I just scheduled an appointment with an RKC, DH and I are going together because he has really taken an interest in kbs lately. He gave me the link ickbgirls.com (I think you guys have posted videos from here before). I am not really sure what I think about him because he gave a weird vibe: he hasn't even seen me yet and I have him very little information yet he mentioned me competing in stuff
and kept tooting his horn, mentioning the people that he's helped get RKC. I didn't even express an interest in RKC, just that I needed help with my form, especially snatches. He honestly seemed really arrogant, but I am still excited to be able to get in with someone. Maybe he is just nervous on the phone, too - help me stay positive! He is the only instructor in our area code.
Deanie, of
course you got a better workout with the 16kg snatches!
The pullups were so much easier to build up to the point of not ever having to take a break the second time through with a heavier bell.
I do feel pretty good about those burpees! Don't you feel awesome that you were aiming for 20 minutes and you killed someone aiming for 10?
Jane, better is better, could you imagine how much better you would have done without an icky quad? Good job! I am amazed at the 76 year old man - I want to be like him too! What an inspiration. At the mini, every year there is a blind man who runs with people taking turns leading him by a rope. He doesn't get why it's a big deal - and I am thinking about the cracks, the potholes, the trash that I can see... The most inspirational people I have ever met think that they are nobodies and blush when they receive praise. What is more honorable than humility?
I think I like your sister. Someone who is willing to come out in the rain to watch someone run by is pretty alright.
Gayle, I think that both Deanie and I did an extra week of the minimum, and I am very glad I did.
Did the new range pass the test? I can only imagine how excited you are!!! I am excited for your - and I gotta know: did DH have a good time demo'ing the old stuff?
I finished the workout, 5x3 with 8 minutes of snatching. Everything was great except for the end of the snatches... stupid LHS.
I had a run-in with cookies this weekend. It was very ugly, and I am shaking because I want to bake some more badly even though I ate until I had heartburn and wanted to throw up last night. Do any of you guys have this reaction to this stuff? I don't know if I have a chemical problem or what.
Have an awesome day! I will try to be back later.