I have CTX and PS on VHS so what should I have next?


I'm new to the forum. I have been excercised on and off. About a month ago I set the goal that I will in shape before my wedding(in 3 month). Even after that I want to continue excercise. I want to feel good about myself.
I have been doing CTX cardio portion and one of PS about 6 days a week. I think I see some result. Right now I need some help about the picking some DVD. Well I can buy only 1 or 2 DVD at this time.
I also have MIS and MIC but I can't finish the MIC. I'm not that level yet. I want to lose some inches on my legs. Only one condition I can't do the complex step excercise.
Anyone can help, I would be really appreciate.

Welcome to the forum. I suggest the Pyramids DVD and the Legs & Glutes/KPC DVD. The pyramid workouts will work on your strength and endurance, and surely tighten those legs. Legs & Glutes is a great complement to PLB, and KPC will give you good cardio conditioning and whittle those legs as well. KPC is also easy to follow and you don't need a step. Hope this helps.

I agree with Legs&Glutes dvd and then either the Pyramids dvd or the Supersets/Pushpull. Both are great, just different types of workouts.

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