I Hate Cardio - July 15


Hey there!

I'm startin' today because I just finished my workout and thought that that justified a new thread LOL.

I did S&H Legs and Shoulders, and man, I was just so dang preoccupied with my knees...doing my semi-squats and semi-lunges, going lighter with the weights, going with no weights...it ended up being a mongo shoulder workout since I felt so cheated on the legs portion. I think I'm going to just do floor work and non-squat/lunge stuff for a while.

Damn this smoothie is good.


Janjan - So sorry I made you a shrimpy 5'8" in my dream. Anything above that looks pretty much the same from my stature anyway LOL. I don't know about Billy Blanks because he just seems way too excited in his workouts (at least from the samples I've seen). I don't like too excited. I have problems with "woo!" and "yeah!!" in workouts. Did you ask if I work every day or if I work out every day? I work out 6 days a week and do a stretch and vacuum ;) on the 7th. My work work is sporadic (I'll suddenly have work and/or meetings...I can't plan a dang thing in life) and I have no set hours. Heheh, and no, I don't see my putting up a picture trail anytime too soon.

How about you, Kate? Photo trail?

Michele - That totally sucks about your headaches. Clammy is never good. That would really bite to start having mold problems, so those guys better figure it out on Monday. In the meantime, I hope you get some good sleep. At least you can rest knowing that your skin won't get dry LOL.

All right. I'm done with my smoothie, so I guess I should mosey. Have a nice night!
Good Morning Everyone - I am so excited to go meet the kitty this morning! Sort of a long drive for a cat (1 hr each way) but she is so cute! I hope her personality fits her looks.

GS Chest and Tris is planned for todoay. I haven't worked out in so long it is hard to get up the motivation to do that workout. I might just do a quick jog around the neighborhood instead.

Michele - If you suspect mold, have an expert look at it ASAP. I have had to deal with big litigation over mold here in Houston after Hurricane Allison. Insurance companies are really jerks about this stuff, even if it is covered, so get it fixed as soon as possible!!

August - I was either born deaf in one ear or it happened when I was 2 and had a really really high fever which sometimes makes you go deaf. They didn't find out about it until I was 3 or so and my mom handed me the phone to my left ear to talk to my aunt but I kept handing the phone back saying that no one was there when my aunt was basically screaming into the receiver. So I am completely deaf in the left ear. Doesn't really affect me much except that I HATE being at noisy parties or dinners because I can't hear a damn thing.
Hey Diane!!! Give the report about the kitty! Can't wait to hear! Good luck, and hey enjoy the ride out there, it will be fun for you guys!! Take pics if you can!!
Two kitties, three kitties, four. You can't have enough cats.
Diane, my mother is deaf in the left ear. Seems it happened due to an ear infection when she was very young. I guess this tends to be common. My girls both had lots of ear infections. Thank goodness these days for the tubes and the new innoculation for ear infections.
Michele, yes, definately, get the mold looked at. That can make you really sick and yes, even cause migraines. Please have it looked at!
August, how tall are you. I notice you called Janjan a tiny five-eight. I remember five-eight from the eighth grade. Wow, that was awhile ago! Five-eleven was awhile ago too, I believe I was a mere fifteen when I passed that one up. "Will I ever stop growing", I wondered. I think I did. I mean I remember when it was long pants weather, I would put on last years pants and as with every year, they were too short. Now, I can say that every year they are at least the same length. Whew!
This is weird. I am now finally losing that weight out of nowhere. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to start eating yogurt as I used to when I was younger and was the correct weight. Well, since then I have started to lose weight. Five pounds so far. No effort and I love cherry yogurt. Weird, really weird. Oh, knock on wood. Ten pounds to go!
Today it is Pyramid and some cardio and some abs and then some yogurt. Everyone take care and have a great day!
Diane - Oh yeah, it's kitty day! I can't wait to hear about it! Your Aunt totally must have thought you were being a brat "faking" that she wasn't there! LOL.

Kate - I'm how tall you probably were when you were in the first grade - I'm 5'2".

Well, we ended up getting Sadie, a different kitten than we thought we would get. We thought only Lovey was left, but it turns out that 2 of the kittens we thought were already adopted fell through (supposed to be flown to Indiana but new owners ended up not wanting to pay for the plane tickets) and we got one of those instead. Sadie just responded to us better and was really friendly and let us pet her. Lovey was very shy and though she was sweet and she was very very pretty, she was just too skiddish. We want a cat that we can hold and cuddle all the time and likes new people.

Anyways, Janjan, Cosmo is still there!!! You should seriously go check him out, he is really playful and fun. We almost got him too, he is just way too adorable.

We are picking up Sadie in 2 weeks (we had to wait to make sure the virus is out of the house). We just can't wait to have her home.

