I Hate Cardio Check-In, May 4

Miss Lee


I've been up and out and had my blood drawn this morning (time to re-check that pesky cholesterol level). If you read my post last night then you know I did not do my cardio yesterday. It was not possible. I could never have gotten through it. I feel much better today now that I've had some decent sleep.

Today is Abs and stretch but I'm going to tack on yesterday's cardio, too. I've lost about 7# over the past 8 weeks (I say about 7 because I can't remember my starting weight. For some reason that even I can't comprehend, I did not record my starting weight). My jeans are feeling a little loose and I couldn't be happier.

I need to renew my drivers license, too. I wanted to do that after I was finished at the lab, but my kitty slept on my head last night and totally screwed up my hair:eek: ;( .

Girls, I need to go and eat some brekkie. I fasted for 12 hours for my lab work and now I'm starving. I'll see you later!

Morning ladies.

Kudos to you Michele on your weight loss. Is it safe to say that all the cardio is paying off? Glad you got some sleep and are feeling better. Today is a new day so don't beat yourself up about missing yesterday's cardio. Sounds like your day has started busy.

I'm checking in now b/c I'm so busy that I won't have a chance to check in later. I was swamped yesterday which is why I didn't post. Yesteday I didn't get in any cardio. We had a luncheon at work for one of our co-workers (it was his b-day and he just finished getting his degree). We had tacos but I only had one and we had ff sourcream, whole wheat wraps, so it wasn't all that bad. Last night Gabe and I played baseball and soccer. It was so fun and I'm going to use that as my cardio. We ran a lap around the baseball field before we got started and did some warm-up exercises (stretches, toe touches, push ups and jumping jacks). That was between 60-90 minutes. We live directly across from a huge baseball field so it is very convenient.

Michele - to answer your question about the challenge. I'm not really posting on the challenge check in. My goal weight is about 20lbs heavier then what most of the challengers currently weigh. I can't compete with those ladies - so I kinda feel awkward posting there, KWIM? No offense to anyone there just don't feel like I "belong" there. I don't have the time to commit to it - my life is so hectic. So I"m doing it on my own. Keeping a log of my stats and trying like heck to stick to my goals. It is hard though. And no I haven't been able to pick up with my rotation. I ended at BootCamp. I WILL complete the rotation though - it will just take me longer then the 4 weeks.

I think tonight I"m going to lift. I"m walking at lunch but I need to get in some weights.

And Saturday my mom is watching Gannon so Gabe and I can finally go bike riding. Can't wait!

Happy belated birthday Kate!

August - wow, even I beat you here today. Congrats on yesterday's KPC. I can't do pikes either so I also sub something else. Are you doing cardio today or something else?

Jana - you never did post yesterday if you worked out? So what's the deal?

Diane - a run on for today?

Char-Char: what's on your plate (not literally :p ) for today?

Well I better get going. Got letters to type, try to create some type of schedule for spec ed that is going to work with summer school, I've got 2 pain in the butt brochures to do and the filing, oh the filing is piled 3 feet high. Oh well, job security baby!

Have a great day all!
Hi Everyone -

Blah, what a yucky day today. I stayed at work late last night (10 pm) and have another long day ahead of me. I am just so tired.

This morning I did most of Firprime Strong Bear with Tracie Long. Do y'all remember that one? I ran out of time so didn't finish, so I will try to do the floor work and abs after my run tomorrow. I am having some nostalga for my older workouts (older Firms, Fitprime etc) and will start doing those until I get strong enough for Cathe again. I am just not feeling strong anymore, so doing heavy weights right now just scares me!

Dana - I understand about the check-in thing. I used to check-in on the runners forum, but just couldn't compete with those girls. I would be all proud of my 30 min run, and they would be running for 10 miles.
Hi Haters!

I am doing a challenge circuit today. Nothing I hate. Here it is......

• Complete 10-12 reps for each exercise
• For cardio segments, do the first four minutes at a comfortable pace. For the last four minutes change your pace, incline and/or resistance.
• Start with a 10-minute cardio warm-up.

DB Chest Fly
Push Ups (chest)
Lat Pull Downs (Back)
Seated shoulder press on ball or bench (anterior deltoid)
Lateral Raises (anterior deltoid)
Hover Squats (Quadriceps)
Static Lunges (Quadriceps)
One Arm Row (Back)
Incline Bicep Curls (Biceps)
Lying Triceps Extension (Triceps)

Following first circuit, do 2-IMAX2 Blasts
Following second circuit, do 2-IMAX2 Blasts
Repeat circuit
5 minutes cool-down
Abs (your choice)
Gentle stretching

Char Char
Yo Haters!

I am here, just finished breakfast and already did the Toasty rotation for the day. I liked it Char Char..will email you in a sec..

