I Hate Cardio - June 6


Of all the time for you all to be busy and away!

I really did my hardest to stick it through the first half of Bodymax! I did some of it off the step to try to figure things out, and then the moves I could figure out I would do on the step (except for the turning around and stuff....Michele - is that what you mean by pivots?)

To my surprise, I worked up quite a sweat (so did my brain ;) ) and maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe it was a little fun, too. Maybe. I'm not sure yet 'cause I was concentrating so hard LOL. All I know for sure is that sweat was trickling.

Unless today is a hot day. Hmm.

Well, I've got to make Janjan's chicken before the fresh stuff goes bad, so I'm going to try it out tomorrow I think. I looked for Mr. Clean but it was a no-go, so I'm going to swing by one more import store the day after. I asked the natural foods guy which one was barlye and he said, "ba....bar? Lee?" I'm actually thinking about switching up my macronutrients a bit and sticking to more starchy veggies and less starchy other stuff so I'm going to think about it some more since I seem to be making no progress figuring out which grain it is at the store!

Hope everyone feels better....and all the family stuff goes smoothly!
Good morning...or not--lol!

It's 1 AM and I can't sleep. I know you'll never believe me, but I just plain forgot to do my cardio today. I didn't really think about it until pretty late this evening and then I just couldn't get it done. My rotation calls for a rest day on Saturday so I'll make it up then, I swear.

August, yes, all those friggin turns!! I get so dizzy doing them. I keep hoping it will subside as I get used to it but that hasn't happened yet. A pivot is kind of like 2 half turns so that you end up facing in the same direction where you started (I really suck at explaining things...does this make sense to you?).

I'm LMAO at your barley story. It reminds me of the time I went to Gatlinburg TN with a girlfriend. We were 21 and looking for some action. We were out one afternoon riding horses with a trail guide and we asked him if there were any bars in town. He said something like, "Yeah, thar's bars round har but theer just as skeered a you as you are of dem"--lol! He thought we meant bears:7

I found this guide to barley on an internet cooking thesaurus. It seems Asians call barley by another name (who knew?). I use a medium pearl barley and this gives an Asian substitute.

I haven't made JanJan's chicken yet. We ate out all weekend and my darlin DH will be working late every night this week. I probably won't get to it now until next week.

Diane, I'm following your advice about cleaning that room. I am so overwhelmed by it and knowing that I only have to work for 15 minutes relieves some of the stress. You'll be proud of me...I've been doing my dishes and cleaning my kitchen sink everyday.

Kate, how are you? Are you better? How was the talent show?

JanJan, just try to keep your head above water. Wow, why don't you take the summer off from school? I'm worried you're going to burn yourself out. When is that surgery? It's coming up soon, isn't it?

Dana, I figured you were buried alive under a bunch of papers--lol! Don't feel bad, my work outs suffered some last week too. In fact, this week is supposed to be a do over and I just missed my cardio:eek:

MJ, are you back from the wedding? How'd it go?

Oh jeez, I've written a book--sorry! I hope I didn't miss anyone. I'm going to see if can sleep now.
BAHAHHAA! Bears! Bars are bears?! Baahaha!

Thanks for the barley link. You know, actually, I know the word "hato mugi." Except when I went to the store, there were like a bjillian things that said "hato mugi" on it, and all the things in the packages looked different. How can you tell the barley that is hulled barley = barley groats? Maybe I'll study the photos a bit more before I go next time.
Good morning everyone -

This morning I did about 30 min of Kickmax because I was running late, the first part is not very hard so didn't get much of a sweat going. I will do a coremax seg tonight. I didn't do my 300 lunges last night, oh well.

August - Barley story hilarious. I am trying to work on adding more vegetables too instead of other starches. Started buying sweet potatos and such for sides instead of processed foods.

Michele - Get some sleep! I have had problems getting to sleep lately too. My head is just buzzing at night, so many things I want to do. I AM proud of you for cleaning up your sink every night! And it is amazing what can be done in 15 min. I do 15 min a night of declutter or deep cleaning, and I finished deep cleaning my entire office in only 15 min last night (cleaning baseboards, sweeping up under furniture and in the corners, airing drapes, dusting and shining desk top, cleaning all the molding and the french doors). I also did most of my weekly home blessing yesterday because I was bored and DH didn't come home until late.

Where is everyone?
Hey haters!

Just got back from the high school gym. I did 20 min HIIT on the exercise bike. Yowza! The highest resistance I did was 8 - it was so hard but I kept telling myself it is ONLY 20 minutes. I tried to do a pull up. HAAAA!!!!! I think I can lift myself 1/4 of an inch. HAAAA!!!! I don't think that I will ever be able to do one. Maybe if I weighed 120 lbs but not at this weight, no way!!!!!

Kudos to you guys for doing your cleaning. My house looks clean b/c I keep it picked up but it needs major cleaning. I HATE to clean. The only time that I really, thoroughly clean is when I get so mad at my DH that I do it to keep my mind off of things. When I was home on maternity leave, I must admit my house was spotless. Not anymore.

Last night I wanted to do more of a leg workout but I was so darn tired once we got home from swimming lessons, I watched King of Queens and went to bed. Have any of you seen the episode that was on last night? The one when Kari was taking pole dancing classes? It was a repeat and so funny!

Jana I really want to try your chicken recipe. Sounds delicious. We don't have any Captain Morgan though. My DH likes Tattoo by Capt Morgan - wonder if that would work???

Well better get back to my piles of work.

