I Hate Cardio - June 23


Morning, guys.

I made the mistake of having raw onions in my salad today and now I can't get the taste out of my mouth. I don't have any more extra parsley (from the pineapple chicken oohhh!:p ), but the cookies and cream protein bar helped for about 5 minutes. x(

I did KPC today (no, no, no blasts!). Aren't these exercises supposed to gradually get easier and easier?! Somehow I felt totally spent after the warmup and it took all my power to get me through to the end.

Anyway, tomorrow is.......well, I'm scheduled for Gym Legs, but I have an appointment with Dr. Janjan before I do anything with my outtie knees. I'm so eager to hear what she has to say!! Hurry up and wake up!! :*

How you others doing? Any fun plans for the weekend?

Cleaning? :+
Dr janjan in da hizhouse...hehe...shanizzle my rizzle......ok so I watched a snoop dog video on VH1 this morning.....I just love him....

Moving right along. Ok, so good news, bad news....you might have patellofemoral pain syndrom or kneecap dislocation.


that is a link to webmd that will give you more info on it. Good news is is it very, very common in women. It is just something you are born with and well hey it happens. There are some isometric exercises you can do to help the inner leg muscle to help with the pain.

Now, if you have insurance by all means go to the Dr (orthoped sur) to get it checked out. They will most likely do a x-ray in the sunrise position and an MRI. Might give you some anti-inflamatory drugs and tell you to ice it for a while.

Now, for the bad news. Most women don't end up like me, needing surgery. As per my Dr I was one of the worst cases he has seen in a long while, but I was the queen of overuse. Learn from my mistakes!
Any time you put your knee is a 90' angle it is going to cause discomfort. Best thing to do is limit step to only 1x per week, omit lunges (if they really bother you), limit the amount of weights on squats and watch how far you go down. Do your exercises and ice when needed. By all means if possible go have it checked out just so you know and just make some adjustments.

I could still do a lot of GS legs up until about 2 weeks prior to the surgery, just no lunges. When I did my squats I did not go down all the way to the 90' and I only used about 25lbs and it was effective enough without causing pain.

I think that sums it up. Let me know if you have any more ???'s.

Just because my knee caps are outties I might have pfftotemmmmoroel pain syndrome?!

I can't buy barley. What do you think my chances are of finding a doctor who knows about P pain syndrome? :eek:

I took a look at the link. This sentence cracked me up. It's especially good out of context: "It can be relieved by avoiding activities that make symptoms worse, such as sitting"

Were your knee caps like totally looking left and right? You know, I've never looked at my knee caps this much before. I never noticed that they point slightly outwards. What do you know. One thing I've always thought though is that kicking behind me during kickboxing always makes me feel like a donkey with really bad aim. I totally can't kick straight backwards. Or is the body not made to kick straight backwards? :*

Anyway, maybe I'll stop doing lunges and squats for a while and see if the slight pain in my knees goes away. I was sort of hoping that it was just because my knees weren't used to so much action in their lives LOL.

I guess I'll need to do some searching around for those "Lunge alternatives" threads now. So you think semi-squats are useful or should I just try going without squats and lunges altogether, do you think? I'd hate to crap out my knees when I could have done something to prevent it...and I'm guessing if it's headed down that road, it's early enough to take a different path.

(I'm not crying about not doing squats and lunges though! Heheh. Except that I've got so many workouts with them in them. In fact, don't like all of Cathe's workouts with legs in them have them? Urgh. x( Do you know the Cathe workouts for legs that don't have them?)
I am sure there are orthapedic sur's out there!!I burnt my damm pancake on the bananna side....YUCK!!!

Yes, I think that statement is there to remind you to get off your a**

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All I can say is, if you are doing exercises and they are causing pain then stop doing those. I did not and look where I ended up. You just have to listen to your body and realize that hey it will break down from time to time.
Damm pancake, god it taste nasty. UUHhhhh...and I am out of eggs....urrrr....

I love this text my friend sent me "hey captin how is your new peg leg?" ROTFLMAO

You can always do the floow work in PLB and GS legs. They are fantastic workouts. I did them not problem even at my worst. Let me tell you it was really bad before the surgery. Almost could not bend to get up the stairs.

Do ice it and if you take advil (some people don't take it) then take a few to help the knee relax a bit. Avoid the squats for a few days and work on upperbody, abs, etc.
Wow, Jana very informative email. I had some knee problems from running a while back and went to the doctor who gave me some exercises to do and it went away and I haven't had problems since. So, August, like Jana said, it might be helpful to go to the doctor in case it is something easy to treat like mine was.

