I Hate Cardio - July 14

I definitely couldn't do the cleanse either - 10 days without food is too long for me. Not sure I want to be glued to the toilet for 10 days either. But I can seem how it might make people feel better.

Same ol' story for me today - stayed up to late talking with DH when he got home. This weekend I WILL catch up on sleep.
10 days without food is too long? I have enough trouble lasting 3 hours!! x(


Weekends are good for catching up on sleep. Maybe I'll even bust out my barley.
Good morning!

Holy crap (seems fitting)!! I overslept this morning. I didn't get up until 9 AM. I had trouble sleeping again. I was watching some dopey French movie until 3 AM.

I'm with you, August. I eat about every 3 hours during the day--stuff like fruits and veggies mostly. I wouldn't dream of intentionally going without food for 10 days. And I have no earthly idea why that would make anyone feel better.

I have LIS (Life is Sedentary, Look is Sinister...) today. I need breakfast before I pass out--lol!

I'll BBL:) :*
Morning, Michele,

So what was for breakfast?

I'm slowly making my way through my darn steel-cut oats. I also bought a kzillion cartons of soymilk (free delivery if you buy a kzillion) and now it's a race to see if I can balance my food ratios and finish the soymilk before the expiration date. :eek:

Maybe I'll make barley a la soymilk.
Going with out food for 10 days is just not right. Why would anyone in their right mind want to do that...oh yeah thats right, with out the food you are not in your right mind.

Thanks, but I will stick to the fiber one.....

moving right along.....

Well another round of PT and getting better. Starting to like this new PT and she is really working with me to get better. Still have a lot of swelling that needs to go down, but she was much more willing to let me go back to step aerobics sooner than the Dr if and I mean if the swelling goes down. We have to work on that, but hey one day at a time right!

Ok so I have to go and finish on the bike and then I will be back

Hello to everyone...stand by will be back...
Jana - Glad that the PT is going well. I want to go back to PT because then I got insurance to pay for my massages ;-) I went to PT for back problems a couple years back (muscle imbalance in my upper back caused by the fact that I am deaf in my left ear so I turn my head to the left to try and hear people about 1,000 times a day!!! Who knew that is why I was getting horrible headaches!) The imbalance is getting annoying again, and the only thing that helps it is certain back exercises, stretches, heat, and LOTS and LOTS of back MASSAGES!!! So my PT was fun :) DH tries to give good massages but it is not the same.
Hi ladies. Holy crapola is this thread dead. I looked at yesterday's and it was hopping. I am so out of the loop, none of the haters are cleansing??? Correct????? I like to eat too much to not eat for 10 days. And believe me, if you saw me, you'd see it does show.

Well yesterday was a joke. After deliberating on what lower body workout to do, I didn't get any in. All of my workout stuff is in the bedroom and my DH went to bed at 8:00. He works outside and this heat is killing him. He is actually taking a nap right now.

So today I did my own LB workout. Here it is if anyone cares:

Leg Press Machine, 15 reps per set at: 120lbs, 130lbs, 140lbs, 150lbs, 175 lbs, 200lbs and 225lbs. 3 sets of 15 on the leg extension machine at 40lbs and 3 sets of 15 of hamstring curls at 30lbs. Then I did 3 sets of 15 crunches on the incline bench.
Came home from work and did 100 front lunges per leg w/8lb dumbells, 125 calf raises w/8lb dumbells, and 100 step ups. Then I did the floor portion of PLB and the stretch. I think my legs will be fried tomorrow.

Jan-Jan: What a relief about your DD's eye. It is so hard not to worry so I"m glad that they put your mind at ease. I"m glad that PT is getting better as well. You'll be as good as new in no time.

Michele: Did you do your cardio today? Can't remember if you had cardio today or not? If I remember correctly today is LIS?

Diane: Glad your DH is home. Anything special planned for the weekend?

August: Never tried Powerstrike. As a matter of fact, the only kickbox that I have ever done is Cathe's and Tae-Bo. I did take a Tae-Bo type of kickboxing class years ago at a martial arts studio and I loved it.

Kali: That is really strange about your DH's test. When will he get the results back from this new test? What workout did you do today?

Hello to the rest of the gang, Kate & Char.

Have a great evening everyone! :)
Good morning,

Okay, here's a weird thing. Jana, I had a dream about you. I know it's weird being that I have no idea what you look like, but "you" were there. And you had three children - two daughters and a son. You were about 5'8" and had sandy, slightly wavy, shoulder-length hair. We and a bunch of other people were traveling somewhere.

Sorry I dreamed you up for such a boring dream LOL.

I think it's because the last thing I did last night was see your post and thought about responding, but by that time it was past 2am, so I figured I should try to sleep. Anyway, it's great that you're getting so much out of your PT and that your knee is headed in the healing direction!

Diane - What happened to make your left ear weak? Do you remember a certain happening like when you were a kid?

Dana - Ohhh, I totally do that "which one should I do....nothing" bit. If an exercise plan is not written down into my schedule, it's as good as...forgotten. Wow, I can't imagine doing "my own" leg workout and then tacking on a real one afterwards. That is hardcore. Is the Tae-Bo the Billy Blanks one? I didn't click with him when I saw the minute sampler. What do you think of him (assuming it's him)?

Michele - Did you do your LIS?
Well the good thing is I am not 5'8" wayyyyy taller than that. Tied with Kate for 5'11" and no sandy blonde hair, blonde blonde hair and only 1 child!!! Only room for 1 in this house! haha!

Cool where we going? I need a vacation, thinking about that today.

So, I am offically behind on all my school work and am killing my GPA, but uhhh I am just sooooo over it right now!

I so do not much care for the Billy Blanks stuff. It is soooo boring and just blah. They sit there and count to 8 all the time during the dam thing and no music at all. I put that one in the ebay pile right away.

Ok so August what are you doing for your workout today? Do you work everyday or do you have a flex schedule?? It is now your turn for a pic trail...we are expecting one from you and Kate this week! Get to it!!!
Hi all,

I've had such a bad headache today I thought I would puke. I can't seem to shake it. It starts to get better and then it comes back. I think I've figured out why.

The humidity level inside my house is very high. We have a fairly new (less than a year old) HVAC system, an energy efficient heat pump, and it's not lowering the humidity. It lowers the temp but not the moisture and our house has a cool, clammy feeling. I've called the company about this several times and they just keep giving me the run around. I've scheduled them to come out Monday morning and if they don't come up with an answer there will be hell to pay. I'm worried that we're going to end up with a mold problem. Anyway, I think this is what's at the root of my headaches.

No work out for me today.

I'm going to bed :-(
Oh my gosh...Michele...that is serious....you really need to get that checked out. That really could be a big cause of your headaches. That is not good..stay on top of that company and I sure do hope you get to feeling better soon! Hugs!
Oh, Michele, I am so sorry about your headaches. I have a friend who had those everyday for a year. She is much better, not working where we worked.. She gave up chocolate and that helped a little, but I think it was mainly stress.
JanJan, I am six feet tall, not a petite five-eleven like you. I do remember passing up five eleven, I wanted to stay there, but my body would not.
Sorry, I wasn't around this morning. I did my hour of cardio, then abs and then stretch and it was off running errand etc etc.
Things should quiet down tomorrow.
OMG Kate...what are we going to do with you......I am sooo far from petite, I call that section in the store the little girls section!! I feel really sorry for short people, I would hate to be short, being tall I have more places to hide my cheeseburgers that I sneak in once a week! haha!!!
You are too funny!

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