I Hate Cardio - July 16



Diane! YEAH! Congratulations on getting Sadie! I'm with everyone on getting two kittens. It's not like it'll be any more trouble...and it will be twice the fun for you, and for Sadie!

Michele - Glad you're feeling a little better and that you're making progress on figuring out what's causing the headaches. What a pain in the @ss. Er, head.

Jana - So how's the clean house doing? Today (Sunday) is my cleaning day, but because I was being such a bum yesterday, I suddenly felt like muck which inspired me and I ended up cleaning my place last night. It's nice waking up to a nice-smelling bathroom. Not that I sleep in the bathroom.

Kate - How fun it must be to be so tall. But you must also see a lot more dirt in high places than I do. I stood up on a chair to wipe off the top of my fridge last night. No 5'2"er would have known it could be so filthy. I guess you would have known, eh?

Well, I did my stretch and treated myself to a smoothie, and since I've done my cleaning, I get to mark off my little journal with smilies now :) :) :) . Love to mark my smilies.
It just occurred to me that I didn't mention anything about the incredible YOGURT "diet" ;) that Kate has discovered. WTF?! You damn ecto! :D I can't imagine eating yogurt makes you lose weight. What is it that you're cutting out of your diet to replace for the yogurt? Danishes?
Good Morning Ladies -

So DH and I talked last night about getting another kitty. We decided to just stick to the plan of waiting to see if either of the other two are still there when we go back to pick up Sadie and then deciding then. We decided that it would be wrong to get another kitten to be "Sadie's friend", and that we should get a second kitten because we love that kitten, not just to be a companion for Sadie. But I think that we both had "feelings" for Lovey more than Cosmos. She just kinda tugs at your heart strings because she is just so dang pathetic. You know that she wants to play with you, but gets too scared.

Anyway, today we are going to the beach to hang out with my inlaws. Since it is Galveston, it is not a real beach to me, just a dirty body of water. Mostly we just hang out at the beach house his family rented and eating horrible horrible food. The following food while most likely be available to me today: Krispy Creme doughnuts (or some other kind of donut since they don't sell Krispy Creme in Texas any more), several varieties of Little Debbie snacks, about 5 different kinds of chips, endless amounts of full calories soda, the list goes on. It will be a tough day for my willpower. Not really any healthy choices available and they are my inlaws so can't really bring my own food.
Good morning ladies. I have a million things that I need to do today and I will probably get none of them done. You know how that goes. I wanted to take the boys to church this morning b/c I haven't been there in about 2 months. I feel so guilty for not going but it is hard to take 2 kids to church and expect them to sit and be quiet for an hour. We went with my mom last week and I must admit I couldn't wait for it to be finished. Gabe was laying all over the place, somehow he stepped on a lady's ankle that sat in front of us; Gannon was wiggling and screaming and playing the I drop it you pick it up game. *sigh* b/c I want to bring my boys up with religon but at the same time is so exhausting.

OK so I weighed myself on Friday morning and I gained .6 of a lb after I was so good during the week. Then Friday night DH took us to Ruby Tuesday and I didn't eat healthy. Yesterday was my free day and today my mom is having us for dinner and she is making fried chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy and veggies and some sort of caramel cheesecake bars for dessert. (It is my Granny's birthday). So I will eat healthy all day but that dinner is going to kill me. I"m gonna dread stepping on the scale on Friday. It is just so freaking frustrating when I work out hard and eat right and then lose NOTHING. I hate that!!! So I"m thinking that maybe the portions that I eat during the day are too large? I can't figure out what is up with me. Too much coffee? I am only do 20 min of HIIT as body for life suggests, should I be doing more cardio? This body of mine is just so confusing. And by the way, I am 5"6 and 3/4, or I should just say 5"7 right???