Okay, I am quite ashamed of myself, because I did something very bad today. I am playing hookie from work. I called in sick, but I am 100% fine. The reason I did it is because a lot of the partners are out of the office today for a "retreat" for recruiting out of town so most people won't even need me today, and I really need to get some work done undisturbed without people giving me new projects every few seconds and distrupting my work. So I am working from home later today, but right now I am cleaning the house and getting it ready for my parents to visit tomorrow. It took all of 5 min because of I have been on top of my flylady routines, I am just washing the sheets and towels. I am just doing some extra detailed cleaning this morning so that my house looks extra shiny. My mom was a little concerned when I told her I let my housekeeper go because she knows how busy I am with work and thinks I might regret it, but hopefully she will be impressed when she sees my house so clean. I haven't told her about flylady yet, but have told her I have cleaning routines and the basics of what I do. I might let her borrow my book, because although my mom kept a clean house twice the size of mine while working full-time, they definitely have clutter and a garage full of "stuff" that they don't know what to do with. She could benefit from some 27 fling boogies!

Anyway, today I have Legs & Glutes on the schedule. Now I understand when flylady says to get dressed to the shoes first thing in the morning. Since I haven't been following my normal routine today (which is working out first thing), it is almost 10 a.m. and I am still in my pjs. So I better get to it before the day slips away.
What is a fling boogie?? I am sure you have already told me this, but please allow my brain some room. I have been having a hard time with this class right now which is so brain overload and I am so lost so I think I can only process 1 thing at a time. Ummm..yeah with that said what the heck is a flying boogie (flying bugger)???
Hey Jana -

A 27 fling boogie is one of the flylady methods of clearing clutter. You literally run around a room and find 27 pieces of trash to "fling", or alternatively 27 things you want to give away to charity. Since you are running around and doing it really fast, you don't have time to sit there and think "Oh, wait, this was something my dear Aunt Sally gave me, I can't give this to charity..." You just pick up things you don't need and don't use, put them in a box, and put it in your car to so that you can take it to goodwill. And since you have to get to the number 27, it motivates you to find more things you don't need until you are done. It is just a fun, fast way of getting rid of things you don't need that helps you get over or ignore that mental dialouge telling you that you should keep it even though you don't use it.

It is fun, try it sometime.
Poor Aunt Sally!! :+

Hey, Diane, what kind of exercises did the doctor tell you to do? Are they easily explained typed out? Oh, by the way SHAME ON YOU! If you're skipping work today, you'd better stay in those PJs, dammit! Doesn't Flylady allow a PJ day? Sort of like a food cheat day? :p

Janjan, I don't mind the burnt bananas, but I hate it when I'm eating my pancake and a little raw egg squirts out the side. Gick.

I ran out of eggs tonight, too. In fact, I'm just about run out of everything.

Thanks for all your advice. I'll put the squats and lunges on hold for a while and see what happens. Floor work in PLB and GS. Gocha. Thanks. Maybe that's what I'll do tomorrow in that case. Yeah. And no sitting.
Hi girls!!

August, how'd you sleep? I slept all right so you can't blame me if you had a bad night:p . I'm bummed about your knees. I would rest them for a week or two and then return to squats but avoid going down 90 degrees. You can also try the wall squats with a stability ball. Those are very effective and shouldn't bother you. I think you'll still see results. That sparkspeople website has great form demos so I would look there for ideas. Try some cinnamon gum or breath mints, for crying out loud;) :7 .

Janjan, it does my heart good to see you in better spirits. Have you tried the bike yet? How'd it go?

Kate, have you abandoned us? I saw your post about the David Liss books. I might have to give those a look-see. I like historical fiction and the 18th century is my favorite period.

Dana--DANA!! I hope you can manage to pop in from time to time but I'm convinced that it's hard for you to find time to post at home. We miss you:* :*

Diane, did you manage to get up early today? I slept in but I really needed it. I've had a bad cough that had kept me awake for a couple of nights. I still have it but it's a tad improved. I still need to read that sleep article you posted a link too. I'll try to get to it today as I'm stuck here without a car:-( .

I've been flinging boogies...er...doing the fling boogie all week and wow!! I had a ton of crap!! I've barely touched the upstairs so I'll have a ton more, I'm sure. Then there's the garage *sigh*. I'm going to make my DH help with it, though. I'm starting on the upstairs today. I have a huge load for Goodwill, but I also have a nice pile of household accessories to take to a consignment shop--high quality decorative items that are too nice to donate.

Cardio, you ask? Ahem...well...I've been really, really busy as evidenced ^^^ there. But I'm going to do it...I am...I swear it!!:eek: :p :)
Morning, Michele!

Hey, ain't it waaaay past morning for you?

Okay, tell me what on earth this stability ball wall squat thing is (and leave out boogies, please :) ) Do you use weights with it? You put the ball against the wall and....what?

