I hate cardio check-in, 4/25


Ha, ha August, I beat you here today!:p Hopefully we're not posting at the same time.

How is everyone today?

Last night I did my LB workout. I did PLB, standing portion only. I was also supposed to do abs but it was already 8:45 and I still had to get the boys ready for bed. Then I was planning on doing the abs this morning and had my alarm set for 4:30 - didn't get out of bed til 5:05 so no abs this am. I will do them tonight, along with HIIT on the elliptical. No walk today b/c I have to go to the grocery store during my lunch.

Michele - I am so glad that everything went well with your brother's surgery. What a relief. So what did you end up doing yesterday? LIS or rest?

As for the BFL meals, I just make them up. I have no barley recipes. I just cooked a big pot the other night and divided it into 1/2 c. portions. I've been eating it plain or mixed with splenda & cinnamon like oatmeal.

Here are my meals for today:
1: 3 links turkey sausage, old fashioned oat meal w/splenda & cin
2: ff cottage cheese mixed w/ff yogurt
3: chicken breast, green beans, baked sweet potato
4: EAS strawberry creme shake
5: 1 c. whole wheat pasta, 1/2 c ground turkey breast, 1 c. tomatoes sprinkled with fresh basil & oregano
6: Myoplex-lite bar

I have a confession to make, I cannot give up my morning coffee. I know it is not on my plan but it will kill me if I don't have it. LOL. I do use ff creamer (see trying to make any exuse that it is legitmate).

Have a great day ladies. I"ll check back later!
Keep drinking that coffee Dana. You go for it. Someday someone, a hero to all of course, will discover that coffee and chocolate old fashioned donuts are the best things for you. Well, a dream. But we all can dream.
Yeah, Michele. I too, am pleased to hear all is well with that surgery. The word "surgery" makes me cringe. That and the word "flap" when referring to the eye in laser eye surgery.
Nothing is on my plate today. I have to go to school early. My younger daughters school over-night trip begins today and there were a few children who opted out for one reason or another so they are scheduled to sit in with first grade classes. Most of the children are going to be "sick" but I am taking her today. Well, I am taking the children to the doctors office and we will be late. Oh well. I have sat in on the first grade class before when we didn't go on a field trip and it is boring!!
Have a great day.
Repeat after me" "Cardio is fun, it is your friend" Forget it, this never works for me.
Hi Dana and Kate!

Wow Dana, you have to get up pretty early to beat August to the boards--lol!

Thanks all for the well wishes for my brother. I'm STUNNED they let him go home. There was never a doubt in my mind that they would keep him overnight. He had a lumbar laminectomy, for crying out loud! Boy, things have sure changed since I quit nursing.

Okay, I rested yesterday. I was not in any condition to exercise at all so I'm going to continue with my rotation but will be one day behind on everything. I'll be completely caught up by Sunday because I'll skip the rest day which is Saturday.

Dana, there is no way in he!! I'm ever giving up my coffee. From everything I've read 1 or 2 cups in the morning are good for weight loss. They now say that coffee is loaded with antioxidants (there you go Kate, you can perk your coffee and drink it, too--it's GOOD FOR YOU--lol!). Anyway Dana, your meal plan looks great. I love barley and it's so nutritious. I have a recipe for a barley salad that calls for cherry tomatoes and corn, etc. Let me know if you're interested and I'll post it for you.

Kate as stated above, you can have the coffee. I'll try to figure out something for the donut--lol! And let's not forget that dark chocolate is compatible with a healthy diet. Maybe you could dip your milk chocolate in a little dark chocolate}(. Somehow I think taking care of hordes of children is a work out in itself.

August, I'm getting ready to call and have the police knock on your door to make sure you're all right. You're always here by now. I'm worried that something bad happened to you in an overzealous attempt at Bodymax. You should be so proud of yourself. Wow! Three compliments! That's awesome, August, and well earned, I'm sure.

Diane, I agree that your endurance will come back quickly. You haven't been out of it long enough to lose much ground. What did you end up doing last night? I think if you chose AI you probably weren't alone. I'll bet I'm the only person in America that's never seen an episode of AI. Great job scoring those CIA videos!

MJ, I haven't had a pair of Levi's in years. I don't even know where they sell them around here for women. Do they have many cute styles for women? How'd you fair on your work out yesterday? Did you squeeze in KPC or did the butt glue have too a strong ahold--lol!?

JanJan, have you recovered from the shock of your student loan debt? I'm so glad those days are behind me. Of course, I'm old enough to be your mother and back in the day you could get through nursing school fairly cheaply. My debt was paid off in just about 3 or 4 years and the interest on my loan was really low. So, a little dreadmill today?

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. I'm pretty much caught up on my rest and ready to go. I'll try to post again later. I have a goal for today and tomorrow and have a lot of things I want to accomplish around here so I have the weekend free and clear to relax and enjoy.

Take care, lovelies!
Don't call the police! I'm here!

It felt awfully strange not starting today's thread. Kudos to you, Dana! :7

After reading that Michele hadn't slept well, I totally couldn't fall asleep x( LOL. I ended up falling asleep around 5am, then getting up later than usual and this of course made everything in my morning plan all screwy, and that made me late for my meeting...I thought I had just enough time to do my Kickmax and make my pancake and eat (well, of course I had to have the pancake, are you crazy?! }( ) and then speed walk 30 minutes to the place I was having my meeting........I popped in Kickmax, ready to go, all the while looking at the clock. You know, it's funny when you're in a rush, you feel like you might be able to do the DVD workout faster if you do all the drills at high speed but uh, it just don't work that way, eh? So I ended up having to stop just before the blasts. I couldn't even do the leg drills - I was so bummed! Jeez, I didn't even do a warm down!

