I Hate Cardio ~ July 20


Morning haters! Just morning, not GOOD morning. Man am I sleepy and I even went to bed before 10:00.

Diane - I LOVE the pics of the kitties. They are sooooooo cute! Have you thought of any more names?

JanJan - thanks for the info on TX. Even though I tend to complain, I do like the weather here in Pa. Especially fall!!! My boys are doing good, thanks for asking. Yep, Oct 2 is Gannon's birthday. This year has literally flown by. And Gabe does start K in September. He is going to drive me crazy when we go school shopping. He loves to buy clothes (esp shoes). He told me that I can take him the first day but after that, he is riding the bus!!

Michele - I do HIIT the way that the BFL book explains it. 3 min on resistance level 5, 1 min at 6, 7, 8, 9, repeat 6-9 3 times and then cool down. It takes 20 minutes and it is a killer. Although I do kinda miss other cardio. I will start mixing in step/kickbox/etc after this 12-week challenge.

August - how's it going today? What workout are you doing?

Kate - moring silly!!!

So last night I didn't have time for abs. DH's cousin from Ca is in so we went and visited with her. Today is UB (part at the gym and part at home) and I gotta get abs in.

I have a new co-worker, she has been working in our office for about 6-weeks and we sit right next to one another. Our desks are the only 2 on our side of the office so we have to walk between the desks to get to our work area. Last year my boss bought me a huge color printer b/c I make a lot of brochures, type letters on colored letter head, etc. We have a huge copier in the office but it does not print color. All of us in the office (10 of us) have access to the copier and we just print your work there from our computers. The copier is back the hallway. So, my new co-worker "B" is soooooo lazy that she will not print to the copier. She installed my printer to her computer so she can print ALL her stuff there. Now I don't mind (esp if she has an assignment that needs to be done with colored ink) but for routine reports, etc she doesn't need to use my printer. Heck, I don't even use it for that. I'm not trying to complain about her using my printer, I just cannot believe that someone is that lazy. It blows my mind. She is at least 350lbs and proud of it. She will often make fat jokes about herself. If there is a visitor in the office for someone, she will call the person on the phone instead of getting up and walking to the person's office/work area. The funny thing (not ha-ha funny but strange funny) is that her 28-year old son is a marathon runner and military recruiter.

Well, it is that time. Time for me to get dressed and get everyone else up.

Have a great day all! :)
Good morning everybody!!

Hallelujah!! DH and I FINALLY got a good night's sleep last night. We couldn't take it anymore, and even though we were instructed not to, we turned our AC down to 68 last night to see if that would cool the 2nd floor. While it didn't turn it into an icebox by any means, it at least made it bearable and comfortable enough to sleep. So, August, you should sleep like a bably tonight:p :+ .

I think I'm ready for cardioooooo today! I previewed Cardio & Weights last night but I think I'm going to wait a week or so before actually doing it. I haven't done much cardio because of the heat, so I think I'm going to do LIS for a week or so before moving on.

Dana, so then all your cardio in BFL is done on machines? I still want an elliptical trainer, but alas, I have no place to put one. I can't get over your coworker. I don't care what she weighs, I can't tolerate laziness in anybody, accept for me, of course--lol! It's pretty wasteful to use color printers when you don't need that. I think it takes a lot of balls for her to hook up your printer to her computer.

Diane, I think Gracie is a great name! It goes very well with Sadie. The "A" in both names sounds the same, they both have 2 syllables, and I actually prefer the combination of hard and soft consonants. Aye yi yi!! You'll be a total nightmare once you're pregnant--lol--(Just teasing--I've really enjoyed helping you think up names and I love the pictures ;) :+ ). They are so precious! I can't wait for you to get them. I'm sure your house is clean enough at this point. Thanks for sharing your kitty experiences with us--it's been fun!

August, did you do your kickboxing today? How was it post oatmeal vs barley brekkie? I was going to make that barley dish the other day but didn't have everything I needed so I think I'm going to go grocery shopping and make it today. How's your search for the perfect pair of jeans going?

Janjan, what's up for you today? Where are you in terms of school work? How long is the summer quarter?

Kate, hows the weather in your neck of the woods today. We're still in the middle of a major heat wave but it's supposed to cool down tomorrow--and rain. I thought about you the other day. DH and I were in a little sandwich shop standing at the counter to pay and they had all these bins of miniature candy bars, including those lucious little Reese's PB Cups. I had to have one! It was sooooo good.

I'm saying hi to Char Char just in case.

I going to read a thread or 2 and get to work. I'll check back later.
Geeze...where is everybody???

I just got back from PT it was good today. Knee is slowly getting better. PT said I might be able to do some light squats pending the swelling does not get back up, so I might try some tomorrow. Well shall see.....