Check out the picturetrail for a few pics of her.
Hi everybody! Thanks for all your concern and well wishes. You are all so thoughtful.

OMG! Diane!! Sadie is sooooo cute! She reminds me of a kitty I used to have--Franky. May I make a suggestion? I think you should take 2 of the kittens. You're planning to start a family soon and believe it or not, once you have a baby your kitty will get a little lonely. Kitties are creatures of habit and the changes that come about after a baby will be less traumatic with 2 cats who can entertain each other IMHO. I had 2 litter mates and they were so cute together. I think you should at least consider the possibility;) .

Here's what's going on with me. I still have a headache but it's much better.--I've been on some HVAC forums and got several great suggestions. I think the problem is with my thermostat. I went out and and bought a weather station and it's indicating a much lower humidity than my thermostat. I found out that people have been returning this particular thermostat in droves because of problems. It's a pretty complicated device and I hate it. So, the indoor humidity may not be the problem after all. Now I need to figure out why I feel so rotten. I guess just seasonal allergies.;(

I'm off to take a nap. You gals take care and I'll try to check back later.

:* :*
Michele - So sorry you are feeling bad. I hope you figure out what is wrong soon. I have chronic tiredness and just realized the other day that most people don't feel tired 100% of the time. Trying to figure out what could be the cause.

We thought a long time about getting two of the kittens. We knew that we wanted Sadie 100% but couldn't decide whether to get one of the other two as well. We thought about getting Lovey as well, but watched her and decided that she might do better in a house by herself. Sadie and Cosmo definitely dominated her, in that if they all lunged for a toy I was playing with, Lovey would back off and let the other two play. It seemed like Lovey always came over to you when you were alone and needed more individual attention. So if we got two, it might be better to get Cosmo, because he is more independent and seemed to play better with Sadie. But we just decided to get one for now. DH and I were really torn up about it though, took like 45 minutes to decide. DH said that if when we come back in two weeks if Lovey or Cosmo is still not adopted, we will have to really really think hard about it. I just think Lovey needs a home where she is the focus, she was just so shy and let the other kittens take her toys and dominate her. Gosh she was the most adorable thing though.
Diane...go get Cosmos!!! Two kittys are so much fun and these 2 sound like it would be great if they could stay with each other. Oh come one go and get him!!! You know you want to.....tell DH to read this and tell him to just go for it! I think my kitty needs a friend, but after starting the flying boogies today, I realized I have a house full. I don't know if I can keep up with DD (who btw is about to start walking any day now....she is on her way, you should see this kid!)...so, back to what I was saying, with a 14 year old dog, 1 cat, 1 baby, and 1 really messy DH, I don't know if I can see getting another kitty right now as much as I want one!
I am so excited to hear you guys found a kitty to love. That kitty is going to be spoiled! YEAH!!!

Moving right along....girls.....oh let the cleaning begin.....I had to stop myself I was getting nuts........I had to walk out of the room....but then I would walk into another room and start cleaning it.....I am about to leave the house I am going nuts....I just realized how dirty this house got with me not being able to get around too well.

Here is something really gross...ok we have tile floor in most of the rooms downstairs, but the tile is light and the grout is light too and over the years (the house is 5 years old) you know grime gets in the grout...so I got a magic eraser from Mr. Clean (I swear by this thing) and sat down on the floor and just went at the grout with the eraser and it got pretty clean. Only problem, I need more erasers to get all the floors clean and about 10 other people helping. This is going to be one of those "long projects".

Ok so I had to share that. We went on the IKEA spending binge today, made it out of there for only $250 and got DD a real cute dresser. Yes, I will admit we have yet to finish her room, she has the essentials, crib, changing table, etc, but we could never agree on a dresser and then just kept putting it off until I was like...yeah she needs a dam dresser...so after a few weeks of naggin we got one. It's so cute. I will put some pics up on the trail once everything comes together.

Ok, I have got to run..we are havinga teeth moment right now and ohhh its not fun.
Now y'all have me sitting here agonizing over whether to get Cosmos!!! He is so cute too. I think we may do what DH said and wait to see if he is still there in two weeks. We don't NEED two, and if he finds a loving home somewhere else, that is fine with us. But if he is still there in two weeks, we will have to play with him again and see. We weren't really focusing on him as much because it was clear that Sadie liked us the most.

Editted to say: Jana, by the way, I used magic eraser the other day on the grout of my guest bathroom tile floor. I am not sure if and when the tile was replaced from when the house was built 40 years ago, but I know it sure seemed like 40 years worth of crud. It was simply disgusting.
Get the cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August, you are 5'2"? You are almost correct, I was that height at the summer before the sixth grade. Close.
See, I want to see Cathe doing her workout with gals who are like six feet tall. It would look so ridiculous, I think I may want to do more cardio just to watch the show.

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