Morning everyone. It is 4:40 here, (too early to be up) and I"m waiting for the coffee to get done.
Kate: how was your day yesterday? Sounds like it would be a fun place to go.
August: You are seriously off your rocker. Green beans? My, my, my. We won't even discuss your "discovery" about them. So are you even here? I know you are going somewhere on business but wasn't sure the exact day.
Michele: Big hugs to you. I'm so sorry that you are sick. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon.
Jan-Jan: How did your DD sleep last night? Uhhh, Gannon was up like a million times. We finally have to put him in bed w/us. WE keep the a/c on b/c it is so stinkin' hot here but then he hates to wear pj's so he is crying b/c he is cold. I can't put a blanket on him b/c he justs kicks it off. We even have to turn the ceiling fan off b/c he doesn't like that either. Then to top it off, he has to lay sideways and he is constantly kicking me. The other day you asked what can you do if you're not to do lb or cardio. How about swimming? I'm not sure what you have access to or how you would do it if you had to take DD. Just a thought.
Diane: how are you? At least you got some sleep the other night but sorry to hear that you woke up feeling crappy.
I am so glad that today is Friday. Well girls, I lost 1lb this week. I'm ok w/that b/c I'm to get my TTOM this weekend so I could have gained.
I did a killer leg workout yesterday, 1 hour and 20 min and I don't even have DOMS yet. I got a great compliment yesterday. I was working out with my friend during lunch and I was on the leg press and she was on the ellipitcal and she was watching me and told me that my leg muscles were impressive. Now I think that I have fat, jiggly legs but she sees the muscle. Yeah!!!!
Do you remember when I told you about my co-worker that I made a workout plan for? She has totally given up. I think that she seriously deleted the workout I e-mailed her. She has gained back 30 of the 70lbs that she lost. She sits at her desk ALL DAY eating junk, orders pizza and fries for lunch or goes to McDonalds. At first I felt sorry for her b/c she did go through some personal stuff but that was months ago. Everyday I invite her to come exercise with us. There is plenty of cardio equip there but she says no. She makes up a million excuses of why she eats bad or why she doesn't exercise. I know that I can't make her and you yourself have to be the one to want to lose the weight but it sucks seeing her do this to herself, especially after how she worked hard in the past to lose the weight.
Tomorrow night my mom is watching the kids so we can go out. Not sure where we are going to dinner but wherever we end up they better sell either a strawberry daquiri or a margarita.
Gonna go and eat my breakfast (lite english muffin w/pb, ham and coffee) and get ready for work.
Have a great day ladies!
Kate: how was your day yesterday? Sounds like it would be a fun place to go.
August: You are seriously off your rocker. Green beans? My, my, my. We won't even discuss your "discovery" about them. So are you even here? I know you are going somewhere on business but wasn't sure the exact day.
Michele: Big hugs to you. I'm so sorry that you are sick. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon.
Jan-Jan: How did your DD sleep last night? Uhhh, Gannon was up like a million times. We finally have to put him in bed w/us. WE keep the a/c on b/c it is so stinkin' hot here but then he hates to wear pj's so he is crying b/c he is cold. I can't put a blanket on him b/c he justs kicks it off. We even have to turn the ceiling fan off b/c he doesn't like that either. Then to top it off, he has to lay sideways and he is constantly kicking me. The other day you asked what can you do if you're not to do lb or cardio. How about swimming? I'm not sure what you have access to or how you would do it if you had to take DD. Just a thought.
Diane: how are you? At least you got some sleep the other night but sorry to hear that you woke up feeling crappy.
I am so glad that today is Friday. Well girls, I lost 1lb this week. I'm ok w/that b/c I'm to get my TTOM this weekend so I could have gained.
I did a killer leg workout yesterday, 1 hour and 20 min and I don't even have DOMS yet. I got a great compliment yesterday. I was working out with my friend during lunch and I was on the leg press and she was on the ellipitcal and she was watching me and told me that my leg muscles were impressive. Now I think that I have fat, jiggly legs but she sees the muscle. Yeah!!!!
Do you remember when I told you about my co-worker that I made a workout plan for? She has totally given up. I think that she seriously deleted the workout I e-mailed her. She has gained back 30 of the 70lbs that she lost. She sits at her desk ALL DAY eating junk, orders pizza and fries for lunch or goes to McDonalds. At first I felt sorry for her b/c she did go through some personal stuff but that was months ago. Everyday I invite her to come exercise with us. There is plenty of cardio equip there but she says no. She makes up a million excuses of why she eats bad or why she doesn't exercise. I know that I can't make her and you yourself have to be the one to want to lose the weight but it sucks seeing her do this to herself, especially after how she worked hard in the past to lose the weight.
Tomorrow night my mom is watching the kids so we can go out. Not sure where we are going to dinner but wherever we end up they better sell either a strawberry daquiri or a margarita.
Gonna go and eat my breakfast (lite english muffin w/pb, ham and coffee) and get ready for work.
Have a great day ladies!