I Hate Cardio - June 9


Hi there!

Sorry to be so late.

Oh. I just checked the clock and see that it's now the 9th over there, too. I guess I'll start a new thread.

Yesterday I went to the other import store to see if I could find Mr. Clean or 409. Nope. Huhhhh. Must be hiding somewhere with the barley. But I did get a bunch of other cleaning thingies - like wipe things that you can use for daily stuff and just throw away.

Yesterday I had some kickboxing planned...but I was so inspired that I decided to try out Bodymax's step workout again! Woo hoo! I'm determined! I like that they have a place to take your pulse - except edit out the friggen music with a beat, for cryin out loud! I have to concentrate so hard on my heart beat while trying to ignore the beat of the drums that I get all mixed up! But my pulse was way higher than the "training" area. Does that mean I'm pushing myself too hard?

Today I'm set to do Kickmax and a Coremax. And I guess that means some blasts, too! Woo!

Michele - Good to hear that you got some good sleep. It's funny. Whenever I read that you can't sleep, I end up having little sleep that night, too. Last night I got home late but then I wanted to put all my new cleaning stuff away and clean up before sleeping, and I also wanted to tweak my menus, so I ended up staying awake until a little before 4am. So please, I beg you, for my sake, get some sleep. That's awful about your back. I hope the pain goes away soon.

Dana - How worrisome for you it must be about your DH's lack of interest to be healthy, especially if he's at a point where a doctor is telling him he needs to watch out. Do you think he just doesn't really believe it could be dangerous? It would be horrible for him to have to finally figure it out lying in the hospital bed after a heart attack...Anyway...it sounds like you are doing well on your BFL. That's great! I hope you get some good readings on your new weigh-in day. Since I've been going up and down with my readings, I've decided to switch my nutrient balance a bit. It's been sort of a pain in the ass to rebalance all my menus!

Diane - That's great news! Congratulations for paying off one of your student loans! Woo woo!

All right. I'm off to do my kickboxing now.

I was wondering where you were today...I guess you were hiding like me all day. It is still only the 8th here, so I guess I should not be posting just quite yet.

I went and got some barh lee (heheee) today and there was the awesome chicken barley chili rec on the box and oh boy I am going to have to try this one. I also made a dijon herb rub for the chicken tonight. Turned out well pleased to say. I am going to break out the KM tomorrow morning and going to see how many blasts the knee will let me do. More than likely not too many, but what the hell I will give it a shot.

Dana, my DH is the prime example of how to eat bad 101. Uhhh..he is the worst. He thinks the staples of food consist of pizza, pepsi, pasta, mac and cheese, butter...etc. It drives me crazy. I don't eat that crap and hate when he eats it infront of me. I finally told him the other day he was getting fat and needed to go on a diet. Well...he got a little mad, but agreed to eat better at least while at home. He is not fat and actually has some good muscle, amazing....just amazing. If I ate like him I would be shopping in the plus size section.

Ok I am off to finish Corporate Transactions and Business Valuation reading. 150 pages to read before Monday. Ask me why I am crazy....here is your answer.
I'm just popping in for a sec in the June 9th thread even though it's June 8th to tell you, August, that I'm going to sleep really well tonight. I'm going to bed now and I'm going to sleep like a baby all night long. I'm going to have sweet dreams about how I don't need cardio but can do complex choreography all day long if I want to, I just CHOOSE not to. It's just a dream though, and reality will slap me in the face first thing in the morning.

JanJan, your reading assignment sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. I've told my DH that he's fat but it makes no difference. My DH eats good nutritious food, he just likes to smother it in fatty sauces and butter. He likes to take a lean, healthy sandwich and dip each bite into a cream based salad dressing:eek: . Whad'ya gona do?

Like I said before, I probably won't be around until Monday or Tuesday. Don't worry, I'll probably get plenty of exercise while trying to entertain my nehpew;(.

Diane, in case you didn't see my post yesterday, congratulations on paying off your first student loan. That's quite an accomplishment.

Hey guys!

What a nice surprise to finish my workout and pancake to find you guys had visited! :)

Janjan - All my leftover pineapple no-rum chicken is gone. Chicken bah lee chili! Mmm! That sounds good! I need to cook up more chicken today come to think of it. In fact, I think it's "scheduled" for my lunch.

OH! Wait up wait up wait up wait up. You know what? I did my KM and decided to do blasts 1&2 for a challenge (instead of 2&3). When to my shock and horror, what I'd thought was blast #2 and 3, were actually the 2nd half of blast #1 :eek: ...I think. Does she announce the next blast every time? Could I be wrong? Are blasts that long? Are there several moves in one blast? I cannot even believe it. All this time I was only doing 2/3 of ONE blast?!

OH BLAST!!!!!!! x( x(

Corporate Transactions and Business Valuation? Wha? Oh my gosh, what, are you nuts?

