I Hate Cardio - Happy July 4th!


Hi Everyone -

I hope everyone has fun plans for the 4th. We are going to DH's parents house for hot dogs and hamburgers tonight, that is about it.

I am about to go do a short run, then finish GS Back Should and Bis, (just the Bicep part) and coremax 1. My dvd player started messing up yesterday, there was no sound, and by the time I figured out the problem, I was not warmed up any more and just decided to finish the bicep seg today.

Jana - sorry about your knee still doing bad. Does the doc think this is normal progression, or is it not healing?

August - Did you survive KPC?

Michele - Umm...did you do your cardio today? I think that you get double cardio today.
I hate cardio too but I am doing it anyway. I am sure what type but as soon as I get my backside off this chair and over to the bookshelf to pick up my workout, I guess I should know.
Sorry about your knee Jan. I will be thinking about you if I do Imax 2. I guess doing cardio is better than healing a knee. That's it-a list of all the things that cardio is better than. Yes, all the things, both of them. A list.
Today, my husband is working. He is soooo busy. He is afraid to take any days off. He is a stucco contractor. I am taking the girls to a friend for swimming and tonight it is fireworks!
Everyone take care.
Hello everyone,

The knee is actually ok, it's just part of the healing process. It is just to take a while, but good news is I can do the bike for 30-40 mins and it is good. So, yes I am doing my cardio..hheeee...and not hating it! haha!

Right now, it's just the walking part because the muscles get stiff, I should ice it more, but heck who has the xtra 20 mins right now.

DD woke up at 2:30 am this morning and refused to go back to sleep. Fire works are allowed where we live because we don't live within Houston city limits and some idiot was popping them until 5 am. I swear if I find that person I am going to chop their you know what's off. DD was screaming her head off and look like she had just seen a ghost. DH had already left to go fishing (yes he leaves at 2:30 am) so let's put it this way...I am a little tired today...uhhh....don't like not sleeping......

Anyway, well I did my cardio this morning and now going to work on some abs. Abs are hard too because I can't bend my knee so I put my knees on the ball and work from there. Getting the lower abs is a little frustrating because I can't suspend the leg in the air or anything. The right leg still feels like it weighs about 100 lbs, so well...again...getting there.

Kate, believe it or not I wish I was doing IMAX2 with you. I actually really like that one...(wait did I just say that????)...must be the lack of sleep. How is your knee feeling? Any better?

Diane-ohhhh the heat and humidity is here. Yesterday it felt like the swamps, my hair was not happy.

Michele- I take it you are back on the cardio wagon...good to hear!!!

August...I think you are asleep now or still on the floor from doing the xtra KPC for me!! haha!!

Ok I am off, I am hungry

Have a good day everyone
Jana - I just got back from my 3 mile run/walk, 1/2 of it being a walk because it is so dang hot and humid out there that I think it is unsafe to get overheated, as I sometimes get low blood sugar and pass out. It is on the verge of raining over here, but it is not raining yet, so the humidity is so thick you feeling like you are swimming through it. Feels icky.

If you find the firecracker person, I can come help you deal with him...}(
It is really unsafe to be out there for too long and since the humidity is so bad, I don't know about you, but it makes it harder for me to breath. Back before being preggo I would run in the park with all the other crazies out there at 6 am and I would loose a lot of energy quicker being out in the park vs indoor.
DH is in Matagorda and they had to come in because of the rain is so bad. He said the sky above East Bay is black..rain, rain...yeah

I swear, what kind of fruit cake would pop firecrackers until 5 am? Do these people not have anything better to do??? I was very upset over it. We have a bayou behind us and I know they were out there some where shooting them off. Down fall in the burbs. I have decided to take my issues to city hall and work to make it illegal. Wish me luck....
I DID my cardio yesterday:eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: Diane--what's this crap about double cardio--lol!? I only had about 30 minutes to spare so I did Basic Step because that's just under 30 minutes, then I found 10 minutes to squeeze in a segment of Total Body Stretching. My back is still acting up and stretching seems to help some. Today I'm doing Total Body Sculpting. We're thinking about going to a movie later today. DH wants to see Superman. It's raining here and I'm about sick of this weather. If it's not raining, it's so hot and humid you can't stand to be outside. It's been in the 90's here for several days now with very high humidity. We're planning to grill out tonight if the rain lets up. Chicken is on the menu.

Diane, good luck on your run. I'm thinking about ordering Coremax. I still haven't decided which new cardio DVD's to get. I might order Cardio and Weights and CTX. I want a NEW rotation but alas, my repeated requests have gone unanswered by Cathe:-( .

Kate, what cardio did you finally decide on? I think you need to work on that list of all the things cardio is better than--lol! My DH is working today, too, at home. He has tons of letters to dictate and has his notes sprawled out all over the couch in my living room.

