I Hate Cardio - May 27


Gooooooooooooooooooood morning, Pushup Freaks! :7

WOW, what a thread day yesterday was! I'm beat from catching up this morning!

I see, I see. Fried like chicken steak. So, do you have sticky rice with that?

I've finished both my KPC and my pancake. Ahhhhhhhhh. :9

Michele - Mmmm, dark chocolate. Big yes on the dark chocolate. You know, for a minute this morning, I almost gave some thought to the pushup challenge, but before that thought came to fruition, the realization that I have chest DOMS from MIS come upon me. It's been a while since I had some good chest DOMS so this makes me happy! By the way, I'm 36. If I do the pushup challenge, would I really have to double that? I thought you had to double it only if you're still like ten years old or something. Plus, my birthday is in August. I've already got a goal of losing 6% body fat by then. You mean that I should do that AND do 72 toe pushups all by August?!

Dana - Yeah, I keep strange hours, so a usual sleep time for me can be around 2-3am. Wacky days can be 4am. Or 5am if I've read that Michele isn't sleeping. ;-)

Oh, no, you ,too Janjan? In for the challenge? You're ALL in for the challenge? I can't believe it!!

Okay, jeez, if you guys are all in for the pushup challenge, then count me IN! }(

So let me see here. Do you do this challenge for yourself every day or do you need to do it every other day like you would weight lifting? Oh wait, I'm looking at the link now. Three times a week. You just clunk it on to the end of your regular workout?

Janjan - Hahaha! I had to laugh thinking about doing pushups with my LEGS elevated :p ! Holy mother, now that would really be a major no go! And I totally laughed at your "Hate Cardio Pushup Freak" comment.

Juststarting - Hey there! Welcome! How funny that you would join in here for hating cardio by talking about the pushup challenge. And even funnier that you want to buy extra risers for your step in order to do the pushup challenge. Man, you must really want to do your pushups! It's nice to have you!

Melodygirl - Hi there and thanks for that pushup link. Now I'm totally inspired to be able to do pushups. If not for anything else, it would be a great party trick.

Kate - C'mon! We're ALLLLL doing it. It's got to be a group effort! Give yourself in to the peer pressure like I did! Damage those wrists for good, lol!

Umm, I don't know if I can start this challenge until the DOMS in my chest are a little better, you guys. ;( Maybe Monday? So what's it gonna be? Post here about it and taunt Kate, or post in the other thread all the while remaining faithful and loyal to our hometown of Cardiohatesville?
My goodness, where is everyone today? I guess we ran out of things to talk about after yesterdays gab fest. That was great!

Autumn, I'm so glad you decided to join us in the push up challenge. I think we'll be able to sway Kate to join us and hopefully MJ, too. I think it would be fun to post our progress in both Cardiohateville and the push up challenge thread. By the way, you're really young. You ought to be able to build up to 72 push ups by August but I'm not sure I can get to 102 by next May;(. I think a careful review of the rules is in order--lol! Enjoy your chest DOMS and grab a dark chocolate bar. Three fingers = 1 serving.

Girls, I probably won't be on the boards much this weekend. My DH is off through Monday and when he's home I don't post much. I have to take advantage of our time together because we get precious little of it.

Oh yeah, I'm starting the push up challenge on Monday--or Tuesday since it's a holiday weekend.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you back here on Tuesday for sure.
I can't even do one push-up, that is how much of a wimp I am. I will give it a try......there..zero. Wimp wimp wimp
Instead I am doing Imax 2 and AbJam with one of Cathe's stretches. I have to take the kids to a birthday party today. Birthday parties never end. Whew!
So, Michele is not going to be around this weekend very much. Remember you can tighten those glutes with the sitting squeeze. Really, who does those? I see those in the older gal books, you know the ones that have some lame diet every month. Instead of saying the stuff is fattening, they get some useless diet. Food is the cause. I know this because I love that rotten fit-killer food. Save me. Why can't I be like I was when I was in my 30's and didn't each much at all. I have to change back. I have to change back. I have to change back. uhhh....sorry. Getting a little carried away.
Here's to push-ups! NOT!
Thank you Michele, and the same to you!
I did my workout. My knee is much better. It is shrinking fast. Now, I know what you all are thinking: "Wonderful". Yes, well, it is, but since it has that breast implant looking thing in it, it is now beginning to look like I had an implant removed. What does that mean? Arrrrggghhhh, extra sagging skin on the knee----ohhh how attractive. Maybe I should make myself feel better with some white flour pancakes. See!!!! I am going to sabotage all that working out with bad food. Maybe I need a "good eating" challenge. Maybe I need to chain myself to a chair. Maybe maybe maybe.

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