Michele - Ohhhh good! I'm going to sleep like a rock tonight! Yippee! I hope you're having a nice, sweet dream. Heheh, no cardio dreams now. }(

All right, I guess I'll wash my dishes and get productive now.

See you!
Holy crapola ladies! It is only 7:15 am here on the 9th and there are 4 posts in this thread. Although JanJan & Michele jumped the gun and posted on the 8th in the 9th!

August - you go with your bad self!!! I have Body Max but only ever did the weight portion. I"ve watched the cardio portion but never tried it.

Diane - I didn't see your post yesterday but wanted to say that is great that you paid off a loan! One less thing to have to worry about.

Michele - have fun with your nephew. Hope your back is feeling better!

Speaking of sleep, I didn't sleep very well last night! Gannon was fussy so it was hard for me to sleep. I'm having coffee right now but I think I will need more (and then some more).

Weighed myself this morning and I've lost 2 more lbs. So that is a total of 6lbs in 3 weeks.

Yesterday I used the elliptical at the gym and let me tell ya, the ellipticals here at school are way better then the one that I have. I paid about $399 (on sale) for mine and these must have cost $1,000's. It is so smooth. Rather then doing HIIT, I did a 20-min interval workout. I chose the hill workout and I thought I was going to die. Starts off at resistance 4, goes to 8, then to 11! And your at 11 for about 2.5 minutes til it goes back down to 8, then to 4, then to 2. I was drenched!

Today is legs. I'll be using the leg press, leg extension and hamstring curl machine. There are no free weights over there so that will be about it. I did see a 10lb plate laying on the floor so if it is still there I was thinking about doing lunges using the plate. If not, I think I'll do walking lunges. I have the entire HS gym so I've got tons of room.

I just got here so I better get going. Lots to do today.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Yeah to Michele, Dana and August for the weight loss!!!! YEAH!!!

Yeah for Diane for paying off the student loan!!! YEAH!!!...can you pay off some of mine too!!!:p :p
Hey Michele-Try these and see what you think:
Kathy Smith's Peak Fat Burning
Kathy Smith Timesaver cardio fatburner (I have this one and its ok)
They are both floor no equipment needed. Collage will give you the preview.
I am just stopping by to say no cardio or anything for me today. Today is the end of the schoolyear party at the local aquatic center. Monday is the last day of school (boo-hoo)
Everyone have a great day and I expect everyone to be here tomorrow with their "I did two hours for cardio" posts!
Hi girls!

I'm cleaning my study...wouldn't you know this is where my computer is--lol. I'm supposed to be hard at work but I couldn't resist checking in for just a sec.

Janjan, thanks. I'm very proud of my progress. I looked at those DVD's. The thing is, I have about a dozen floor aerobics work outs and these don't have much more to offer. I feel like I would be going backwards. I've worked hard to come this far and I would like to gradually increase the difficulty and complexity. I don't mind if a work out is too hard for me to start with, as long as it's not so advanced that there's no hope for me to catch on. I also don't mind modifying wherever I need to. For instance, I use a 4" platform at all times. There's no need for me to use extra risers unless I'm doing resistance work like leg presses. Please know that I really appreciate your input and I do listen and consider your opinions. You've all been instrumental in my success with all your encouragement and good humor. I'd be lost with out you gals!

Dana, way to go!! I'm so proud of you! Why haven't you charted your progress on your weight checker thingy?

I need to get back to work. I'll see you next week unless I find another excuse to come back sooner:p
Ok last sugguestion....LowMax???

My new name should be "oops I did it again". Just when the knee starts to hurt a little less I go and decide to pull out bootcamp and yes ummmm plyo jacks not the thing to do when your knee hurts....oh well at least I will now really be ready for surgery.

Ok you guys have a good day and a good weekend. I must keep reading...it is driving me crazy all ready!
Hi Everyone -

I drank a little too much last night at the recruiting party and stayed up until 2 am (I got home around 12, but spilled milk all over our bed and had to do a massive clean up of the bed and floor at 1 am!!), so I am really feeling it today. Man, I just want to go back home, crawl under the (freshly washed) sheets, and go back to bed. No workout yesterday, and no workout today. I am getting my hair cut after work and then getting the house ready for company. Did I tell y'all that my sister-in-law (the one we helped move to Dallas last weekend) is staying at our house with two of her friends that we don't know? They are going to a wedding near Houston on Saturday, and are staying at our house tonight. They are going to a lingerie party tonight, so they won't even get to our house until midnight or later!! And will be probably have had too much to drink. So we will have two strangers staggering into our house around 1:30 am and sleeping in our guest room. At little weird. I am not exciting about cleaning up after strangers.

Dana - Congrats on the weight loss!!

I'm off in search of more coffee...will be back in a bit
Michele - I totally forgot about updating my weight loss ticker. Thanks!

Diane - today must be the day for coffee - I've drank more today then I normally do. May I ask what the heck you were doing with milk in your bed????? That's quite hospitable (sp??) of you to let 2 strangers spend the night in your house. Now I know where I can stay if I ever want to visit Texas, right?

