I Hate Cardio, July 7

Miss Lee

Rise and shine!!

Good morning everyone! I have cardiooooooo today and I'm trying to decide between Body Fusion and Low Impact Step. I finally noticed some mild DOMS after all those friggin walking lunges I did the other day. I have a jam packed day ahead. I have some banking business to attend to this morning and I have to take my car in for an oil change. I've got a vibration in my steering wheel every time I apply the brakes so I'm thinking rotors.
Well, actually, I'm not thinking rotors...WTF do I know about cars--lol! That's what my DH is thinking.

What's on tap for the rest of you?

I'll check back later:)
I have yet to even go to bed today are you kidding with the rise and shine??....yet another sleepless night, thanks DD. We are going to have a heart to heart about that subject today and even at 8 mos old she needs to understand we sleep at night no cry all night. Whatever is causing this needs to go away.
Happy Friday Ladies!

Janjan I hope you get a good power nap in and whatever issue DD is having goes away but quick!!

You go with that cardio today Michele!! Have fun with whatever you choose!

I have PH on my rotation today. NO CARDIO! I will probably do a little bit tho. Maybe the RS/SB challenges after PH.

Going to a church picnic tonight w/ DH to see DC's band play. Should be fun. Otherwise not doing much at all. May sit out in the sun for awhile later.

Hope everyone has a great morning!


I planned to work out today, really I did, but my husband needs me to pick up some stuff and deliver it home for his business and I have to do this before my new range arrives today. So, you see, I cannot possibly do my workout. SEE SEE SEE?? HELP ME!!!!!!!!!
I didn't even try to wake up early this morning, I went to sleep too late last night. I am going to have to work all day Saturday and Sunday too. I hate work. So no workout for like the 3rd day in a row. I have to go to some stupid recruiting dinner today, just a small group so I can't just mingle with my friends from work, I actually have to talk to the people are recruiting. Blah...

Jana - So sorry you haven't gotten any sleep. Have you tried the Baby Whisperer book to get your DD to sleep? My friend loves that book. Now that I have been looking into parenting styles (even though not even preggo yet), I never realized there were so many different methods out there and such a hot debate about it.

Michele - Hopefully the car is okay. I second LIS, even though I have tried neither of them :)

Kali - Oooohh I want to sit out in the sun, oh wait, no sun right now in Houston, just cloudy and dreary.

Kate - Hopefully you will find the time to workout today, now that you have become a delivery person.
I checked in to see what kinds of posts there were for the 7th a little ago (from work) and LMAO to find there wasn't even a thread started!

Glad to come home to see that you all are up and about!

Anyway, I have to be brief but I'll be back later to see if you truly have done your cardio or not. }(

I'm actually scheduled to do stretch tomorrow but maybe I'll throw in a cardio.

Or not. :+
Hi Haters!

Well I did get in my cardio today..bike riding. Now starting out was all nicey, but coming back was a bit of a bite up on incline. My legs are toast and I still have to do squats.


Walking lunges will burn the glutes. Don't you love that feeling though?}(

Most of you ladies are sleepyheads? I know about Jan Jan. Her child is tormenting her lately. I hope you all get rested up today...take a nap or something.

I'm back! So..........I ended up doing RS warmup and challenge, 1/2 of PH, RS challenge again, rest of PH, then SB challenge and stretch.
I feel great!! Don't know how my knees will feel later, but at least I got a great workout in with weights and cardio!

Charlotte, love your new avatar. You look great. How many walking lunges do you usually do?

Sorry you have to work so much Diane. :-(

Hi August!

How's it going Kate? Did you make the delivery yet?


Kali Kali Kali...get your arse back to the Challenge check in girl before I kick you in it!!!:p :7

*Sorry to interrupt, folks! You may now resume your regularly scheduled check-in!;)*
Kali - You better stay in our check-in too! That sounds like quite a workout today!

Charlotte - Oh how I long for a nap right now. What if I just closed the door and laid my head on my desk, do you think anyone would notice?
Hey, delivering stucco bags is really hard work. I have to go into the office and pay for it. Then I have to wait for the muscle to load it into the truck. I am exhausted!
Uh oh, patrol is after Kali!!

Late last night I was thinking about whether I should stick to my stretch day or make it into a cardio day and I've come to the decision to....dust off my Kari Anderson Pilates Ring Thingamabobber and do a leg workout. I haven't done that one in ages, and what's not to love about exercising and not even standing up?

Anyway, hope you guys get some great sleep!

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