I Hate Cardio - July 9th


Hi Everyone -

Kali - I love your new pics!

Michele - I would say buy a series at a time. Or just buy what people recommend as their favorite DVDs and finish off the collection later. I still need to get CTX, which get used all the time in rotations, as well as Slow & Heavy.

Well today I have to go into work again, but I have to do some stuff around the house and workout before I go. Since I still haven't done GS Legs (and was supposed to do it like a week ago) I will do that today.
Wait, I didn't see Kali's new pics. I've gotta go check em out! (The old ones were great though!)

I made it through Gym chest/tris - woo, my chest was a-jigglin and a-tremblin! It's actually kind of funny to watch in the mirror.

Dang, have you guys ever tried All-Bran in your smoothies? I had to finish off some All-Bran because I didn't really like it in soymilk and wanted it out of my cupboard because it had been there forEVER, so I replaced half of my raw oatmeal with it in my smoothie and POW! :9 Now I've got extra boxes of the stuff stored under my sink!

That reminds me that I still need to try out my barley. :D

Diane - GS Legs. That ones a long mother, isn't it?
............120 minutes of cardio today followed by 30 minutes of abs and stretching and then 60 more mintues of cardio...........................HELP ME. Oh, my this was the worst nightmare I have ever had. Oh, it was terrible, just terrible.

Oh, thank goodness. I have only 60 mins of cardio followed by abs and stretching. I guess 60 minutes isn't so bad after all. ISN'T SO BAD AFTER ALL!!!!!

I have a headache.......
Hey girls!

Diane, sorry you are stuck at work..x( x( I know it sucks, hopefully you will get to finish early and go home to the hubby.
GS legs is one of my favs! I can't wait to do that one again!!

August, I am going to have to try that. I have a box in my pantry that has been there forever and I need to eat it, sounds actually interesting.

Today I did my bike for 30 GS back and shoulders and all my leg exercises for PT. Now I am enjoying my fab pancake yeah! Best part of working out is the post work out pancake!!

Oh yeah, Diane, we went to Grotto last night for dinner and yuck! it was horrible. I have not been there since Landry's bought it and I was soooo dissapointed. The only thing I liked was the salad. Have you been there lately? The service was also sooo slow and bad. It took us 2 hours to eat dinner and it is not fun trying to get your 8 month old to sit still for that long. Those days of slow dinners are over once the kiddo arrives. You try to eat as fast as you can now!

Anyway, well I am off. You guys have a great day!

Hello to everyone!
Hi Guys! Happy Sunday!

Thanks Diane. I'm sorry too that you're stuck at work. Hang in there sweetie! Have fun w/ GS Legs.

Glad you found something new you like August. Yes GS legs is a long mother. LOL! If you were jigglin' and tremblin' babe, you were WORKIN' !!!! You go girl! I only added a couple pics of me and DH. I have to take some before he leaves.

That was a NIGHTMARE Kate. Although I think I need to do that much cardio. I have BC today but I think I'm going to do straight cardio. I need to figure out a new plan. Got to get w/ my girl smoogy (who has helped me since the beginning with strategies etc.) Actually I know what I need to do I just need to start doing it again. Got to get this butt in gear before it gets any bigger.

What kind of pancake are you having Janjan? Be careful of stuff you've had for a long time in your cupboard. I had an email recently that said a woman's son got deathly sick from old pancake mix. Turns out it becomes toxic after time.

Well I'm off to workout and hang by the pool. This is my last Sunday w/ DH. This time next week he'll be on his way to Fort Bliss TX to train. (big sigh) I'll be checkin in all day tho.

Have a good one Ladies!



I just checked out your new photos, Kali. You're looking great! And your hubby's a cutie!

Oh, don't worry about Janjan and her pancake. It's not one of those Bisquick dealies...it's a protein pancake made with egg whites, oatmeal, whey powder and banana. It's what gets us through our cardio!

