I Hate Cardio, May 12

Miss Lee

Gee, where is everybody? August, you had me spoiled for awhile there by starting this thread--lol!

Here's the deal. I've been horrible this week and I'm way behind on my rotation, SOOOOOO, I'm going to repeat this week NEXT week. I never did cardio this week. I just didn't have it in me. Today's rotation calls for a brisk 40 min. walk but it's raining outside so I'll probably do a Leslie Sansone something or other. In my defense, I've been doing more cardio than my rotation called for all along and I think I was just burned out. I was also pretty tired from my lack of sleep. I think I'm finally caught up on that. I've gained about 1 1/2 #'s but I expected that from all the dinners out last week. Today I plan on some big grocery shopping and veggie prepping. All of my veggie containers are empty so I need to shop up some more peppers, celery, radishes, etc.

I need to run here. I've got bills to pay :-( ;(

I'll check back later.

Morning Michele and all you other haters!

I've been slacking BIG time lately. Last night I did one of my favorite Cathe workouts. GS back/shoulders/biceps. I love that one. Back and shoulders are my 2 fave parts to work. I haven't lifted in weeks and I was surprised that I can still lift as heavy as I normally do. Doing that workout gave me a major wake up call. I'm with you Michele, I was too focused on trying to get in the cardio and I was neglecting my weight training (which I LOVE). So tonight I"m going to do GS chest/triceps. It is sunny out right now so it it still is at 11:30, I'll walk at lunch. I got in one week of the lower body rotation, then things got so busy for me and I didn't get back into it. So I"m not sure if I"m going to start that one over or not. I think that I probably will try to on Monday seeing that I need to do something about my lower body!

How is everyone else doing?

Anything going on for the weekend? My DH is planning to go to the races on Sat/Sun. It is only 20 minutes from where we live but he is planning on taking our camper. There is no way that I am spending the night in the camper when I can come home to a real bed and a real shower. I don't even think that I am going to go (don't want to!). Was planning to go over on Sunday but last night my mom called to invite me over for Mother's Day dinner - nothing fancy, just pork and sauerkraut, which I don't particularly care for but oh well! My Granny is coming for dinner too. Gabe is upset b/c I told him that we would go over to the races. Maybe I'll take him over tomorrow night so that at least he gets there. It is so boring. DH hangs out with all his racing buddies and I watch the kids. Actually Gannon hasn't been there yet. BORING!!!

As for my childcare situation, DH went to the accountant last night, got the quarterly prepared that shows a profit. I faxed the paper first thing this morning to CCIS and then I called to make sure they got it. (even though I know that it went through b/c I got a confirmation). Well the girl that needs to review it is off today. Go figure. She BETTER get in touch with me on Monday or I"ll be calling her.

Have a great weekend ladies!
I am taking the day off from working out. Instead I am going to eat candy,pie and cake (in a perfect world). I did six days in a row and that is enough for me. One is supposed to take a day off, right? Oh, dear, here goes the guilt
Good luck on that child care. I hope it works out. It is too much having to work and rearing children. I did it for a few years and I almost drove myself insane. It is much harder to do both than just stay home with the kids. I feel for you.
Have a good day. hmmmm, maybe I should go back to bed!
Hi Dana,

Group hug and let's renew our commitment. Actually, I think if you really don't want to do something, you shouldn't. Sometimes you just have to break up a monotonous routine. Cardio is hard enough for me on a good day--lol! Body Fusion is difficult for me and it's not fun to do something when you don't realize any progress. I think if I start it again Monday with a renewed spirit I might have better luck with it.

I don't blame you for not wanting to spend Mother's Day weekend in a trailer at the races. I'm fortunate in that my DH isn't into sports AT ALL!. He's just a big ole nerd--lol! I do part company with you on the pork and kraut, though. I love it!

I don't know what DH and I are doing on Saturday. He promised to make me a volcano cake since he wasn't here on my birthday. He makes it for me every year and I'm ready for it:9 :p ! We'll probably spend at least part of the day Sunday with his mom.

Hey, good luck on the childcare situation. I'll lift it in prayer for sure.

