I Hate Cardio - May 31


Wow, I actually woke up earlier than my alarm that I set to wake me up earlier.

Oooh, everyone's back! Yippee!

Dana - I had a horrible crossing-legs-contorting body sitting thing and even though I quit doing that two years ago (after having back trouble), I sometimes still catch myself doing it from time to time. I currently sit on a stability ball so I won't contort!......Hey, I'm eating Carbs = 194 grams Protein = 117 grams Fat = 35 grams at 1550 calories - does that mean that your calculation doesn't include the fiber (your carbs are much lower)? That fiber/carb thing always confuses me!

Michele - Oh no! Did you get the flu? Are you feeling better? Feel better! (This isn't some kind of ploy to get out of cardio, is it? Just kiddin') Sparkspeople's emails weren't so awful. Most of them were like "daily reminders" to keep on track or this and that. It's good if you like that sort of thing.

Janjan - Your weekend! Funny. I can see how making two dinners would be a bit on the URGH. I'm sure your DH will start to enjoy eating healthier once he tastes the bodily benefits! I'm really excited that you like the pancake so much and that you tweaked it some to more your likings! ....It must be fun to put your DD into her teeny bathing suit!

Diane - Sounds like you had a great weekend, and all that running, too! Good for you! I have no idea what flylady is. Thanks for taking time to write that summary. Wow, clean the sink every night. That's a habit I would like to get into. I mean, all my dishes are in the dish drying thingy, but the actual sink could definitely use a scrub. I really like the "swish and wipe" idea. I'm pretty good at having things put away, but I've been really lazy about scrubbing these days. Can I ask a silly question? Can you tell me what all-purpose spray to look for? If there's a popular one, they might have it here in Japan. I'd love to get into the habit of wiping down the kitchen, dining table and bathroom at least once a day. You know, in fact, I think I'm going to appoint a laundry and vacuuming day, too. Yeah! This is great! I'm inspired to clean my place up - it's actually something I was sort of mulling to myself over last night, of all things!

You know, I actually bought a calendar notebook yesterday so I could write in my daily/weekly/monthly goals. I've got my workouts, menus, work-related, body fat, and pushup goals written in...and now I think I'll put in the cleaning goals, too. This is great! I think I'll also de-clutter this weekend. Woo hoo! I'm on a roll thanks to you guys!

Okay, I'm off.

P.S. Thanks for the encouragement albeit the confusing weight numbers. To date, since starting BFFM three weeks ago, I've lost a total of 1.9 pounds of fat WOOO :7 :7 :7 ! and 1.9 pounds of muscle BOOO ;( ;( ;( !
I can't believe this is up already, I mean I understand that is it tomorrow already for August but wow, when ya actually see it!!!!
Uh, I am not reporting, just commenting. Happen to be online tonight (or tomorrow for those in Japan) and was thrown. Whew. Goodness. Okay, tomorrow or rather the next day for some of us!
I'm back in the land of the living. I don't know what hit me yesterday but it got me good. I was out of commission all day and even went to bed early last night. I slept like a log! It must've been some 24 hour thing.

Well, I'm officially way behind on my rotation now. I think I'll just follow what my rotation normally calls for on a Wednesay (LIS), but I might repeat this week over again because I missed my weekend workouts, too. I hope I have enough energy to get through it today. I'm meeting my best friend for lunch so I better get going. I don't feel very hungry so I hope I don't waste my opportunity for a great lunch at a french bistro.

You guys are making me dizzy with all your organizational skills--lol! I've thought about keeping a journal/planner/calendar of some sort for these things but it never happens. I'm not a planner. I do like having a rotation to follow for work outs though, and wonder WTH I'm going to do when I'm finished with the Official Beginners Rotation. I've looked at Cathe's other rotations and they all look to advanced for me. I may post a question in the Ask Cathe forum but I would feel bad if Cathe planned a rotation just for me.

MJ, what does "UFFTA" mean? I have some friends in Minnesota. I've never been there but would love to see it. I understand that it's a beautiful place. I hope you have a nice time at your brother's wedding (convenient excuse to get out of cardio).

Kate, you just crack me up.

Diane, Dana, JanJan, Char Char, I hope you all have a great day and a great work out.

I need to get my work out done now and get ready for my lunch date. I'll check back later.
Michele, you're alive!!!! Can you believe that August is in bed recharging for her next cardio workout?
So, I am up and as soon as I get back from taking my older daughter to school, it is good times with Slow and Heavy Legs and some fun filled kickboxing cardio-Whoopee, yeah, can't wait. Furniture, get out of the way, cuz the cardio queen will be making her way around the room. Oh, I hate all those cardio kickboxing drills. We need to come up with an invention that makes cardio go by quicker, but brings the time back to us while we are watching tv. Oooooh, the couch potato life, why does it elude us so?
So, you all have some fun working out, it is on to Costco later today. Yee-haw.
Hi Everyone -

No workout yesterday, and I can hopefully get one in today. I will be working really late the next few days so probably won't get one in unless I wake up in the morning (which I didn't today) but I brought my gym bag just in case I get out of work before 8 pm.

August - My favorite all purpose cleaner is a Mr. Clean product - I forget the exact name, but it is orange scented, anti-bacterial, and can be used on all surfaces, including glass! So I can literally use it for everything. I couldn't find it at the store last time, so right now I am using a 409 all purpose multi-surface cleaner, which is purple-colored and also can be used on glass. But since it is not anti-bacterial, I also use Lysol Kitchen Cleaner on my kitchen counters after cooking with meat. I really love having my house clean - my housekeeper came this morning for the first time after I started the flylady system (she only comes every two weeks) and I could see her looking around trying to figure out something to do. Since there was no general pick up or cleaning to do, she started doing more detailed cleaning, like scrubbing my kitchen cabinets and drawers and cleaning the baseboards. I could tell she was surprised when she walked in, since my house is usually a total mess.