So, Michele you got to sleep...well I did not! My DD kept waking up about every 2 hours crying so I had to get up with her, but she would go back to sleep pretty quick, but geeze I hate getting up like that. Makes sleep he*l! Know what I mean. I am glad you got some sleep. If we put our A/C down to 68 it would freeze in this house! 72 is the lowest we can go with it upstairs. I keep it up at 75 during the day and considering it is 95+ outside w/heat index of 105 its not that bad. Its only going to get hotter...uhhhh......August and Septemeber are the worst.....uhhhh......
Ok, so on the C&W how about just try the warm up of it after LIS and see what you think. I say break it down and learn the steps before you go after it all at once. She moves quick in it so if you are not used to her moves it might help some. Just an idea. I think you will like it the music is really good in it! Keeps the heart rate up really high too. Its a good workout, I miss it!

Dana-Wow, 1 year in October! Can you believe! He is 1 mo and 7 days older than DD! Ohh..how cute!!! It does go by sooo fast! That is too cute about Gabe I can just see it "Ok Mom you can drop me off the first day, but oh no after that I am riding the bus"!!! How cute!!!
How are you doing on BFL? It looks like you are loosing a lot of weight. I am kind ofa doing it too. I can't get a true HIIT in right now cause of the knee, but I always work at intervals while on the bike. I guess it is better than nothing right! Oh and as for your co-worker....don't get me started....I would be like "look get your big ol butt up and walk to the other printer"! I know you can't say that, but you get my drift.

Moving right along...
Diane-Cute names, I think they sound great! I bet you are excited!! yeah!!! My kitty is being bad, bad, bad right now. He is chasing the dog and he gets the babys toys and hides them....bad kitty!!!

August..where are you???? How are you cooking your barley? What is your secret? Mine is just not working for me so give me some ideas. I think it is steel cut oats again today for me too. Oh yeah! haha!!

Kate- Must be doing crazy cardio as usual!!

Ok, got to run but will BBL
Hi there!

I'm just getting ready to go to sleep.

Michele - Yeah! I could totally feel the energy in your post! You got great sleep! That means good things for me! LOL. What? I should sleep like a "bably"? I don't want to sleep like a bably! Do you mean I'm going to have to talk in my sleep tonight? LOL.

Yup, I did my kickboxing today and I followed it with my smoooooothie! I had oatmeal for breakfast because I wanted to save my magical barley power for lunch.

My body was just not made for jeans. Do you have good jeans?

Dana - Hi! It's great to see your posts more frequently these days. It's sad without them! What a bummer about your co-worker. But you know, she probably makes fun of herself because well, better to make the joke first yourself than to have it made by someone else, eh? She maybe partly lazy, but there's also a chance that she just doesn't feel good to move her large body, and she doesn't want people to watch and talk about her moving slowly. What a sad cycle. Having that said, do you think she'd be receptive to hear that your printer is specifically for color prints and that she's welcome to use it for color stuff but that it's probably better to use the regular printer for regular copying?

Perhaps I could send her some barley magic?

Okay, off to bable.
Oh, hey, Jana!

Okay, here's August's recipe for Magical Barley Power.

1 cup barley (probably pearled but who the heck knows)
3 cups water

Pour 3 cups of water into a tiny pot and turn the flames up high until it's maddly boiling. Then dump 1 cup of barley in and stir it a couple times. Put the lid on and stand there because you have to lift the pot lid every ten or so seconds because it will boil over if you don't. About ten minutes into it think, "wait, this is supposed to boil for a little less than an hour but it actually looks ready." But leave it with the lid on, boiling madly. Then at about fifteen minutes, stir it to find that it is starting to meld to the bottom of the pot.

Et voila! Magical Barley Power.
>Oh, hey, Jana!
>Okay, here's August's recipe for Magical Barley Power.
>1 cup barley (probably pearled but who the heck knows)
>3 cups water
>Pour 3 cups of water into a tiny pot and turn the flames up
>high until it's maddly boiling. Then dump 1 cup of barley in
>and stir it a couple times. Put the lid on and stand there
>because you have to lift the pot lid every ten or so seconds
>because it will boil over if you don't. About ten minutes
>into it think, "wait, this is supposed to boil for a little
>less than an hour but it actually looks ready." But leave it
>with the lid on, boiling madly. Then at about fifteen
>minutes, stir it to find that it is starting to meld to the
>bottom of the pot.
>Et voila! Magical Barley Power.

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

You're crazy!!

Oh yeah--bably--that's EXACTLY what I meant--lol!

G'nite, you idiot (I meant that in a nice way:* :* ).
Hi Everyone -

I didn't work out this morning again, I am in a going to sleep late rut. Thanks everyone for their help with names yesterday. Even if we don't end up using matching names, at least it got DH excited enough to finally make the decision to get both! I can't wait to send you pictures of them in our home.

Dana - Sounds like your new co-worker is a really lazy person. That would drive me crazy. Also would drive me nuts that she thinks that for some reason she doesn't have to do what everyone else does and just walk to the copier, like different rules apply to her. And about making fat jokes about herself, she is probably not as confident as she seems about it and it is just a coping mechanism. I just read August's post about your co-worker and I agree that she may also just be uncomfortable moving around that much or not want to move around the office as much.

Michele - I'm so glad you finally got some good sleep. That must be miserable in the humidity.

Jana - So funny you are excited to start squats, I dread them
:) I'm glad your PT is progressing. Now go take a nap!

