I Hate Cardio - July 31



I'm back in town. I'm going to read up on the missed threads and get caught up!

Michele - ACK! Throwing up?! Are you all right?! Oh, I'm on your next message and you're doing better. That's good. And you were able to gain a pound not eating and throwing up all day? Hey, that's as good as the gain-a-pound-from-eating-green-beans. What is up with that?! Hey, so how do you like your new DVDs? LOL, oh, and absolutely no green beans or barley on my trip.

Dana - Geez, you lost a pound and it's right before TTOM? That is awesome! And your friend told you your legs are impressive? WOO HOO! No kidding your leg workouts are getting easier - there's the evidence! That's too bad about your friend, especially what with her having gone through the process to lose so much weight. I wonder what could have spurred her to feel the "need" to go back? I agree with Michele, keep being a good friend and lightly encourage her to come with you.

Diane - I hear you on those Gym pushups. Although I'm still doing my own pushup challenge, those Gym ones I do on my knees so that I can keep up and complete them. As for your rotation...personally, if I felt revved up to diving back into GS, I would jump right back into GS, just watching my weights (maybe start lifting one set down from where I usually start). If my head is in GS but I "think" I should be doing endurance and then do endurance instead, I'll end up thinking about GS all the time. Totally cracked me up that you didn't want to work out because you didn't want to have to wash your hair. Funny!......I just checked out the photo of you and the kitties - I'm so envious!! They look totally cute and fun! Congratulations!! (By the way, you and DH look great, too!)

Jana - Hey there, I got some major sleep while I was on my business trip. Major deep night sleeping and major deep naps. Maybe it was because I was eating so much LOL.

Kate - Oooh, hydro-bike. That actually sounds like a lot of fun. And I totally cracked up that you had "chocolate and peanut butter ice cream yesterday ALONG with some pizza." LMAO. Jeez, chocolate and peanut butter ice cream sounds reallllllllllly good.

All right then. I've got S&H chest and back lined up for me this morning, so I'm off. Hope you guys had a great weekend!

My goodness gracious, where is everybody this morning!? I know, I should talk. It's 10:00 in Ohio and I'm just getting here. August, I actually haven't tried my new workouts yet. I kind of slacked off for a week or 2 so I've been sticking with LIS, but I'm going to try and graduate to C&W later this week. I'm doing LIS today. I'm feeling much better, thank you. I'm dealing with plantar faciitis at the moment which means absolutely NO high impact anything. My foot is doing pretty well but I stretch basically all day long.

I'm planning to order more Cathe this week. I know for sure I'm ordering Lowmax, Coremax, Stretchmax, and probably Kickmax. I'm trying to decide if I should get the GS DVD's or Musclemax. What say you gals? I plan to eventually order all of the HC series except for Imax 3 and that compilation DVD--can't remember what it's called--because I know I'll never use those.

August!!! Welcome home! We really miss you when you're gone. I think you shouldn't be allowed to take business trips if it means you can't post. We need you! So, no barley or beans on the trip? How'd you manage without those magical powers? How did your workout go? I don't have S&H so I have no clue what it's like. You reminded me about the pushup challenge. OMG, I almost forgot about that. I guess that check-in thread has fallen by the wayside.

Janjan, Dana--how are you gals? How were your weekends?

Diane, how are Sadie and Gracie? Are you having a smooth transition with them? They are so adorable, I can hardly stand it!

Kate, I keep hearing terrible things about California's weather on the news. Please be careful, and don't overdo it with cardio, you nut, you! I'm worried about you in all this heat. What's the death toll in California from the heat? You watch out or I'm going to have to come over there and beat you with a stick.

Well, I better get my w/o done now. We're expecting record breaking temps and humidity this week and I'm dreading it BIG TIME!

I'll see you later:* :*
Hi Ladies -

So in case you haven't checked this weekends posts, we got the new kittens this weekend on Saturday morning. You can look on the foster mom's website for a picture of DH and I picking up the new kittens. There are also some more recent pictures of the kittens taken the morning we picked them up, they have gotten so big (but still tiny). They had a growth spurt last week.


We decided to renamed Gracie to Sydney. Gracie just didn't fit her personality once we got her home. So Sadie and Sydney.

When they got to our house, they were understandable totally freaked out. After an hour drive in the car, the first time away from their mommy, and the shock of new surroundings, they were pretty stressed. But now they are adjusting really well and getting used to human touch and the sounds of our house. We have them in our office for right now, but let them explore the rest of the house last night.

They have come a long way since Saturday morning. When we come into the room, they run towards us to get petted. Sadie is much more snuggly so far, and feel asleep on my lap last night for an hour. Sydney is a little more skiddish, and likes to be petted but not for too long and not necessarily in your lap. She will come around. But they are really cute together, taking naps together in a chair and stealing toys from each other. I will post some pictures once I get some batteries for my camera.