Oh, man, I had MONSTER sleep last night. I really, really needed it, too. Thank you for sleeping well.
August - The exercises I did all helped strengthen the knee ligaments to keep my knee cap in line and they mostly had the action of a leg extension machine at the gym. In one, am sitting on the ground with my legs out straight with a pillow or two under my knee (one knee at a time). Then I lift my shin off the ground and hold my leg up for 30 seconds and do that like 10 times each side. Leg extension machine at the gym with high rep, very very low weight also helped. I am trying to remember the other ones, but they were also essentially the same movement as a leg extension. But my knee mostly hurt when I was running or walking down stairs, and was just sore with squats and lunges. I have always done my squats and lunges a little shallow when my knee is uncomfortable.
I'm so friggin slow--lol! I can see Diane, August, and Janjan have all posted while I was composing my novella above.:eek: :7

Diane, GOOD FOR YOU!!! I don't think you need to feel a bit guilty. You have the type of job that you can do from home if you have to. I'm a firm believer in taking a mental health day once in awhile. It leads to increased productivity in the long run IMO, which is rarely humble;) :D . And I think your mom is going to flip when she says your sparkling home. I haven't done much actual cleaning yet aside from the bathrooms and kitchen. I've been decluttering like a woman possessed. I don't know about you, but this decluttering process has made me acutely aware of how wasteful I've been with both money and things. I've been deeply affected by this and I'm bound and determined to think twice before wasting our hard earned money.:)
Hey August,
Sorry I thought that link had the exercise or I would have answered that question, but Diane got to it already. What she said to do is what you need to do. I do those currently after surgery to help with the tightness of the knee. They work. Most women can do those exercises and make slight modifications and no problem.

Ok, as soon as I can run around the house I am so going to fling some boogies! I might fling something at DH since he is the pack rat. haha
Michele - Good job with all of the flinging! It is so nice once you actually start see some progress! I did just a little each day (15 min) and then on a weekend I had free I would do it for longer when I was motivated to. So don't get too overwhelmed with the garage and upstairs etc. Just do a little bit at a time and just know that in about a month or two, it will probably be mostly done. It doesn't all have to be done right away.

You should check out the sleep article, he says that it will help with insomnia. And it is true that I have been feeling not really very tired on less sleep than I got before. I have been a bit off track though waking up late a few days, so I have to get on track again. I did NOT wake up early today because I was playing hookie from work, but was up by 7:30 because I couldn't sleep any longer - that is a good thing, I usually could sleep until 11 a.m. if I let myself. I stayed up too late last night just watching tv instead of winding down.
So when you have your leg on the pillow, the knee is bent and raised fairly high off the ground? Then you lift your foot off the floor so that the leg is supported by the pillow up to the knee, and from the knee down is up in the air?

And about those shallow lunges and squats...are they worth doing? Or would you just pass on them completely?

Maybe I'll check that link again, Janjan, I may have missed the exercise part.

You guys and your boogies.
Okay, I found two stretches...one where you put your leg up on the wall, and another where you bend your knees and bring them close to your body one at a time.

Oh, and I think I might be wrong about my breath getting better. But I'm going to bed soon so I guess it won't matter, unless my plant has a problem with it.
Michele - I 100% agree with what you said about being more aware of what I spend money on now. Soon after I started flylady, I also made a true budget for our family for the first time. I am the worst and flittering money away - mostly on books and starbucks and little stupid things. My DH and I should be saving a lot more money than we do, but it was all being flittered away on junk that was just cluttering my house. I also realized that a whole lot of the stuff that was clutter in my house was gifts that I received from my side of the family. My family LOVES to give gifts, and a lot of the people go out of their way to search for gifts they think will fit our personality or something we will really like, but usually it ends up being a lot of little things we don't use ever. DH's side of the family asks what we want and buy us something they know we want, or give the receipt so we can easily take it back. So I am going to now really sit my mom down and tell her what I want for Christmas or birthday and ask that she not give me other little things and explain that I am trying to get clutter out of my house. It will be hard for her because this is one of the ways she shows me she loves me.

Have any of y'all read the book "Five Love Languages"? If you have, you would understand when I say that my mother's love language is "gifts" and mine is definitely NOT. My DH's isn't either, so we usually only spend like $20 on each other on gifts. By the way, his love language is "service" so he has been SOOOOO happy since I started flylady. We were talking about this the other day, how me cleaning the house has fulfilled his needs.

So anyway, yes, the flylady system has really helped me realize how wasteful I am and I now have a budget for what I can spend on "things" for myself and my house. The budget helps me think before I buy, and ask myself, do I really need this, or will this just become clutter.
SOrry I read that wrong. The one I do is..
Lay on the bed left knee bent right leg straight (I assume it is your right knee right?)

OK the right leg raise it off the bed up just a bit and squeeze your quad muscle and hold for 5-10 seconds. Lower the leg and relax the muscle repeat until you have done 30 raises. Try that and let me know if it helped. Again...ice the darn thing already!!!!

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