I Hate Cardio - May 13


Gooooooooooood morning!

So it's in the middle of the night. It's still the 13th, right? I'm leaving for my business trip so I'll have to post now.

Michele - Hey, I didn't read anything in your post about dusting off any certain books...but it sounds like you've got a good plan set up nevertheless so I'll ignore. You know, at the hours I log onto Cathe, I could probably start this thread like every day. I kept thinking I should start the May 12 one and kept logging on to see if anyone had, and it was actually kind of funny to see how long it was taking us all to start it! I kept seeing new threads being posted and jokingly thinking, "Oh no! Our I Hate Cardio is getting behind the others!" LOL. As for why on earth I would have BM - it's because I wanted to try Power Hour - the workout I ended up hating!! (I mean, er, loving.) Well, I can't say that since I've only done it twice...I haven't tried out the MIS yet, but me thinks there is step in that one, too. Fear.

Dana - Just when you all are hyping about cardio, cardio, cardio, I switch my rotation to a cardio/endurance one, and now everyone is going to hype about weights!.........Oh! Hey, you found a profit!! That's great news! Now come on CCIS, work your butt!

Diane - 30 minutes of running?! Holy smokes, good for you! We hope you have a good weekend with Lucy. Know that we are thinking of you and sending warm vibes.

Kate - Enjoy your day off? 6 days of cardio in row. That is huge. (That sounds sarcastic, but it's not!) Sweaty hair clinging and slapping your face - LOL!! I've always been the kind of person who in the most humid, sticky days of weather, could do anything vigorous and never break a sweat, so this newfound sweat is new to me. You'd think it was some alien substance trickling down by my reaction to it - "oh my g*d! What the, what the h*ll IS that?!" (Insert : August rushes to mirror for validation and self-satisfaction.)

Jana - I know, I know...I was going to try out the KM blasts in a different order before the kickboxing part...or at least do just a couple of them...but after having convinced myself that because I could do KPC in a breeze (light on the breeze) that maybe I had worked my way up to the blasts, and then finding out that they were still torturous, well,..No more whining! I'm doing BFFM, dammit! Think positive! All right. Next time I do KM I'm going to do 2 blasts. Decided. It's a goal. Can't be stopped. I will do them! (Oh geez, when do I have KM again in my rotation here...) As for your MIL, have you asked her why she doesn't take the medicine? (I wonder what kind of medicine a doctor might prescibe for panic attacks?) I personally don't like to take even aspirin - is your MIL like that? When my mom started having arthritis in her leg she started taking a particular medicine and her personality really changed - it was downright weird (and scary, quite frankly). Thank goodness she stopped taking the medicine and got back to her self (and weirdly, her leg is much better, too). I'm not hacking the meds the doctor gave your MIL, but medicine for panic attacks might not be the answer (they also might be the answer, so again, feel free to cyberslap me). If her panic attacks increased after you moved farther away from her, and I can imagine this is the last thing you'd feel like doing but, how about reaching out to her - inviting her out once a week for lunch or dinner or a talk in the park, or giving her a call every few days and reassuring her that you're not too far away? That might give her the confidence she needs to be more on her own and lessen those awful attacks (which would be great for all involved, no doubt). Okay, Dr. August is finished now.

All right, ladies, now, I know you all have been eagerly, maybe even desperately waiting to hear what I had for my cheat meal. Okay, maybe you haven't, but I'll tell you anyway. For the first half of the day I couldn't figure out what I wanted to spend my cheat money on,...when it appeared in front of my face! (a.k.a. my friend was eating it.) What better way to be gluttonous than to eat glutinous sticky rice! HA!............................all right, so it was sort of a sucky cheat meal. Well, not so sucky, I mean, I do like sticky rice (I ate it with an Asian sweet red bean paste - oooh, I know all your mouths are a-watering like crazy to hear that - NOT). Immediately when I finished the dessert I thought to myself, "My next cheat meal is a warmed up chewy, sticky, oozing cinnamon bun."

Where's the Volcano Cake when you need it?
Good morning, haters!

Ah, August, you started the thread this morning. I was very happy to see that because I didn't get up until 9:30:eek: . Holy crap, what time did you post? Excuse me if I've asked this before (I'm an old fart now and I have trouble remembering things), but what line of work are you in and where are your travels taking you? Will you be gone long?

You had rice for your cheat meal...RICE!? That's incredible! For heaven's sake, August, am I going to have to take you out and show you how to have a cheat meal? How about a burger and fries with a big piece of chocolate cake, or a banana split sundae, or an ooey gooey cinnamon roll. Geez, I really think you need a do over on that cheat meal--lol!

I have upper and lower body tubing exercises and abs on my rotation today. DH is going to make my lucious volcano cake today and he's taking me out to dinner. We're taking my inlaws to dinner tomorrow for Mother's Day.

Dana, Jana, Kate, and Char Char, I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Mother's Day weekend (and you too, August, if you have kids). I'm declaring this a NO CARDIO WEEKEND in your honor.

Diane, I hope you have a nice time hosting the shower and that all is well for Lucy over the weekend.

Take care, my friends, and I probably won't post again until Monday.

Rice? That's it? Rice? Can't it be fried rice at least? Rice?
A cheat meal means lots and lots of greasy yummy cheese. Rice?

August, where do you live? Perhaps there is no humidity there. There isn't much humidity here, but on cloudy days the sweating is really nasty.
I am going to try to do Slow and Heavy legs today with PowerMax. I have interstitial cystitis which means that I rarely get a good night's sleep (I wake up every hour at least in pain from my bladder because urine in the bladder causes burning pain) and it has been really bad for the last week so if I don't get around to the cardio I am going to forgive myself. Oh, heck, see, this is the problem with the body--even though you have a good excuse, the fat and muscle just doesn't care, it will punish you if you don't do what is required. IT AIN"T FAIR, I tell ya.
Well, what the heck, I am going to give it my best because cardio is a wonderful thing and I should appreciate it (barf, barf, barf ha ha ha ).
So, pull out that step folks and have some cardio fun!!!
I am back a couple hours later. I made it. I did it. I did it!!!

Do you haters ever want to give it all up and just move into Dariy Queen? ahhhhhh..................
but we can't...........oh well.
Good for you, Kate! I'm really impressed that you would only take 1 day off out of 6. I guess you hate cardio but love to torture yourself, or something like that.

I can't say that I've ever had a desire to move into the Dairy Queen, but the barbecue joint down the street has always appealed to me.

I still can't get past the idea that August had rice for her cheat meal:eek: . Isn't that what they suggest you feed to a sick dog? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is.:7


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