My blood pressure is raised about as high as it can go.Here is the low down:
I am a hairstylist.I get paid by commission.I don't get paid by the hour and if I didn't do anything for 2 weeks then I would get paid minimum wage.So, if I go to work for a full day and don't do noth'in I don't get paid.
My boss as been a BITCH from the day I knew her and she is only getting worse.I have more professionalism in my baby toe then what she has in her whole body.No one is happy there anymore.It's go to work ,do your work and then get the hell out.But for some reason I am the type of person who wouldn't say boo to a fly and always think of others before myself.I work EVERY weekend and I don't have two days off in a row.
Today my co-worker told me that my boss said: while she was cleaning on Monday I just sat and watched}( Meanwhile, Lori cleaned the chairs, the units, the waxing room and folded the towels.Then I was busy with customers from 10:30 till lunch time.There is absolutly NO appreciation for the things you do do and if you were hanging from the ceiling cleaning the walls she wouldn't say thanks.Whoever isn't there,that who gets talked about.
I am so fed up.She also thinks I shouldn't get pregnat until the SHOP is paid for.Like my life is going to be put on hold till she gets her bills starigtened.Then she is always complaining about money but LOVES to play video lotto.
Anyway life is misery but all is about to change.Wish me luck b/c hopefully I will find a new job. I am going to start looking.
I am a hairstylist.I get paid by commission.I don't get paid by the hour and if I didn't do anything for 2 weeks then I would get paid minimum wage.So, if I go to work for a full day and don't do noth'in I don't get paid.
My boss as been a BITCH from the day I knew her and she is only getting worse.I have more professionalism in my baby toe then what she has in her whole body.No one is happy there anymore.It's go to work ,do your work and then get the hell out.But for some reason I am the type of person who wouldn't say boo to a fly and always think of others before myself.I work EVERY weekend and I don't have two days off in a row.
Today my co-worker told me that my boss said: while she was cleaning on Monday I just sat and watched}( Meanwhile, Lori cleaned the chairs, the units, the waxing room and folded the towels.Then I was busy with customers from 10:30 till lunch time.There is absolutly NO appreciation for the things you do do and if you were hanging from the ceiling cleaning the walls she wouldn't say thanks.Whoever isn't there,that who gets talked about.
I am so fed up.She also thinks I shouldn't get pregnat until the SHOP is paid for.Like my life is going to be put on hold till she gets her bills starigtened.Then she is always complaining about money but LOVES to play video lotto.
Anyway life is misery but all is about to change.Wish me luck b/c hopefully I will find a new job. I am going to start looking.