I Hate Cardio - August 10th


Hello? Where is everyone today?

Well, I work up late today and didn't work out. I am a loser. Thats about all I have for today.
Diane, you are NOT a loser. Now just stop that this instant, young lady!!

I'm sorry I haven't been around and I need to rock and roll here. I'm expecting my darlin' DH home early again tonight:) , and I have a lot to do before he gets here. I'm planning a nice, home cooked meal and I have a boat load of errands to run. I want to try C&W again today if there's time.

Where is everybody today? I know--you're doing a strenuous cardio workout;) :* :*
Diane, stop stop stop. A loser, you? Our warm, friendly, funny, sweet, kind, gosh darn real smart Diane a loser? NO NO NO
Oh, Diane, this is just a bad day. Just that. So you got up late. If I were you, I swear I would never be able to get out of bed. You have sooo much responsibility. And you are handling it. Amazing.

Stop it Diane! So you never got to understand the effect Boy George had on us, it is okay! And do not feel bad about anything else. You don't need to!

Please Diane, you are the opposite of a loser. Now Stop!

Well, I have averaged 1 or 2 workouts a week for a few months now, so I feel like a blob and a loser. I fit in my clothes still, but look flabby. I am totally out of shape.

I will have to stay really late at work today and I just hate it. If only I could quit! But I can't.

Editted - Sorry guys, just throwing a little pity party for myself over here in my office stacked with boxes of work. I'm just is a sour mood!
Hi all!

Diane - Have you thought to try to write out an exercise plan like how you did your Flylady? Your Flylady schedule was so detailed and it seemed like that was really helping you to keep on track of things. It's awful (not to mention such a waste of good energy) to feel badly about yourself. You could write out a week's worth of exercise like it were a Flylady exercise. Just 15 minutes and no more. Then you could do 20 minutes and no more the next week?

Michele - Woo hoo, hope you're having fun with DH! What'd you cook? Oh hey, how's C&W?

Kate - How's it going? Having a nice day? Doing several workouts again today?

It's 2:30am and I just got home. I did my S&H tris and bis, and skipped my cardio because I had a bunch of errands to run before work. You know though, my legs feel all better today, thank barleyness! And to my surprise, TTOM popped in early. So THAT'S why I was so exhausted this week suddenly for no reason. I feel better now that I know that! I was thinking my endurance TOTALLY reeked! (Well, all right, it's not that far off of reekdome but it ain't as bad as I thought this week.)

Tomorrow I'm going to order the slew of workouts I have had my eyes on. I've read and watched the reviews and samples so many times now, I have no idea what workout is what or why I'm even getting it in the first place :* . I'm going to endurance the heck out myself }( . It's gonna be great! I can't wait to be able to do a rotation and not have to substitute all the cardio for kickboxing LOL.

All right, have a great evening...and Diane, we're sending good vibes!
August - That is a good idea of planning only 15 min a day and then making it longer. I have written out several workout plans in the past few months, but never followed through. Maybe if I just started really really small, I would follow through. Maybe I will start with Tamilee's I Want that Body dvd which has 15 min segments. Good idea. Unforch, I won't be home until midnight tonight so it will have to start tomorrow.

Ooh, I love that Tamilee series! I got really great results especially from that arm one. What a great idea to do that one.

We're behind you with the cheerleader squad! Push yourself in a positive way and no more wasting silly time beating yourself up! :) :) :)
>Ooh, I love that Tamilee series! I got really great results
>especially from that arm one. What a great idea to do that
>We're behind you with the cheerleader squad! Push yourself in
>a positive way and no more wasting silly time beating yourself
>up! :) :) :)

Ditto what she said
:) :) :)

I just got home from a walk with DH. OMG, it's so humid outside--UGH!

I'll see you gals first thing in the mornin':*

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