HOw is everyone? I have about 2 seconds before DD starts yelling so..


DMoney~ you are doing great with your running! Good job! Keep up the hard work

Dana~ you are always going to be our 12 week challenge winner! WE support you no matter what and I know you are going to do great! I know how you feel about that check-in, you do the best you can and you can always just stay right here with us!

Char Char~ stand by for more to new email address..got that last one..got to feed DD and then expect email ok...

August~ one sugguestion about the shoulder thing with the barbell..lower the weight and see if that helps, I mean go down to like 25 lbs...also try putting the barbell underneith your chin and not on your shoulders might help...be back more for that converstation

anyone else..sorry short on time.

Have a great Thursday everyone!!!
BTW-I am asking for everyone to send me some good no surgery required vibes for tomorrow...it's the Dr's apt tomorrow at 10 am....and I DO NOT WANT SURGERY to repair this knee...so I really need everyone's vibes for this! hopefully it can be fixed without surgery....SOS send some vibes!

I will let everyone know the update tomorrow!
Thank you everyone again for the birthday wishes, it made my day!
But today was cardio again. Back on the train. Oh well.
Today, since I was on a field trip yesterday, and since there is another one tomorrow (this makes 24 of the 25 Kindergarten field trips of the school year--burn out) I had to do Leaner Legs (wow, this one is almost cardio) and Imax 2. I am whipped. Worn out. but I am going ice-skating later (well, I don't know how to skate so I will burn about six calories) to counter balance the bad schedule this week.
Hope everyone is having a good day. Well, you must, I am, because my cardio is done!
Where does everyone live????
Hi girls!

Jana, prayers and vibes coming your way in hopes that you don't need surgery. I'm a little jealous of your current built-in excuse to get out of cardio, though, but I wouldn't wish surgery on anyone. Please let us know how it goes.

Dana, I know exactly how you feel about the 12 week challenge. At first I thought I might do it, but I'm so far behind those gals there's just no way! I've kind of been doing my own little challenge and I'm content with that. Also, my DH doesn't want me posting pictures of myself on the internet and I can see why he feels that way. So, good luck and ^5's on your personal challenge.

Kate, I'm glad you had a good Bday. Mine's next week and I started celebrtating last Sunday--lol! Be careful on those skates, young lady! I could never do that...I'd break my neck! Because you asked, I live in Ohio.

Diane, hang in there. This too shall pass. I thinks going with some less strenuous work outs for now is a good idea. A girl can only do so much. I worry that you'll be more susceptible to injury from sheer exhaustion so easier WO's is good. I'm impressed that you've been able to do as much as you have!

Char Char, OMG! I feel exhausted just looking at your WO plans--lol! Good luck with it.

I've got to run..I have a lot to do.

Michele~ oh woman I am so still doing cardio! Toasty would hurt me if I did not. I am on the roation with Toasty, what I am doing is walking with inclines (yes walking how yawn boring) and KPC w/out the jump kicks etc, and still squatting with lower weights. I am not doing any step or high impact on the knee right now. As much as I hate cardio I would never give it up. I have hip fat to keep burining off! A big thanks to DD for that one!
Thank you so much for your good vibes!

You cracked me up when you said your kitty slept on your head and messed up your hair! My kitty used to do that too, but he got the boot since we had DD. He has to sleep with the dog now..poor kitty!

When is the B-day Michele????
Yes Michele when is the b-day?

My co-worker just gave me a recipe for this wonderful choc cake. It is called Black Magic Cake. And the peanut butter frosting recipe. I'm going to make it for Gabe and DH.

I can make you one, divide it up and mail ya all a piece. HA!
Oh boy! I LOVE cake...all cake...every single kind of cake--lol! Dana, I definitely want that recipe. OMG that sounds to die for!

My birthday is May 8th and I've decided to have a birthweek. I'll be 51 and I know I'm old enough to be your mother so you gals better listen to me--hehehe!

I'm definitely going to have cake. My DH always bakes a cake for me. He bakes 4 small cakes in little ramekins. They're volcano cakes and when you cut into them warm, molten chocolate oozes out:9 :p }( .
Yup..he's a keeper!

Jana, squats with bad knees make me nervous. Please be careful, missy.

put one on dry ice and fed ex it to me Michele...oh sounds so yummy!

Ok so now here is the really weird part to the knee, squats don't bother it at all...lunges no way, steps no way, running no way..but squats ok??

WTH?? it's strange!
Birthday week sounds fun. My b-day is May 9th (day after Michele!). Unfortunately my DH's b-day is May 11st, so I don't even get a full week of attention and pampering, only one day really! It is kinda fun because we just exchange presents on the 10th. Kinda like Christmas.

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