Editted: Oh yeah, and I just did a quick 25 min run/walk this morning. I think I need a few weeks just to get back into shape before I can do some of Cathe's more advanced offerings. So I will be doing some of my more intermediate videos and running for the next couple weeks.
Hi Diane!

I like the name "Sydney". That's really cute. I seem to recall that my kitties' personalities evolved as they got older. I had a skiddish one but he eventually grew out of that. We held and petted him a lot (whenever he let us;)) and I think that made all the difference.

Good luck with your workouts. I'm sure it won't take you long to get back to where you were, at least I hope not. I'm trying to do the same thing myself. Did you see my response to your post--the one where you had asked about an intermediate rotation? I pasted a link to a rotation designed by Debbie (fitnessfreak).
Oh thanks for the link I didn't see that. I think I will do some non-Cathe intermediate stuff until I feel stronger, then slowly move back to my Cathe workouts. I just feel like a blob of jello these days.

I always look at Debbie's rotations and dream of doing them. She has such good combos, and I would love to eventually try her one body part per day rotations.

I think Sydney will grow out the shyness soon. She keeps trying to get in our lap but then gets scared and just sits next to us to be petted. She gets jealous when Sadie is in my lap and comes over and steps over Sadie to get in, but then gets scared and backs off. Sydney is always watching what Sadie is doing, whether she is playing with a toy or getting pet by us, and gets jealous. Sadie on the other hand couldn't care less what her sister is up to, and just does her own thing. It is funny to watch.
Hello everyone,

Diane-Oh my, I love the kitties!!! They are toooooo cute!!!!!How sweet is Sadie, sits in your lap and is a lap kitty! Sydney will grow out of it, more than likely an adjustment period I am sure. Oh how sweet! yeah! You guys have a full house now! What are you planning on doing with your Cathe rotation? I need to work on one for myself so I am wondering what you have planned. Gets me to my next point!...

Got a clean bill of health from the knee Doc today! Yeah! He said to tell the PT's to "hush" and to work my way back to being more active. He said get on the bike and get on the treadmill and lift light weights. I was sooooo happy! Said knee is looking great and to get back to it slowly! yeah!!! I need to work on a new rotation. The next 2 weeks will consist of run/walk and then I think I am going to add some stuff in from there. Still a "no no" for step, he said he is not going to ban it forever, just until the end of the year at least. x(
but I will take it.

Michele- I am soooo glad you are feeling better. Sounds like it was not fun. Heat makes everyone crazy I swear. Have you tried C&W yet? What else did you order?

Kate-OMG any relief with the heat?

August-I was a piggy this weekend, I am holding my head in shame for all the food I ate. I can't believe I actually ate white rice! I have not touched that stuff in years and just remembered how yucky it is. So blah and boring.

So, lets get to the weekend. Well I went to the museum of natural science to see body worlds 3. http://www.hmns.org/exhibits/special_exhibits/bodyworlds.asp
that is the link if you want to look it up. I was soooo coool, but soooo many people were there! We got there at 10 am and we could not get to view until 11:15 and by the time we got in the next viewing was not unitl 5:30! The place was packed. It was so much fun and just so interesting. Amazing what you see in this exhibit.

Ok, so that is my report for now, I need to eat I am sooo hungry.
Be back later to check in on everyone!
Jana - Congrats on your knee! That is so awesome. Just don't go overboard, work up to it slowly. As for a rotation, I haven't totally figured it out yet but I am thinking of something like this for a couple weeks, using either some of my more intermediate videos or Cathe videos with light weights.

M: walk/run + abs
T: full body weight work
W: walk/run + abs
Th: full body weight work
Fri: cardio - like step or kickboxing
Sat: walk/run + abs
Sun: yoga or pilates

I think I am also going to start working on pushups either after a run or at night. Once I do this for a while, then I will go back to a split workout with either GS or PS.
I think I am going to follow that too! Good idea. Looks perfect for me too, just w/out the run, but I can do bike and walk. And then on Fri do just bike and walk. Full body weights for me might include more upper body and 1 or 2 days of lower body floor work for the hammies and glutes.

Are you (or anyone else) ordering the new stuff? I really want too, but I can't do step so I don't want to waste any money on the step stuff. I want drill max, but Cathe has not released details if step is included or not in it.

I am too going to add back in the push ups.

Congratulations on your good report! I agree with Diane. Go slowly with that knee. It makes me a little nervous that you're talking about a run/walk. I can see the walk part, but running? Oooohhhh I'm not sure you should do that quite yet. I always like to error on the side of caution.

Diane, that rotation looks good to me. What DVD's are you planning to use? I'm still trying to figure out which DVD's to buy. I want to buy a few every month until I have all that I want.
No don't worry Michele.. you missed the minus the run part I put in there. No running, no way not yet. About 2 more months for that!
Jana - I preordered the new stuff seems like almost a year ago! Just ordered all of them. This is before DH and I went on a pre-baby budget where I can't spend as much, so I just bought them all!

