classic apple. Can I wrap the idea that a 117 pound apple is not at risk and cannot be a fat person? Hmmm? I work hard to say you are perfect for you, Bobbi, and, if you can't do that, that idea of perfect, if your perfect is different too, accept! It takes doing. I have grown so weary of fretting over that. My body needs it's fat and that's where it goes, not to my bosom or my bottom which could use them and badly! ;) Can I complain when somoene says you have no @$$? Of course! I put it in my tummy, which refuses to meet the standards of the media, and doesn't look at all like Cathe's. Never will, unless I do lipo and a tummy tuck. Seriously. I have a fat gut. I am a teeny tiny person and store my fat right there. It's not too much fat, it's a distribution "thing". I won't say "problem". :) I can never be a Super Model or a Movie Star. I would not want to! My husband says I am "gorgeous"! What does he see I can't? I'm not impressed with my head but he IS, and that is what matters. The owner of the yoga studio I go to had scoliosis and he felt deformed. It was extreme and yoga transformed him. There is no pose he can't do and he is amazing. I am always afraid to say I can't do shoulder stand comfortably. I see my ginormoss ribcage as a deformity, especially since I have no breasts and no butt to speak of. But some women envy that smallness. I will look at slight women who's behinds look downright huge compared to mine. I often have the smallest butt. Does anyone envy that? All I can see is my ribcage, my gut fat, which is is not all that huge but I feel it as huge. I have done anorexia, proudly getting to 98 pounds and it made no difference in how I felt. It was only by honoring my body, respecting it's strength although it will never conform to my idea of perfect. I am not a Victoria's Secret Model and never will be. They are the exception to the rule. And from a biological point, they are not perfect. We need fat. We need it to bear children, unless we decide that's not what we want to do. We need it to get proper nourishment. Some vitamins are carried with fat and won't get into the system unless there is fat there. Look at your body and acept and love it. You are strong and you are fit. No scale, no mirror will tell you what the means for you. You have to do it and if you are doing Cathe and hanging with these amazing fitness chicks, I think you need to worry less about losing weight and learn to love the strength you have acquired, the endurance. You CAN lose weight, but, do me a favor, only lose what you need too. One of the most amazing women I have ever known has recently succumbed to an eating disorder and she is so active and fit otherwise, I just know it's going to be trouble. Love your body! Don't expect it to look like the images we are bombarded with, day in, day out. It takes work. Are you sure you even need to be thinner?
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: I just can't LOSE weight! And now I have a deadlin...

Bobbi - you're the best. I envy your butt ;-) This baby got back!

My BF and I recently talked about how screwed up it is that women are bombarded with this pressure to be "perfect" while we are simultaneously pressured by marketing of food, food, food and more food. It's no wonder we're all so obsessed!!

I've come to terms with the fact that I will never have a "perfect" body. I just want to finish what I started 3 years ago when I lost a LOT of weight. Went from a size 22 to a 12, which was actually my goal. But, at a size 12 I still have a lot of excess body fat not to mention very saggy skin because of the weight loss. So when I got to that point I decided to keep going because by that time I'd discovered Cathe and realized that, physically, I was capable of a LOT more than I thought. That was about 1.5 years ago, and I thought for sure that the challenge of Cathe workouts combined with a cleaner diet would get me to my new goal of a size 10 quickly. It's just one more size! Unfortunately though, I've only been sporadically serious about it until the past 6 months.

These last 20-30 pounds are really stubborn, but I know I can do it and so my plan is to just keep chiseling away and keep challenging myself through my workouts and challenging myself to consistently eat clean.

The most important thing is feeling good in your own skin no matter WHAT you look like. I think as long as we can get to a place where we're happy with what we have and "wear it well" - then we've won the battle of the bulge. And that's my goal - to only lose what I need to and then just focus on ongoing health and fitness.

I too have suffered an ED and it's NOT easy to kick. Nor is it worth it because of the constant self-hatred it causes (or that causes it?). I hope your friend can overcome her ED. It feels so much better to be in control of your life and healthy.


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