Janjan, I'm glad to hear your knee will permit 30 or 40 minutes on a bike. That's excellent! I hate to think of you hobbling across the parking lot, though :* . I hope you're back in full swing soon. Doesn't your rehab start this week?

August, brussels sprouts are so easy to make. First of all, ditch the frozen kind and go with fresh in season whenever possible. They're so much better, trust me. Here's a couple of great recipes that are easy and delicious:

From Gourmet Magazine:

- 1 lb brussels sprouts
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 2 ounces pancetta, visible fat removed and minced (optional)
- extra virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup water
- salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Toss together Brussels sprouts, pancetta, garlic, oil, and salt and pepper to taste in an 11- by 7-inch baking pan and spread in 1 layer.

Roast in upper third of oven, stirring once halfway through roasting, until sprouts are brown on edges and tender, about 25 minutes total. Stir in water, scraping up brown bits. Serve warm.

Here's another one from the food network


Enjoy your 4th of July holiday and I'll see you later:* :*
Hey there,

I got up and did like 2 minutes of fasted HIIT LMAO. Maybe the day after will be 1 minute, and then the next will be 30 seconds. :) No extra KPC or anything of the sort!

Today is Gym Chest/Triceps. And major food shopping.

Michele, thanks for your brussel sprouts recipe. I'd love to buy those guys fresh, but I can't get them here, which is a bummer because I love them. One more bummer - I don't have an oven, either. I mean, I have a toaster/microwave which kind of can sub for an oven, but I've never really tried baking anything in it before. It's all grill and steam over at August's x( . Hey, and good for you for getting to your cardio, woman!

Janjan, I did try out your method of steaming and then a quick grill and they were TONS better than just letting them defrost (except that the first time I did it I didn't let them steam long enough and only found out after grilling and putting them in my mouth that they were still popsickled inside LOL - and yet they STILL tasted better than when I was just defrosting them LOL). Anyway, in two meals I was able to eat them all (one bag of frozen brussel sprouts) so they're out of my hair. I'll stick to restaurant-made...That's pretty great that you're able to do your stationary bike without trouble. You'll be doing step and kicking @ss in no time (and kicking those @ssh:eek:les not slowing down for you)! Oh, and the firecracker thing. That would drive me nuts. I guess you couldn't see at all who it was?

Diane, how were the hotdogs and hamburgers?

Kate, I hope the girls enjoyed the fireworks!

Well, I've switched my morning smoothie to an "after weight-lifting" smoothie, and have started trying to eat my steel-cut oats. I just do not like those things. How can so many people love those things? I hate that they get all puffchewy. What's wrong with me? Another culinary faux pas? The only way I can eat them is just soaking them overnight in soymilk and whey protein. Do you think it's all right to be eating 40 grams (1/4 cup) of that stuff raw?

P.S. Not to rain on Coremax's parade, but I've got it and I hardly ever use it. There are just so many great ab workouts on all the other Cathe workouts I have, that I usually end up just doing whatever ab workout is on the workout I'm doing that day. Of course, I don't know about the step workouts - they might not have any ab parts in them? If that's the case then...ignore this information (that you never asked for anyway :D ).
Ok so now we have all the idiots popping major firecrackers outside and I wish they would quit. Now, don't get me wrong I like the firecrackers, but not in my back yard. I swear I am on a mission to put a ban on firecrackers that are not supervised by the city or county.

Ok well at least you tired on the sprouts. I forgot to mention, I do pop them in the microwave for about 1-2 mins first to defrost...duh...sorry.....I love to sautee spinach, broc, and okra in some evoo (xtra virgin olive oil) with garlic. Yummy.....I am still hungry....must go to bed.....so tired.....but damm firecrackers.....

I am going to throw janapolloza for pay backs. Yeah, that's what I will do. Invite all the bands, set up a stage in the bayou behind the house and let people camp out for 2 days during the festival....heheheeee....then we will see who keeps shooting the firecrackers.....heee......tickets go on sale next Saturday 10 am sharp.

Ok, I am now offically loosing my mind. I am out for now, but will be back later. Will be up until the break of dawn again I am sure.
Oh man, that's really got to suck. But it's illegal after the 4th, right? At least it's just one night. Miserable, but at least you can rejoice in knowing those jerks will be gone tomorrow. }(

I wonder if you're still up. Ohhh, sucks I'm sure.

Another thing that sucks : I just finished a really hard Gym chest/tri and was so eager to make my smoothie, I popped out my DVD from my computer and my wobbly arms dropped said DVD and of course, OF COURSE, it bounced out of my hands, off the table and behind my washing machine. My washing machine sits on a tray. Good luck to me to fish it out. Talk about suck. I'm off to get my wire hanger to make a fishing rod now. x(

I found my lost keychain, too LOL.

Well, I got the DVD out but major scratches were involved. I hope it will play normally. If not, I guess it will make the perfect pair for my crapped up Gym Legs.

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