Kate you certainly deserve a day off if you've done cardio 6 days in a row. SHEESH!!!

I was on maternity leave for 5 months and I loved staying home. My house was spotless (I even scrubbed the walls), I made the beds everyday, all the laundry was done and put away and I was getting in some great workouts.

Now . . . we search through the clean baskets of laundry for clothes, if you want a clean dish look in the dishwasher, and you better keep your shoes on if you don't want your socks to get dirty. HA!!!!
Hi Kate,

By all means, take the day off...and NO guilt allowed. For a group of gals that hate cardio we sure have been doing a lot of it. I'd hate for people to get the wrong idea, so just stop it now! I'd be so depressed if you had to change the name of our check-in to "I love cardio":p

Hi Everyone -

Well, last night I ran for 30 min straight! That was a big accomplishment for me, especially since I hadn't run in almost a week. I'm not sure what the plan is for workouts today, I should do some kind of weight lifting once I get home from work. But I am hosting a baby shower at my house tomorrow and I have a TON of cleaning up to do. I also have to sanitize everything just to make sure that I don't get anyone else's cat sick. The vet said it was very very unlikely that would happen, one in a million chance, but I could sanitize everything just to be sure if I wanted to. I would never want anyone to have to go through what we are going through now.

Lucy is becoming very skinny (not eating barely anything at all) but her stomach is swelling even bigger with fluid. We are thinking we will have to put her down earlier, on Monday, because we don't want her to be in any pain.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you and your DH. I'll keep you both and Lucy in my prayers.

Congratulations on your run and way to go, girl!!! That's great! It sounds like your preparation for the baby shower will be enough of a work out for today. I've been impressed at how well I do sometimes after a brief time off from exercise. I think it's good to have a break. Sometimes you just need to rest your body.

I saw where you went to Stanford. I had a good friend, a fellow nurse, who moved to Palo Alto in the 80's. She got a job on the Psych ward at Stanford. I visited her in '83 and fell in love with the area. What a beautiful place! I nearly flipped out when I saw her teeny tiny but very expensive apartment. Wow! There's something to be said for the good old midwest, but then it must be nice to live in such a beautiful place with ideal weather.

Take care, Diane, and I hope you have a good weekend, all things considered.

>Hi Kate,
I'd be so depressed if you had to change the name of
>our check-in to "I love cardio":p

"I love cardio" are you crazy???????????????????????????????????????
Hello girls..yes I know I am late and even really late to some of you guys in the eastern time zone. It's only 4 here in central land. Today has been very busy for me. Trying to get the last room cleaned out and junk in the trash we don't need. Hard to do with a pack rat so I have been doing all of this while he has been at work! Took DD to Target and got a bumbo baby sitter chair and some stuff for the house. Starting to come together I just need to paint one room and it will be better. So, let's go down the list:

Michele~ a.k.a. benedict...haha just kidding! That was for the I like cardio remark...hehe....how is DH? Did you get your BF in today? Hey, don't sweat this week, I think we all (except for Kate) fell off the wagon. I know I did with my eating. Got to snap out of that. I always liked what Gabby Reece says "it's just a day or two, not your whole life. Start a new day and let go of yesterday". Keeps me motivated on days when I feel like a big ol fattie. Does that help any? It was your birthday week so it is ok to be a slacker.

Kate~ BBL stands for be back later..sorry I always put that with intent to check back in, but the day slips away from me. 6 days, wow you go superwoman! That is fab. I hope you had a great day off today!

Diane~ Big hugs for you and Lucy. I do hope you guys can have a good weekend with her and give her lots of love. If you do have to put her down on Monday just know we are all thinking about your family. I am just so sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope the baby shower goes good.

Dana~ well it sounds like things might be moving in the right direction with the day care situation. I do hope it can get worked out. Just fight, don't let them win! How is your challenge going? I know with all this stress it may not be making things difficult, but I do hope everything works out. Are you and Gabe going to do some more bike riding this weekend?

Char Char~ I miss Toasty!

Who did I forget? Sorry if I forgot you.

Ok I am out ladies. Have a fab weekend!


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