August - I will have to try your magic barley recipe...it sounds, errr....um...lovely. :p
Hey Diane-Not to be noosy, but I never looked at your wedding pics, you were a pretty bride! And good choice on the brides maids dresses! I have been forced to wear some of the worst dresses!!!
aaaaaarrrgggggg. Woke up this am to find that there was no coffee! Helppppppppp. Had to run to a donut shop to get some. Caffeine, I can admit it now: I AM A CAFFEINE ADDICT. Truly, only half a cup obviously can make one an addict. I was feeling a headache coming on.

On to headaches Michele, sounds like you are doing better? I have not had a chance to read everything yesterday, was really tired and sleepy. I am thinking of you and your humidity.

Speaking of weather, it has been at least 110 degrees for the past week with no end in sight. Yesterday was also humid, but today, dry dry dry. Poor husband of mine.

And since I had no coffee right away this morning I feel I had suffered enough so I didn't do cardio. I did GS Legs, Ab Ripper X and Cathe's ball stretch.

Taking the kids and a couple friends to meet more other friends at the Aquatic Center. Since is supposed to be 111 degrees today, why not?

Kitties, I love kitties. I always want more, but then I think of all those litter boxes. Love the litter boxes. Yeah, love cleaning the litter box.

Everyone have a great day. I am going to vacum and then watch the "Workout" Show.

Jana thanks, you are too sweet. I really felt I could have done a better job getting in shape for my wedding. I was swamped with work the summer before, so only really got focused for about 1 month or so before the wedding. My bridal portaits look much worse than the wedding because I didn't have any time to workout and I look all puffy. I wish I were that tan again, I am pretty pale usually.

Michele - We already picked names for the future babies, so don't worry!! No more naming freakouts (well, I can't guarentee I won't run the names by you). And we will have 9 months to think about it, not a few days.

Kate - I know we hate litter boxes too, so we got one of those automatic litter boxes that scopes the poop for you ;) We just have to take this plastic thing off every 4 days or so and it never smells. We will see how it goes with two kittens though.
Ok, so now that you told me you are pale, I got a ?? for you. I need a new foundation and have a heck of a time finding one that is not the pinky one. Any sugguestions? Price is not an issue.
Oh, and the box works fine w/2 kitties. When I had 2 I would just empty the plastic every 3-4 days no smell no problem. I can go 5-6 days w/ just 1 kitty now, no smells or anything.

And, oh yeah you looked great in your wedding pics!
Hi Jana - I love Laura Mercier products. I use the powder foundation in No. 2 and secret camouflage concealer No. 2


They are really great coverage without being cakey or thick, just looks natural. And doesn't sweat off your face as easily in the summer heat. They sell at Neimens and Saks at the Galleria. Love love love it, wouldn't use anything else. I too get the pinky red look with certain foundations, and this does not do that to me.
Muchos gracias! I like her products too, I don't know why I did not think of her. I have a lot of lipsticks and eye makeup from her. Nordie's has it too...ohh reason to go to nordies!!! yeah!!!!

Oh yeah, one more ?? do they cover? I have pretty good skin, just an occasional here and there know what I mean!
Yes covers much better than liquid. It is the most coverage available actually, although it feels light because it is a powder. You can either use the puff (which I do) for lighter coverage, or the sponge damp for heavier coverage (for an event where having pictures taken or something). The concealor is the best for those little imperfections. I always have a few but people compliment me on my skin, but they wouldn't if they saw me without makeup, our little secret ;)
Jana - What eye make up do you use? I never use enough eye make up - I think I am using enough but then it just disappears on my face and I look like I have no make up on. I also hate wearing lip stick, I just can't stand it sometimes, though I look much better with it on.
Hi Haters!

Gosh, you all are so chatty and I don't have time to read all the post. That is a good thing though! ;-)

About makeup, why bother right now? It would only melt off!

So I am still disgusted with this heat and my sunroom has turned into a sauna room. I did the floor work from PLB earlier. I finished the first half a few days ago. My shoulder is really starting to act up so I will have to see how it is tomorrow. I got to go in that friggin' sauna room and do coremax 1 and stop crying about it.

I hope you all are staying very well hydrated and resting from this heat as much as possible. Take care~

Char Char
I use a few diff kinds. I use a lot of Mac eye makeup and some Laura Mercier. Mac is the best by far and it stays on for quite some time. Laura Mercier has the stuff you can put over your eye before you put on the eye makeup, I forget what it is called. I used that for a while too, but I ran out and have just been going with out it.

I also take cheap MaxFactor transulcent oil free powder after I put the eye make up on for staying power. I don't use too much makeup most of the time, but when I go out I put more on.

I am also the same way w/lipstick. I prefer to use chapstick, the cherry kind because it gives you a hint of color.The lipglass is really good from Mac too.

I have really blue eyes so I use for a normal every day: Brule (base) and Satin Taupe (crease) and then a light liner.
For a more "stand out" look I use: Paradisco

If you go to the Mac store in Rice Village ask for Elroy. He is the best! I think he is still there, but he may not be. He will make over your eyes for you and you will love it.

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