Jana, I would never have tried it out if my All-Bran hadn't been getting close to its toxic date LOL. I tried it in our pancake - it was a nice change, but I'd say it makes it sort of concrete-ish LOL. But man, it sure does spruce the heck out of my smoothie (in my smoothie I use: frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, frozen banana, vanilla whey protein, ice water,...now All-Bran and either/or dry oatmeal). It's my post-weight lifting meal! Yuuuuu-mmmy! Jeez, sounds like you had a major workout.

Kate, what's all that about 120 min of cardio? Are you joking? Are we going to have to scold you about over-exercising?

All right, it's off to bed I go.

Night night
I actually got 2 nights of sleep in a row!! yeah!!
Hopefully, this non sleeping phase is over with DD. Then again, no one is popping firecrackers anymore....maybe that has something to do with it........]

Count some sheep August or do what I do turn on the really boring TV channel and try to sleep with that.
I still need to try out this pancake everyone raves about.

I did GS Legs as well I could - had to modify a lot because I have gotten pretty out of shape by going for a few weeks without working out regularly. I felt faint by the end of it, had to get some sugar in me.

Jana - I have not been to Grotto for a few years, like 3 years. So I think that was before they were bought out. Laundry's loves to buy out restaurants and then make the ingredients cheaper and the dishes bland to make some $$$.
Hey Diane,

yeah it was sooo not good! It was back in the day really yummy, but I was over it after the first bite of my food!

Pancake...so easy: (this is how I make mine, I think August makes her's a little diff)

4 eggs whites
1/3 cup oatmeal
1 scoop protein powder
1 small bananna
1 tsp peanut butter
1 package splenda

Ok, so spray butter on the pan in sep bowl mix egg whites and oatmeal and then wisk in protein powder pour into hot pan

cut up bananna add slices to uncooked pancake, cook on the first side until brown (lift up the bottom to check on it)
Before turning over to the other side sprinkle on some splenda, flip over and cook just a few mins longer

Once cooked top with peanut butter

A few helpful hints...make sure eggs get cooked enough and don't let the bananna side cook too long or it will burn. I use the splenda for just a little sweetness, it helps, but you can choose not to.

You will be full until lunch and it is soooo yummy! It is the best breakfast, protein, carb, fruit etc..

Try it out and report back!

Hey Kali!! Girl you look awesome!!!
Janjan I am going to try this recipe too this week. It sounds delicious!

Hey Diane at least you did some of it! Good job! I decided to take a rest day. Not in the mood to workout at the moment and doubt that's gonna change today. Oh well.

Have a good afternoon all!


Hi everybody!!

August, you read me like a book. I slept okay but I didn't go to bed until around 3 AM. I was thoroughly engrossed in a book and couldn't put it down. DH and I slept in until about 10 this morning, watched our favorite Sunday morning show, then headed out for brunch at our favorite restaurant. He has to leave midweek for a conference and I probably won't see much of him between now and then (he gets home from work at an ungodly hour), so we're trying to spend some good time together this weekend. Today is supposed to be Total Body Sculpting but I may not get to it. DH and I rented 3 movies and we're just about to snuggle up on the couch for an afternoon of highly sophisticated foreign films with subtitles--lol!

Diane, your point is well taken and I think that's exactly what I'm going to do--buy a series at a time. I was looking over Debbie's rotation and it looks fairly ambitious. I will need to review all the step DVD's because I won't be able to do any with complicated choreography like Rhythmic Step. I'll have to substitute with something of equal intensity but basic choreography. I may have to consult with you gals before I choose anything. I'm not concerned about strength training DVD's. I had been at an advanced level when I had a PT and I'm sure it won't take much to get that back. Good for you for finishing GS legs--that's the important thing. If you can manage to keep at it, it won't take long to build back up to where you were.

August, woo hoo!! for you, too. It looks like Gym Styles is a very popular series. I'm looking forward to ordering those. I always love hearing about your culinary escapades. You should consider writing a book, or at least a humorous blog--lol! I hope you have a good night's sleep, August. I feel so responsible when you don't :eek: :p.