I feverishly made my pancake (well, of course I had to make the pancake, are you crazy?! }( ) - but OH NOOOOOOOOO! No time to eat it at all :eek: ! So I rolled it up into foil and crammed it in my bag, and royally skuttled my @ss to my meeting. I did my 30-minute speed walk in 25 minutes and just made it on time. I collected myself and wiped off my sweaty brow ;), went in said hey to everyone and immediately excused myself for a few minutes to go out in the hall to down my pancake. MMMMMMMMM!!!! Even lukewarm that puppy rocks! :9

Anyway, I ended up walking the 30 minutes back home, too, so all in all, I guess I had good cardio.

Dana - You set your alarm for 4:50am? Holy mother. If I had to do abs at that time, I certainly would never get them done. Do you usually do them at that hour? Oh, I totally have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I'd love to try barley. Have you tried quinoa? Are they more like brown rice or like oatmeal? I don't drink coffee but I sure love the smell of it. Gosh, your meals sound yummy.

Michele - So glad to hear the surgery went smoothly. That must be quite a relief. Ooh, yes, post the barley recipe! Maybe I'll try it out! I've never bought barley at the store...I hope I buy the right thing. Maybe I'll try getting some tomorrow.

Kate - What in all h*ll is the "flap" in laser eye surgery? That sounds awful! My friend had the laser surgery years ago when it first came out. She said that it's great once "the snow stops falling." Apparently she saw snow flakes for like a week after the procedure. :eek:

All right, that's it for me. It's after midnight over here. I guess I should wash up and get ready for bed.

Tomorrow is a new one for me - MIS.

Night night!
Wow August I didn't know it was midnight in Japan. Right now it is 12:25 pm here. You're a nut - ya know it? :p Your story had me laughing. You are gonna LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MIS. It was my very first Cathe - it was the one that got me hooked on her workouts. It is tough but you feel like you really accomplished something when your through with it. Let us know what you think of it.

You know how you're addicted to your pancake? I was like that for a long time with this:

Take a whole wheat tortilla, spread pb on it, add 1/2 a banana, sprinkle with granola and honey and wrap it up. Gawsh that thing was delicious!!! I have no idea what the nutrition content was (high calorie I"m assuming)

Michele I'd love your barley recipe. I have one for a barley salad that you put asparagus in. It is really good but I haven't made it in ages. Have you gotten your cardio in yet???

Kate - how old is your daughter? You said an overnight trip for your youngest?? I'm with you on the donut/choc/coffee thing. They should make a choc-coffee donut. Now wouldn't that be yummy!

I'm going to keep drinking my coffee b/c Michele said so!!!

I bought a tiny piece of salmon at the grocery store today. It was only $2 so no biggie if I don't like it. I"ve only tried it one time before and I hated it. It tasted so fishy but maybe it was bad???? I'm going to grill it tomorrow night - hopefully I like it.

So where are Diane, MJ & Jana??? Come out an play ladies!!!

My lunch is up so I better get back to work.
Hi Everyone -

I will be out of the office all day today reviewing documents at another law firm down the street, so I just had a minute during lunch to come back and say hi. I was only able to glance over everyone's post today because I have to go in a minute, but looks like everyone is doing well today.

Last night I did 35 min of one of my new CIA workouts, Step it Strong by Keli Roberts which is a step circuit workout, before AI. It was alright, but she is not has fun as Cathe. I will finish up the video tomorrow morning I think. Today I was supposed to run in the morning, but didn't get up early enough, so I packed a gym bag and I will run at the gym after work.

Alright, I gotta jet, I have another recruiting lunch today. Hopefully I can refrain myself and just get a big salad and no dessert.
Diane, good luck restraining yourself at lunch--lol! Good job on getting in a work out last night.

Dana and August, here's the barley recipe. I found it last year at www.epicurious.com and have made it several times to rave reviews. You can use frozen corn, just thaw it first. I use this recipe as a guide and often vary the ingredients to suit my mood. Check out that website. They have several great recipes including a few more with barley.


2 cups medium barley
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup white-wine vinegar
1 1/2 cups packed fresh basil leaves, rinsed and spun dry
2/3 cup vegetable oil (I use olive oil)
3 cups cooked fresh corn kernels (cut from about 6 ears)
2 pints cherry tomatoes, halved or, if large, quartered

In a kettle bring 10 cups water to a boil, stir in the barley and the salt, and simmer the barley, covered, for 40 minutes, or until it is tender. Drain the barley in a colander, rinse it under cold water, and drain it well. In a blender blend the vinegar, the basil, the oil, and salt to taste until the dressing is emulsified. In a very large bowl toss the barley with the dressing and the corn and stir in the tomatoes gently. Chill the salad, covered, for 1 hour. The salad may be made 1 day in advance and kept covered and chilled.

I don't bother with a blender to make the dressing. A fork or a whisk work perfectly well.

Serves 10 to 12.
June 1992

Here's a fun little chart from one of my all time favorite websites:

Oh my GOSH are there some cute styles for women in Levi's! WOWSERS!!!

Butt glue totally got me yesterday! And today! I don't know what my problem is, but I could work upper body every day...But legs, abs and cardio make me not want to get out of bed! I know I'm not the only one (look at what thread we post in!!), what's up with that??? Can't wait for the responses tomorrow!


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