I Have Stopped Having Cramps


I can't believe it. First...that I've been sugar free for a couple of months (If you knew what a lifelong sugar addict I was, you would not believe me). And second...because of my new clean eating lifestyle, I have completely stopped having monthly cramps. Before...they were so debilitating that I would have to stay home from work for a day...and miserable the next day.

Has anyone else had this experience?
Goodness lady! I'm jealous! teehee. I wonder if there's a connection with not eating surgar and not having cramps!! Wow. I've never experienced something like this, I am like you though, (you not anymore though, hehe;)) I LOOOOVE sugar. I don't eat so much anymore, cause like you I've cleaned up my diet.

Hmm...you're just a lucky gal maybe?! Still jealous over here...hehe!!!:D:p;)
wow!! good for you!

nothing has ever totally taken my cramps away, but they did get better after i had my 1st baby. they also are better with regular exercise. in fact, if i have them and do a workout they disappear.

i must say tho....my last period was january 2008 - gotta love pregnancy and nursing!:D
How did you go about weening yourself off sugar? I've been having problems with fibroids and I heard sugar and caffeine can attribute to them. The funny thing is I've never had cramps or anything like that when I was younger.
I can vouch for that. When I started doing low carb years ago, I was amazed at the additional benefits like having no cramps, no swollen-painful breasts and a severe reduction to zero pimples as my period neared.

The less sugar, refined carbs, caffeine, the better. The less processed foods the better. I even stay away from processed low-carb foods.
nspire...you have NO idea how hard it was to get off sugar and caffeine. I worship chocolate and Diet Cokes and could consume them all day everyday. I was the worst addict. I did it in three stages: First I did the Diet Cokes, and had a headache for two weeks straight. Then, I got off the refined sugar, and I am genuinely telling you that I mourned the loss of sugar like I would mourn a family member. We've been thick as theives for 35 years. And then I got off 90% of the artificial sweeteners. So now I have the occasional Muscle Milk but most of my sweetness comes from fruit.

I did this in two week increments and I am honestly telling you that after 35 years of craving it, obsessing about it all day every day, I have no more cravings. It's like the more you eat, the more you crave and vice versa.

I also downloaded a wonderful e-book from a website called www.FirstOurselves.com, written by a woman who had the same lifelong battle as I. It's free...you might love it.

And I've been blogging about this in detail...if you're interested, my blog address is http://ejis60x6.squarespace.com. If you want a buddy while you're detoxing, I'm so here for you!

All the best, friend!


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