Michele - Glad you are feeling better. Don't worry about getting off track a little. Just start from where you are and look forward. I think I saw that someone asked Cathe a while back for an intermediate rotation after the beginners rotations, but I am not sure if she answered. I think that Cardio & Weights and Push Pull/Supersets are some of her more high intermediate/lower advanced level dvds. The Classics step dvd is also less advanced than her more current ones I think. With weight dvds, you can always just use much lower weights like I do and work your way up.

Kate - have you seen the previews for the movie Click with Adam Sandler? Looks totally dumb, but it is all about a remote control that fast forwards through the parts of life you want to miss, like cardio :)
Hey ladies. Just quickly popping in to say hi. I am in a foul mood today. I get to work today with all intentions of doing my filing today b/c in the weeks to come I'll be bombarded with about 300 IEPs to log and file. Well, I get here and have to do tons of copying (b/c some parent is taking us to court so I have to copy this kid's 3 files for 2 attorneys) and then just was told I have to make 42 binders for MONDAY. And one of my co-workers just found out she needs to make HUNDREDS of booklets for Friday morning so we are going to be fighting over the copier.

August: Sparkspeople didn't give me a break down of the fibers in the foods. So I don't know. I thought that the calorie count is a bit high to lose weight on??? I'll see when I weigh myself this weekend. TTOM is due on the weekend so I don't know if I will even lose anything thise week.

Diane: you little clean freak you! :) I wish some of that would rub off on me!

Michele: Glad you are feeling better!

Everyone else, have a great day! No workout for me. My back is feeling better. I only walked 1 mile at lunch b/c it is so stinking hot out. Tonight is soccer and it is an away game so we'll be leaving early and coming home late!

Here are my meals if anyone cares!

1: oatmeal w/blueberries, splenda, cinnamon; 2pc turkey sausage
2: ff cottage cheese; apple
3: 3 oz shrimp; 1 c brown rice; 1 c green beans
4: ff cottage cheese; ff yogurt
5: steak; baked potato; spinach
6: shake

Later gators!

I'm up early for no other reason than hunger, and you guys aren't to bed yet probably. It's 8:30am over here and looks like a sunny, lovely day!

Kate - I've been reading your pushup accomplishments - awesome! I'm plugging away with my pushup drills. It makes sense to get your body used to being in a plank position rather than to practice on the kness...that must be one reason why I suck at planks. I'm thinking to not do the pushups on my knees anymore and just do as many pushups as I can. Pushups immediately make my face hot and red. It doesn't feel good. But I look kinda cool when I look at myself in the mirror afterwards. ;-)

Michele - So glad to hear you're out of your funk! It's true and funny what Kate said about in the old days when you'd get the flu you could at least rejoice thinking that it would be a sure-fire weight-loss plan! Anyway, I hope you were able to enjoy your bistro.

Diane - Thank you very much for the cleaning solution recommendations. I've written down the names and I'll be going to the import store this week, so I'm going to take a look. It was kind of nostalgic to read about Mr. Clean, lol! After I write this post, in fact, I'm going to clean my sink (with my old cleanser).

Dana - Oh gawd, the copier can really piss me off sometimes. How's the load going? If Sparks didn't give you the breakdown of fiber, I'm guessing they aren't counting it in your carbs. I know what you mean about calorie intake seeming high. It's still sometimes hard to get that old way of thinking about dieting out of your head, eh? I love reading your menus! It gives me good ideas!

Speaking of, Kate - are you going to post your meals in your new thread?

All right. Off to clean my sink now. Last night when I got home and walked in the front door, I swore I could smell it, LOL. In Japan the plumbing situation is different, so no waste can go down the sink (no disposal system) - it piles up into a strainer that you have to periodically take out and clean. If you don't clean it ALL the time, it gets REALLY gross, as you can just imagine. Major pain in the butt.

I've got Powerstrike kickboxing today.

Have a nice sleep!
August--I rarely eat a meal. I kind of just eat whenever I am hungry. If I sit and eat a lunch, then I will eat the lunch along with whatever else I am going to eat. Love to eat so do my best to avoid it. You are up already huh? I think when I am up, you are asleep unless you are a big party chick.
Minnesota definition of "UFFTA"=Oh Boy, watch out! That's about it!

You gals are doing SO well this week, I ALMOST feel like a slouch! This is just a wierd week, and have decided to make it a total flop (about one week every few months) so I can recharge my batteries...

Let me ask you all a question (totally off topic)...Last fall I came off of a stellar year in real estate...Prior to that I'd been in retail management my entire working career (other than the 5 years in real estate)...Anyway, I thought I'd like the idea of a "steady" paycheck again, and the idea of promoting, recruiting...You know, the craziness of retail again...WELL, 6 months into a job I LIKE (don't LOVE), I've realized that I miss setting my own hours (I write the schedule, but around the needs of the business), miss bringing my daughter to work with me, miss negotiating deals on the treadmill (I know, it's cardio) and miss the income (my income dropped by 1/2, but is now guaranteed)...Did I just answer my own question? I got a job offer as a sales manager with a large real estate office about a 1/2 hour from home...I'll be required to be in the office about 20 hours a week...Salary + commission (whatever I sell)...It was actually the loan officer that I used for almost all of my business that negotiated this without me even knowing (1/2 of his business last year came from me)...A pat on the back, I know, BUT...Do I just keep one or 2 deals a months as I have since going back to the "real world"? Or jump back in? I've got vacation time to burn (was hired with 3 weeks)...Do I use it and work 20 hours a week and PTO the rest for a month or so to ease back into it??? HELP! I don't think I've ever been this confused in my life!!!

Thanks for listening, ladies!

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