Yesterday my mom watched Gannon and Gabe and I went to the movies. We saw Cars. That was such a great movie. At first I was like, I don't think I can sit through a 2-hour cartoon but it was really good. You don't even need to have kids to go watch it. Then I took Gabe shopping b/c he is in this phase where he is obsessed with skulls/flames/tattoos and vampires. And he is only 5! So I take him into Hot Topic to see if they have anything in his size. He can actually fit into a Youth Med shirt so there we are searching through all these t-shirts. At that point it hit me, I am OLD!!! I'm in this store with all these teenages and I get a glimpse of me in the mirror in there and Lord I don't fit in it that store at all(even though they have really cool stuff in there). It was funny to see Gabe interact with the staff in there. They are all teenagers/college students with all sorts of piercings and funky hair styles and he is talking up a storm with them about skulls and tattoos. Then he went into the dressing room to try on his shirt, which he had to wear out of the store. He chose a concert T-shirt from Alkaline Trio, whoever they are. Char, if you are reading this, have your heard their music? At that point I felt REALLY old when they asked me if I heard of that group and I admitted that no I did not. I used to really be into metal and now I'm out of it. And to top it off, they said thank you MAAM!!!! WAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to do HIIT today and UB since I am behind on my workouts by 1 day.

OK, enough about me . . .

Michele: I am so sorry about your headaches. So if your HVAC isn't the culprit, maybe you should make yourself a dr appt just to be safe??? I don't have allergies, but isn't this the time of the year where they calm down? I really hope that you are feeling better soon.

August: I don't really care for Billy Blanks at all. Just like Jana said, he is constantly counting to 8. There is one girl in the video that I just want to reach through the TV and choke. She is even more peppier then Billy. I just feel as if I don't get a thorough workout with him. What type of smoothie are you drinking? I see you've been having them a lot lately.

Kate: wow, the yogurt diet. I eat yogurt almost every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day and it isn't giving me any miraculous weight losses. Kudos to you!

Diane: I am so happy that you are getting a kitty. I might as well unanamously agree that you should get 2. LOL I think it is a good idea to consider taking Cosmo if he is still there. So if he is still there in 2 weeks you should consider that it is meant to be! You didn't say if you got in a workout before you went to check out the kitties???

Jan-Jan: Wow, your DD is going to be walking soon? I know she is younger then Gannon, how old is she? Gannon is too fat to walk (I think) He is 28 inches long and 21 lbs of chub. HA! Did she get any teeth yet? Ya know, she is probably going to get a bunch of them right away.

Hello to Kate and Char! How are you ladies doing?

OK, I was going to say bye-bye, but I just thought of something. With all that colon-cleansing talk I watched this strange show on Animal Planet last night called, "Eaten Alive", did any of you watch it? It was about how parasites can get into the human body. This one guy was on a fishing trip with is wife (I believe the trip lasted several weeks) and they were eating the fish that they caught and one night he ate some undercooked fish. A few months later when he was on the toilet he felt something in there (I know, gross) but here he had a tape worm. Do you know that they can grow up to 50 feet inside of you????? Another lady had round worms. Some other guy got bit by a mosquito that carried some sort of disease which causes elephantitis (he was in the peacecorps in Africa). So wow, what a show.

I don't blame any of you if you don't read my entire post, I just realized it is extremely long!

Have a great day everyone!
Two kitties are better than one. All three of my two year old cats still nap together and wrestle and run the house back and forth. Cats that get along-who knew? And remember every animal needs a loving home and now that you are taking two, you are insuring that for both. Yeah!
And oh yes, isn't it wonderful that others can always provide junk food. Why is it that whenever there is some kind of get-together, the menu always seem to be junk? Even if there is some that is sorta good, it it always the fattiest part of the bird.
So being so tall is great. Now it is time to feel sorry for me. Growing up, boys and were always so short (men still are), all the giraffe jokes, people mistaking me for a boy when I got my hair cut short at 14. And I may be an ecto upstairs but downstairs I am all endo. Pears unite! Actually, I am over all this but whatever.
Anyway, it is time to work out. NO weights today, it is cardio, abs and stretch day. Please pray for me that I get through it.
Until we meet again (my six year old says this all the time)
Dana, OMG your post totally cracked me up. Let me see here....."I drop it you pick it up" game, LOL...Now, how do you know that that .6 lbs isn't muscle? Are you weighing yourself on a regular scale, or are you using an evil Tanita that tells you the wrong body fat measurements like mine? I got on the scale a couple days ago and was SHOCKED to find my body fat waaay the he!! up, and then a few hours later it was TTOM. I've never been more relieved to have cramps LOL.

Ayyyyyy, I doubt I could resist anything called "caramel cheesecake bar." Oh gawd.