I am not sure what full body workouts I am going to do this week. I might do some from Slim Series (much lighter weights) or some other random dvds I have, and then do some of the easier Cathe, like Push Pull and Supersets I think are a little easier. Cardio and Weights is also a little more inter/adv. Then move on to Muscle Endurance and Muscle Max is lighter weights. Then add some more pounds. Then maybe Pyramids and then finally to GS or PS. So that sounds like about a 4 week build up to GS. Also, I might do my Kathy Smith kickboxing at first, which is more intermediate.

One week of full body from Slim Series, one week of PP and SS, then ME and MM, then Pyramids, then finally move on to split workouts. We will see how it works out, I might have to go a little slower than that even.
I want to order, but I just don't know the details about drillmax so if it is step I know that I won't be able to do it. I am not sure on high impact for quite some time too, so I don't know what to think???? I think I might wait it out and just order the legs and glutes for now.
I have a feeling that Drill Max might use the high step, but not the club step. But that is just what I think she was going to use. Regardless, it will definitely be high impact, since it will probably be a lot of jumping and sports drills. I am not sure if that is the best for you either. Maybe just get Butts and Guts and I can try the other ones and tell y'all what I think when I get them. The savings isn't THAT much that it is worth wasting your money on a dvd you can't use.

I just read Cathe's update about the "surprise" for us that didn't cancel a preorder. I literally can't wait.
You are right, butts and guts it is! I am very sad I can no longer do the fun stuffx( x( x(
but I kindafofa need my knee for most activities in life!!!
Yeah, knees are pretty good for walking and picking up stuff, like your DD. I would try to keep them around a little longer.

Okay, I have a little issue (well, a couple issues) that I am not sure how to deal with. So DH and I are planning on TTC in October, but our families don't know our plans so it causes a few problems. First, we had planned on doing a 1/2 marathon in January, but I decided to drop out of that because it didn't seem like training for the race would be good while preggo. I be preggo and not even know it and run 8 miles, doesn't seem ideal. Plus I don't want to pay the price of signing up when I know there is a good chance I will not do it. DH is still doing it though, and invited my SIL to start training and to join us. SIL also invited her friend and roomate to train with us and join us too. DH's parents know we are doing it, and everyone keeps asking me how training is going. Anyway, SIL says she will not sign up for the race until we sign up. Do I just not sign up at all and lie and say that I did? What do I do come race time if I am not preggo yet and also not signed up to race? We have to sign up by September. I am still running but not training for the race.

Also, DH's parents want us to go on a family vacation together next Christmas, a year and 1/2 from now. We keep saying that we are excited about it, knowing that we probably won't be able to go because we will either be preggo or have just had a baby a few months earlier. And it just doesn't seem like a great idea to have an infant on vacation. They talk about it every time we see them, and DH and I act a little weird about it. SIL thinks we act weird because we don't want to go and she thinks we are being rude, but it is just because we know that we might not be able to and are horrible liars. It is really awkward.

So should I sign up for the race, or just not sign up and pretend I did? We really don't want to tell family we will be TTC.
Fake an injury}( }( :p :p
You hurt your knee real bad and won't be able to, either that or blame it on work that you cannot commit to it at all.
Traveling with an infant is not such a hot idea during the winter months, think cold & flu season also you should not go anywhere with a baby under 6 weeks old. JMO.
Oh the knee is a good idea. That way if I don't get preggo I can just fake an injury. Hopefully they just won't find out that I never signed up. It is $50 through September, then keeps going up after that.
If you are not going to do it, then save your $$ and put it somewhere useful. Why give other people your money? If you want to find a home for the $50 then at least put it to a charity that you can use as a write off or pay down a credit card or something else like that. Don't throw away money! Sorry, money chick coming out there, you know how I am about $$!
Be upfront and tell them you did not sign up. It is silly to lie about something sooo small, not worth it. Just be honest and say you cannot commit to something. If they get upset well to he** with them. Seems all really silly. In this case, honesty is the best policy.
I know, that is why it is such a dilemma for me to hide that we will be trying to conceive. Even if I tell them I am not signing up, I will still be lying about the reason. Also, DH and SIL have a weird relationship. SIL can be a little "bratty" and needy sometimes. She gets mad at DH if he is not going along with what she wants to do. Kinda hard to explain. Touchy subject for DH, he is very protective of his sister, but kinda overindulges her a little bit. It is just weird. He is kinda a pushover with his family, trying to make everyone happy. I wish we could just tell her we are TTC and she would totally understand and be excited, but at the same time she has a big mouth and would tell people probably even if we told her not too. I brought up to DH about telling her, and we might just end up doing that just to get her off our back about stuff like the race and the vacation. It is getting a little irritating.

So basically, DH won't allow us to just say "if they get upset well to he** with them" because he really really cares about his sister's feelings, maybe a little too much.

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