I Hate Cardio - June 20th


Good Morning Ladies -

This morning I fell back onto old habits and hit the snooze for 40 min, but finally got up and did my workout, although I had to shorten it a bit. I did upper body weights for C&W (which is a good workout for me since I am rebuilding my strength and it is not that difficult) and the BBW workout from Rock Bottom rotation. I have a very busy day at work today so I will try to check in later.

Jana - Hope your knee is feeling better and healing properly. Call the doctor if it is not!

Michele - Did you get some sleep last night?

Dana - How are you doing? How is the BFL going?

August - Do any cleaning today?

Kate - Whats on your schedule today?

Talk to y'all later. At least it is not pouring down rain right now.
Hey, when you get something done, that is better than nothing! Today I am doing nothing because while I was walking the dog last night, I came down with a cold. Ugh. I am so glad I did something yesterday so now all day long I am going to wish I could workout so I can eat more and more and more. Remember when they used to tell us that if we workout we can eat anything we want? Whatever!
Until tomorrow. You all have a great day!
Hi girls!!

I'm on a roll here!! No, not woth cardio, with FlyLady:p :7 . I did my first of MANY 27 Fling Boogies yesterday and it was damn near orgasmic! I got rid of a patio set, then found the rest of the items in 3 rooms of my first floor. I never even made it upstairs. Everything went straight into the garbage can and what really made it satisfying was that trash pick up was today so it's gone, gone, gone!! Actually, somebody came by and took my patio set about 10 minutes after I set it out on the curb. They must've been desperate for furniture to take that ripped up, scratched, and faded heap of crap.

Okay, I need to do my work out today because I'm WAAAAAAAAAY off track now. I cannot afford this at all. Diane, I did sleep well last night but I have a nasty cold with congestion in my head and chest;( . I have a bit of a nasty cough, too. It's hard to get up the energy for cardio when all you want to do is lay down.

Jana, how are you today? Did you figure out some form of exercise you can do? I see no reason why you can't do your sit and be fit stuff. I know it's not what you want but it's better than nothing.

Kate, I keep meaning to ask you, how are your wrists doing? It was your wrists giving you fits, right? And who says you can eat whatever you want if you exercise? They clearly have not been through menopause.

August and Dana, what's happening with you girls? I missed you both yesterday.

I'm worried we lost MJ.

Well, I'm off to fling about 27 things to Goodwill:) , and to pick up a few things at Target. I'll check back later.
So it's Tuesday and it's not raining (yet)....that is a good sign.

Well sounds like everyone so far is doing ok, Kate with the cold and Diane with the too much work. Had to put pause on my writing there, my DD is crawling all over the place, she has discovered how to do that and is going everywhere. You should see the fort I have to build for her in order to keep her out of stuff.

Ok so where was I? Well I got in GS Chest (minus the push ups, no pressure on the knee) and GS back (minus the lower back lifts on the step, the knee weighs about 100 lbs). Feel better. Trying to figure out ab work standing. The knee is starting to bend more so that is better. I noticed I am so not hungry when I work out and forgot to eat until 4 PM yesterday (did have breakfast, but nothing else). It's hard to loose weight w/out exercise and cardio. Soon very soon there will be cardio again....

Where is August and Dana? August must still be on the floor from doing all the blasts in KM!:p

Michele- how is the back? Any cardio?

Kate- Get better soon!
Diane- rain, rain go away!!

Ok so who has the Cathe cookbook?

Hi Janjan!! I see we posted at the same time. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I just love babies at that age, so curious and full of life. How fun!! I'm sure there's a lot of worry that goes with it, though. Did your mom enjoy her grandbaby at all? I felt really disheartened and sad when I read your post about your mom's visit.

I'm not sure what to tell you to do for abs. Google ab exercises...I'm sure you'll find more variations than you thought were possible, or post in the Ask Cathe forum.

You take good care and I'll check back in later.
Michele - It is truly fun to get rid of junk. Don't forget to have a box of stuff to go to goodwill or some other charity if it is not too damaged and not trash. We got hundreds back in taxes last year from donating to goodwill alone. Just make sure you get a receipt! We are going to go through our closet sometime this week to get rid of some clothes, so then we will have a lot of stuff to give away. I found a document online once that gave a standardized amount to deduct from your taxes for different articles of clothes and home appliances and such that you donate. $1.50 for a t-shirt, $25 for a nice suit, $5 for old tennis shoes etc. It really all adds up. You don't need an itemized receipt unless it is like $300 worth or more you are donating. If you have that much to donate, make an itemized receipt and have goodwill sign it in case you get audited. It really doesn't take that much time and is easier than a garage sale. And you make more money than a garage sale because you actually "sell" everything.
Michele, I remember oh around 1981 when Joannie Greggains was around there was so much blah blah blah about all a person had to do was 20 mins three days per week and they could eat whatever they wanted. Not even for a 21 year old was this true! I guess it was a way to get people to workout. I would have thought this would backfire because it shound like a load of ...........whatever.
My wrists are fine now. Thanks for asking. I can now put weights back on my shoulders. Before I had to use the vest and add and subtract weight to it. hassle. Next time I do anything, if I feel myself getting hurt, then it is time to quit. I guess I wanted my money's worth. Cheap cheap cheap.
And menopause. Oh yeah, I guess I have a few years left but I have the irregular thing going. That will be fun LOL!!!
Hi Diane,

Hey, thanks for the info about receipts totalling $300. I usually itemize all of my receipts (actually, I keep detailed computer records of all my donations to Goodwill, Salvation Army, AmVets, etc). I usually take a car load over about twice a year.

I'm going to go through all my books and take a stack over to the used book store. We buy all of our books (our library is awful), and most of them are in great condition. There are books, magazines, and professional journals piled up all over the floor in our study. It's an impossible situation! I have several issues of Gourmet Magazine and I'm going to take those, too. My FIL renews that subscription for me every year even though I told him I don't want it.

I would never have a garage sale. I've always been a little freaked out about strangers having an opportunity to case my house. I just think you can be too careful in this day and age.
Hey guys,

Just a quickie to tell you I haven't fallen off the side of the earth (or fallen under the KM blasts ;) )...just having a bit of a busy week... actually, the next couple weeks will be busy......but I'll be doing my workouts and doing my pushups like a good girl...and I'll be checking in briefly when I can to read up on you all.

Anyway, I'm so glad Janjan, that your knee is doing a bit better.

Okay, I'm off to get some sleep now!

Tomorrow I have...what the heck do I have tomorrow....Random cardio, followed by certain pancake, I think. :D

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