Kate, your psychology doesn't work on me AT ALL--lol! Sixty minutes of cardio is bad, BAD--and I hate it. Making me think I have 2 hours instead of one doesn't help all that much, but thanks for trying:7 :*

Kali, you look GREAT! I love that top you're wearing. I remember your pre Cathe photo's from last year and the remarkable transformation you had in just a few short months. How did you do that!? What work outs were you doing and what were you eating? Have a great work out, but mostly enjoy your last Sunday with your DH. Is he in the military?

Janjan, good for you, girl! It sounds like you're coming right along with that knee. I'm glad you were able to get some sleep. You must've had a long talk with your DD--lol!

Okay girlies. I'm off to watch movies:) :* :*
Hello strangers! How is everyone? I see that Kali has joined the haters. I haven't checked in in about a week or longer. It really, really sucks that I can't log on to Cathe at work anymore b/c I really don't have any time at home to log on.

I just got home from the races about 20 min ago. DH isn't home yet, Gabe is sleeping and Gannon is racing around in his walker so I"ve got a few moments. DH was in the final 6 to win $1,000. He lost so I think he only won about $70. x( He was supposed to stay and eat but he just called and is on his way home. There was a really bad accident there last night. This guy was racing and for some reason he slammed on his brakes and flipped his car. It was a dragster so it was an open topped car. Someone forgot to put his gas cap on and the gas spilled and he car burst into flames. Life Flight came and took him to Lehigh Valley burn unit. The update is that he is in critical condition with 3rd degree burns to his arms, legs and back. He is only 21 years old. I don't know him at all but please keep him in your prayers. I can't imagine what a long and painful road he is in store for.

I have no idea what any of you are up to since I didn't even get to log on at all this week.

Kali: When did you become an official cardio hater????? :) I see your DH is going away? If you have the time and want to meet at Knoebels with the boys some weekend let me know. Although Gabe isn't big enough to go on a lot of the rides w/out me. He is 46 inches tall and most require you to be 48 to go on w/out an adult.

Jan-Jan: I see your knee is feeling better. YEAH!!!

Diane: how are you? Still doing the fly-lady thang? I bet your house is immaculate! I just bought the August issue of Women Fitness RX and they have an 8 week train for a 5K for someone who has never ran before. It looks very doable for someone like me. If only I had a treadmill b/c trying to get out of the house alone for me does not work at all!

Michele: are you done with all your visits? How is the cardio coming along?

Kate: I just read your workout for today. You're turning into a Char-Char }(

August: How are you doing with your BFFM?

OK I hope that I haven't forgotten any of you. If so, I"m sorry.

I"m doing pretty good on BFL. I just completed my 2nd "official" week. I lost 2lbs. I really was dreading stepping on the scale b/c TTOM was here the prior week and I had more then enough cheats. So it was a very pleasant surprise to see that I was down 2lbs. Only 32 more lbs to go until I reach my goal. Hopefully those will be gone by Christmas.

I will try to pop in next week.

Have a great evening everyone!
Hey Dana!!!

So glad to see you, we miss you!!

Just a quick note to say "hi" and I am so proud of you for your weight loss!!! Keep up the good work!!
Late night check-in - the board is busy for a weekend.

Dana! So glad you could check in, it sucks that you can't check in at work anymore. Good job on you weight loss. I am still doing flylady, but have been tweeking them a bit. I am getting bad at doing my detailed cleaning during the week :( That is horrible about the drag racer guy, I hope that he is okay.

Jana - Thanks for the pancake recipe - DH is excited to try it out too. He is a huge banana fan, eats one everyday.

Michele - I love the Gym Style Series (the 3 day split, and also like Muscle Max). I like KPC better than Kickmax, but they are both good. I also really like Muscle Endurance, Legs & Glutes and Pyramids. As for complex choreography, I was challenged with that at first too. People on the forum told me to buy The Classics, which I did, and it helped me learn the moves but I don't use that DVD much anymore. I think Lowmax is also good to start, because it breaks down the moves a lot. Those are my fav dvds of the ones I own.

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