Now, as I remember, you've been really consistently losing weight. Don't you even dare give up now, girl! I know you feel edging towards throwing in the towel when the scale gets whacked - you've been putting in your all and then are bombarded with family goopy treats and all, but just ride it through. Eat healthy and light during the day and then enjoy your grandmother's birthday celebration and caramel cheesecake bar oh gawwwwd, and then start up again on BFL the next meal.

As for not enough HIIT or too much this or that...one thing I think I learned for myself was that I kept switching too much to know what the he!! was going on and what was a good system for me LOL. It seems like you've found a good system that works for you, so go with the flow! As soon as you know it, you'll be steadily losing again.

I only recently figured out that having a smoothie first thing in the morning and then tapering my calories (so that breakfast was my biggest meal and dinner was my smallest) just wasn't working for me at all. I was like friggen famished by nightfall and after a while of that, I was (secretly :eek: LOL, "secretly" to my food journal that is) eating jugs of organic peanut butter. Now that I've switched my ULTRA DELISH smoothie to my post weight-lifting meal (well, okay, I have it post cardio sometimes, too), and evened out my calories more throughout the day, wow, much better.

So here is my post workout smoothie:

Vanilla whey (20 grams of protein worth)
All-Bran 20 grams
Frozen banana 60 grams
Frozen strawberries 70 grams
Frozen blueberries 30 grams
1/2 cup water

Protein : 23 grams
Carb : 40 grams
Fat : 2 grams
Calories : 256

I could eat it all dang day.

If it makes you feel any better, I don't know Alkaline Trio. Then again, I also don't know the movie CARS. LOL.

I'm always fascinated with those news shows where freakish things have happened to people. I mean, the thing that escapes me is, if I were to go fishing and a few months later have a mongo tapeworm squiggle out my @ss, I certainly would not report it to be picked up by a news show LMAO.

On that long note,...(not in reference to the tapeworm)

Oh man, Diane, I've never even tried a Krispey Creme before in my life! Isn't that sad or what?!
Hi, Kate, you posted while I was working on my marathon post!

I'm sending you good cardio and abs thoughts!
Dana..you CRACK me up! Oh how I know that, I am going to drop it and now you pick it up game. I think we play it about 10 zillion times a day. Drives me nuts! Ok so the funniest thing just happend, my child fell asleep in her jumparoo. I had her over there playing, I was typing looked back and she was snoozing...haha! I got a pic of it, too funny! haha!!! DD is 14 lbs and 11oz's and 23 inches long, she is only in the 5%tile so she is little for her age, she is 8 mons and 8 days old, she is just a fire ball what can I say!!!
As I was reading the post about the food this evening I was getting sooo hungry!!! I just realized I am sooo hungry.....

Ok so I did some time on the bike today and all of PUB, but I could not even imagine getting the ball over my head for the ab work, yeah just not going to be able to do that today, maybe later.

I am still sooo far behind in school and trying to catch up is just really frustrating right now. I have got to snap out of this, but geeze I am burnt out with this crap ola right now. I know everyone has been there at one point in their life. My days are just really full right now and got a lot going on.

With that said..I have to run and eat some breakfast and then I need a shower..I am smelly...haha....

Hello Kate, August, Diane, Michelle and Kali...

I will check back in later when I am working on school work..

Hey, Janjan,

So...I'm imagining a Jumparoo is like a little seat where you can bounce up and down?
>Check pic trail...just updated it!
oh cute cute cute cute cute. I miss the cuteness of that age, but I sure don't miss the hard work!
What a cutie.
Hi Everyone -

Getting back late from the beach. I really tried to refrain, but had a donut and some chips...okay, and I had a couple reduced fat cookies! Oh no, extra cardio tomorrow. There were absolutely no healthy choices.

DH and I got to play with a 2 month old baby for a long time at the beach. It was so cute to see him holding the baby, he was a pro. The baby (Natalie) loved him. When we got in the car to leave, DH was like, lets start trying now!! Hehe. But we moved the date up to October officially. It keeps creeping closer and closer, we are both just too excited. Everyone kept asking us when we are going to have kids and trying to push the baby on us (to get us thinking like this I guess) so I guess DH's family's little scheme is working.
Hey Diane! I have to admit, I think by far that was one of the cutest things she has ever done. What made it even better is when she woke up she started jumping up and down and laughing like mad and then clonk, fell right back asleep. I was cracking up at her, I could not believe she did that. It was sooooo funny!

Ok, who has Turbo Jam here??? Need some imput.....

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