I hate work! What should I do?


My blood pressure is raised about as high as it can go.Here is the low down:
I am a hairstylist.I get paid by commission.I don't get paid by the hour and if I didn't do anything for 2 weeks then I would get paid minimum wage.So, if I go to work for a full day and don't do noth'in I don't get paid.
My boss as been a BITCH from the day I knew her and she is only getting worse.I have more professionalism in my baby toe then what she has in her whole body.No one is happy there anymore.It's go to work ,do your work and then get the hell out.But for some reason I am the type of person who wouldn't say boo to a fly and always think of others before myself.I work EVERY weekend and I don't have two days off in a row.
Today my co-worker told me that my boss said: while she was cleaning on Monday I just sat and watched}( Meanwhile, Lori cleaned the chairs, the units, the waxing room and folded the towels.Then I was busy with customers from 10:30 till lunch time.There is absolutly NO appreciation for the things you do do and if you were hanging from the ceiling cleaning the walls she wouldn't say thanks.Whoever isn't there,that who gets talked about.
I am so fed up.She also thinks I shouldn't get pregnat until the SHOP is paid for.Like my life is going to be put on hold till she gets her bills starigtened.Then she is always complaining about money but LOVES to play video lotto.
Anyway ladies.....my life is misery but all is about to change.Wish me luck b/c hopefully I will find a new job. I am going to start looking.
Take it from me, life it too short to be miserable at a job. I hate my job too. To add to that, my boyfriend is being laid off the end of March and he has been looking for at least 6 months for a new one. There just aren't any jobs in management for him right now. Luckily, we have $$ saved up for about 6 months to pay the mortgage. I had an interview yesterday, but the guy is in no hurry to hire someone so I keep looking for the right fit. Good luck in the job search!

Take your clients and go to another shop. Why put up with someone like that? You've got skills that are always in demand so think positive. You'll find a new job in no time flat.
Really life is TOOO short to stay there. Funny I'm out of work right now and actually am savoring the extra time with my kids, working out, relaxing, reading, good to realize what is really important.

If it doesnt sound like it will change that get out - yes it is scary I wont deny that but you have to do what is right for you and something will appear. Certainly DONT put off having kids for until the shop is paid for... kids are the biggest gift really - mine our teenagers so I really mean it.

Best to you - and keep us posted... GOodl luck on your search

Working out helps a lot .... The key is staying positive (yes this takes effort and dont let anything keep you from getting to where you want to be).
Lori, I feel for you (because I am going through exactly what you are). I am a teacher who decided to change jobs because the drive was too long. So, I got a new job last year in what I thought would be a good place to work. Boy was I wrong. I thought those mean bosses I heard about weren't really real....until now!!!! She is the wicked witch of the east (she's a principal). She's been there so long, that nothing will be done to get rid of her. Almost everyone in the building is on some type of depression or anti-anxiety medicine (I work out). Many people have had nervous break downs. I am scared, obviously depressed and frustrated (like you are). I want to leave this job, but I would have to pay back the tuition they paid me for my grad classes (and I'm almost done). so, they have their hooks in me. Maybe you should save as much as you can (for a few months) and apply other places in the meantime (or work from your home). If you have a plan in mind, it won't get to you that much. Keep us posted!!!
Hey Lori,
You're going on vacation soon anyway, so give her notice. I know you like to be nice and avoid confrontation, so just tell her something like your DH wants you to stay home, say you have babysitting problems for your litte one, anything to get her off your back. Life is too short to deal with that crap. She will only continue to take advantage, and you sound like you really don't feel like putting too much more energy into dealing with her any further. You will feel so liberated after you give notice, I promise.
Life is too short to deal with that! Go find another job! I am sure there are other salons that would love to have you! Just ignore her! Blow her off! She is not worth your time getting upset! Focus on what matters in life.... God, family and our health! The rest is easy if you take car of those 3 things in my book!

Also, GET pregnant! Don't let her stop you from that!

Cyber hugs to you:+ Cheer up! Go have a protein bar or something! ha ha :+
Thanks guys...I am feeling a little better today.I did dream that I quit or something though.Although this isn't nice to say but I am glad that I am not the only one who is miserable there anymore.One of my co-workers is at her wits end as well.Then our boss will call us on weekends to "chat" what do we want to talk to her for? I think she thinks that she is our best friend or something.She couldn't be further from the truth.I don't even answer the phone anymore.
She started making us work one lunch hour every week.Which wouldn't be a big deal but I then have to send my child to a baby sitters for lunch and the other girl got to get someone to take her two boys for lunch.Meanwhile, the other one don't have any kids and my boss as a 18 yr old who she leaves unattended every weekend.But for some reason she as to be home to get his lunch !!
My husband and I talked about it and the thoughts of opening my own "spa" sounded like a good investment.I would work by myself.I would fall in under some sort of grant to.Where the govt will give you a loan to start off and will pay your salary for the first year.The only thing is that I have to get unemployed to qualify.So,then we talked about having a baby first.We will probably wait until we got back from our vacation to do that.But then what about if it takes me 3 yrs to get pregant? I can't stay there for another 3 yrs.
Oh my,could be alot worse I guess.But I will let you ladies know how it all works out.In the meantime I will work and keep my mouth shut:+
Like someone said above work on making a plan.. and DONT let a not so bad day lull you into thinking you don't need to change.

Change is TOUGH but you deserve more... put your plan together and work on itat least a little EVERY day! Good luck

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