I have missed something here,


I was reading another thread and it said something about not getting the quantity discount anymore, or something like that. I went into video prices but I didn't see anything saying that the discounts were going to stop. Have I missed the bus on this subject? Please, if anybody can tell me what's going on

Go to FIND at the top of the page and click on it. It will take you to a page to search for threads. Type "discounts" into keyword. Search "all" forums, search "all" fields and put in "last 3 months". This will take you to a thread posted by udderlymyra and SNM's response(2nd. post down). Hope this helps!

Found it!

Thanks Debbie! That's kind of a bummer, huh? I really hope it's not too drastic. I love their deals the way they are now!

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