Have a great day everyone! Wish I had more time to chat with you all. :(
exercise bike? Boy, you really love to punish yourself. Hmmm, this all this punitive action needs some looking into.......exercise bike........oooh, now that is tough!!!
Michele, you forgot your cario. I believe a person can forget almost anything when they don't get enough sleep. It sucks not to be getting a good night's sleep, kind of hurts your whole day (unless you are napping, of course)
Dana---under a pile of paperwork....can this be worse than cardio? Then, I salute you!
the talent show was wonderful. They opened all three shows with the Kindergroup and they got the loudest applause. It was great. the girls loved it. I hope this means my little darling will get into show business. She is funny and can impersonate her kinder friends (nicely, of couse, she can do their movement and voices)
They are shutting off the water tomorrow most of the days so I almsot killed myself today with Leaner Legs and 60 mins of Imax 2 followed by cardio in Cardio and Weights. And one push up. I am beat
Everyone have a good day. I need a long shower. Yuck.
Hello everyone,

Well....I think my poor little DD is finally sick for the first time. I am hoping it is nothing, but she just sounds bad. Real "nasley"...don't ask me how to pronounce that all you people realize by now spelling is not my thing....thank god I can crunch numbers or I would be up the creek with out the paddle!!! We have the Dr's apt at 2 today so I don't know what to say. I think the pool may be making her sick or something, we had to leave lessons early she was crying. uhhh......anyway...moving right along.....I am trying to figure out a time to get the cardio in today. Maybe after the Dr depending on the diagnosis. uhhh.....not happy about this......

Michele~ go do some cardio....no break for school, no way. It will take me until August of next year to finish without breaks and I really need the MBA after the titile to get more $$$...it can mean up to 30% higher salary and get up to a C level executive by the time I am in my late 30's if possible. It is my goal, but I also don't want to be a work a holic, I have a kiddo now so.....there we have it. These classes are interesting to me, just a little hard. It is easier to be at home in school then in work so I choose to get these hard ones out of the way first and then while I am back at work take the easier ones, but the boring ones. Know what I mean....???? I know I am nuts. Let me know how the chicken works out. You can also use canned pineapple if you don't have time to cut up the real stuff.

Dana~ any spiced rum will work. Ok, let me clarify, you put such a tiny amount in it you don't even taste it. Honest! The original rec calls for a lot more, but I don't really drink at all so I just put it in there for a little spice. I think if you skipped it all together you might not even notice. I am going to have to try it...who ever does first, let me know how it works out.
How are the boys? Is Gannon or Gabe in swim lessons? I think DD is just too little to really enjoy the water, I think I should have waited a little longer......I think my plan has back fired!!!

August~ how is the BFFM working? Did I tell you I am a pancake a holic! I think I need rehab! It is the best part of the morning! heheeeee...and it's sooo good. If you have a chicken jerk rec to share please do. I am looking for a good healthy one! I also made a really good chicken rub last night...if you want it let me know. I just came up with it after watching 2 cooking shows. I am creative! It does have olive oil, but just a bit.

Ok I have got to get in the shower and make my lunch now. Hi Kate, Diane and...MJ....I promise I did you forget you guys, I am just short on time again here!

Hope everyone is fab!

Have a good Tuesday guys!

currently a stay at home mommie, but when I work I work in finance. Analyst for oil and gas companies. Prior to that I worked in sales for a while and also my start was as an Investment coordinator for a large real estate broker. I will be a CPA soon...that is if I pass that darn test.....uhhh...don't get me started on that one!
And, also work as a part time aerobics/pilates trainer when I am not injured. Have an ACE and AFAA cert. Been a hobby for years and I love to meet people so it worked out well. Boring number cruncher by day crazy aerobics instructor by night! haha!!!

Did I totally over answer that question?
Diane - Oooh, sweet potatoes. Dang, I love sweet potatoes. In Japan, they have, of all things, a sweet potato truck (much like an ice cream truck) that comes around in the winter selling sweet potatoes that have been baked suuuuuuper slowly over hot rocks. They are so sweet and...I mean, they're not even like a potato. Something about the slow heat turns them into sweet potato pie filling. I bought a kzillion of them, cut them up and froze them. I just have to pray that they'll last me until next winter LOL!

Dana - That "it's only ...minutes" always works for me, too. That's such a great way to think of it and makes whatever evil easier to get through. Good for you on the HIIT! I cracked up about your house being clean when you're angry at your DH.

Michele - Haha, you forgot your cardio and I did cardio by mistake that one time. Funny how that happens.

Kate - You're already doing all that exercise after such a horrible bug? Of all times you have permission to ease up, take it, girl!

Janjan - Oh no, there's some awful bug going around in the States these days. I hope your DD feels better soon. Poor thing! I think I'll be the first to try out your chicken rum pineapple without the rum, without the chicken stock and with canned pineapple. I'm thrilled you like the pancake so much! I love it, too - as if you all didn't know LOL! I'm trying to save it to be my post-cardio meal so that it feels like a cardio reward LOL! As for my Jamaican Jerk recipe. You totally don't want it MORE LOL. I didn't have half the ingredients it called for...but it ended up tasting good, so I just use it now. I can't even call it a recipe. I put 2 tsp of Jamaican Jerk (Spice Island), 1 teaspoon of soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of yellow mustard in a Ziplock with about 230 grams of chicken breast for an hour or so, spray my frying pan and then I grill it up. And yes, chicken rub, please. (What in the world is a chicken "rub"?!) BFFM is going...up and down! I've decided to switch my ratios and change from 50/30/20 to 40/30/30 and see what happens. That being said, I definitely feel a difference in my body...so I really shouldn't be getting so caught up in the scale numbers...but I can't help it. I want to see a more steady decline in fat numbers, dammit! Oooh, you do aerobic and Pilates training?! I sure would love to take your class! That would be sooo fun!!

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