I Hate Cardio - June 21st


Good Morning Ladies -

I am in a rush this morning - definitely reverting back to my old ways by hitting the snooze for an hour. I am going to try to get in a 20 min run in a minute, but it will probably make me 20 min late to work...oh well.

Hope everyone has a great day today. Another busy day at work today so hopefully I can check in later.
Hey guys,
I still feel lousy--bronchitis again. Little advice--multiple vitamins rarely include iron these days, has something to do with some people not being able to process them and getting liver damage, so you must buy iron separately. I have always taken prenatal vitamins (oh no no no, wishful thinking days are way over..but the vitamins are great) and didn't realize this. So.....take your iron, PLEASE or you will be getting ear infections, bronchitis and sinusitis over and over again and will not be able to do your cardio. Wait, that isn't good incentive.....uh....you won't be able to do much else without that infection fighting minerals. Wow, I sure hope I didn't get anyone thinking to stop the iron just so that they can drop the workout. Well, sure, anything to quit cario, right?
Good morning girls!!

Diane, I hope you can catch up on your sleep again. Hopefully you can get good and rested up over the weekend and be feeling fresh come Monday. I hope you have a good run and don't worry, your office won't fall apart if you're a little late. Just ask my DH--Lol!

Kate, I must be hanging out with you too much because I've got the whole package--stuffy sinuses, congested chest, bad cough. I'm sure my symptoms are allergy related because this happens to me every year at this time. It sure sucks it out of you, doesn't it!? Cardio is the last thing I feel like doing but I'm going to give it a whirl. I'm so far off track it's not funny and I really need to dig in and get moving. I have a little goal set for myself that I would like to achieve before my trip to Italy in October. My understanding is that Iron supplements only help you if you are anemic to begin with. Hmmm...I'll have to look that up.

August, we'll still be here when your schedule slows down. I hope you have time to work on those blasts--lol! Oh, and you must have a pancake every cardio day.

Dana, are you out there? I miss you!! I hope all is well with you.

Janjan, any progress with your knee? Did you figure out a good way to work your abs?

Okay, I'm working on my Fling Boogie. I didn't finish it yesterday but that's okay. the FlyLady insists we not stress ourselves over it so I'm not going to, but I am going to try to get a box of crap over to Goodwill.

You don't have to be anemic to be able to benefit from iron. About 10 years ago I was low on iron due only to not taking vitamins regularly. I was tired and was getting infetions constantly. I started taking vitamins again (iron was more available in multi-vitamins then) and within a couple of weeks, I was back to normal. Also, you don't need to be anemic to suffer the setbacks of low iron. Take your iron!!!
I need to start taking my vitamins - especially iron. It is on my morning schedule, but I always always always forget. After I get this waking up early thing down, that will be my next habit to form I think. I really truly can only focus on one thing at a time. I also need to start taking pre-natal vitamins soon because DH and I are thinking of starting to "try" in a few months :) Very excited about that. I think we are going to wait until a major chunk of our student loans are paid off and we are in a good financial position, which should be not too far away.

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