Jan-Jan - what are we going to do with you??? No PLYO you hear?

Kate - end of the year party? Sounds like fun!

I just did my leg workout. Since I can only get in 20 min, I"m hoping to do an addition 25 min tonight. Who am I kidding? I doubt I'll have time to get it done.

Have a great weekend everyone!

I doubt that I will be checking in over the weekend so here are my weekend workout plans: tomorrow 20 min HIIT on the elliptical and #3 from CoreMax. Sunday is my rest day.
Dana - I came home from the party and needed something to eat, so I was eating a bowl of cereal in the bedroom while talking to DH who was in bed. I put the bowl down on the side table for one second, and then somehow a pillow knocked it from the table to the bed, and all over pillows, sheets, and even the bottom mattress cover thing, so we literally had to take apart the bed and take the top mattress off and clean the mattressed and pillows. It was nuts. We still ended up having to sleep in the guest bed because the mattress had to dry out.

It is weird having strangers stay over. I understand though because they are just out of college a few months and can't afford a hotel. But at the same time, I can't imagine inviting my friends to stay over at my sister's house, I would assume they would find their own place to stay. In a couple of years when they get more established and have a little more $$, I won't be quite as understanding letting her friends stay over. DH doesn't thing it is rude really, but then again he is not the one changing the sheets and cleaning the house to get ready for company.
DH doesn't thing it is rude really, but then again he
>is not the one changing the sheets and cleaning the house to
>get ready for company.

I know what you mean. Around Christmas time last year my DH decided at the last minute we were going to have HIS FRIENDS over for a little dinner party. Of course I was the one running around like an idiot cleaning, going to the grocery store, cooking the #$%@ meal and taking care of 2 kids. MEN!!!!!
I saw this chart today - another reason to get you motivated to do your flylady routines:

How to Burn Approximately 100 Calories

(Estimated for a 120 to 150-pound healthy person)

Activity Time in Minutes

clean/vacuum/mop floor 25-35
wash dishes/iron clothes 45-50
mow lawn (self-propelled mower) 25-30
mow lawn (manual mower) 12-15
garden (spade/roto-till) 10-20
rake leaves 20-25
wash/wax car 20-25
wash windows 20-30
paint (brush) 35-40
shovel snow 10-15
blow snow 15-20
stack firewood 15-20
walk (brisk) 15-25
tennis 20-25
golf (walk course) 20-25
cycle (5.5 mph rate) 20-30
cycle (9.4 mph rate) 15-20
aerobics (medium) 20-30
Hey, guys,

I'm up early. Michele and I had fairly good sleep last night. But I actually had a kind of weird dream that I ate bad salmon (I had salmon last night before going to bed and wondered if it was safe to eat it since it had been defrosted in my fridge for two days).

Come to think of it, I wonder if I had a stomachache and that made me have a bad dream. Hmm.

At least it tasted all right.

Dana - Who's Bad! (Michael Jackson-style, LOL) I never thought I'd be trying to learn to like Step. I still cannot imagine doing the Bodymax DVD in its whole. Good Lawd. Now there's a challenge that I don't need to take on at this moment in time. Jeez, 2 more pounds down?! That's fantastic! You are really sticking to your plan and making it work. We're so happy for you and inspired by you YEAH! LMAO about the elliptical challenge you put yourself through. I've never done the walking lunges. How are they? They seem like something you wouldn't want to do in a public area, is this right? LOL.

Janjan -Thanks for the cheers on the weight loss, but actually, I'm just fluctuating (although I do feel leaner). I've spent about oh....every friggen waking hour of the past couple days trying to figure out my plan of action with numbers this and that up the butt, and finally think I came up with a plan that will allow me to actually do other things in the day besides planning my daily meals LOL. Oh, I've got Bootcamp today, actually. I laughed out loud when I read your "at least I will now really be ready for surgery" quip. I'll think of you during pylos.

Kate - Sounds like you are all better? We hope so!! You need to get goin on continuing your pushups and you need all the healthy vibes you can get! I'm so just pulling by.

Michele - Too funny, cleaning the room with the computer! I'm determined to make myself like Step so that I can buy a bunch of DVDs and have something other than kickboxing for cardio. I know you all say nay, but I sure wish my apartment would hold a treadmill. I think I could get so into that! Anyway, hope you can find some challenging cardio that you like.

Diane - Milk accident on the bed?! AGGHHH! Flylady - Take me away! Yeah, and it's bad enough to have to clean up after yourself, but to have to clean up after two people you don't even know is sort of a bummer. I'll keep my fingers crossed that nobody comes home in a vomit-state-of-mind, and that they are good house guests. On a more positive note, how'd the haircut go?

All right then. I have another weekend away so I won't be here for a WHOLE day or so ;( .

Have fun and be back next week!
Oh man, I was either having a lactic acid parade or that salmon really has gone bad.



I think I'm going to throw away the leftover salmon.


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