I Hate Cardio ~ August 1


Morning all! How is everyone? OK here. Well after my 1lb loss on Friday, I am sad to say that I am UP 4lbs. Yes you read that correct, 4 freakin' lbs. I'll admit that I did have a rough weekend and TTOM got here yesterday. **sigh** I'm just hoping that the 4lbs is gone by Friday. At this point, I"m not expecting another loss but geeze, 4 lbs. I'm still shocked!

OK, I have the news on and I will admit that back in the 80's I loved Boy George. Well for those of you that live in NYC (which does not apply to any of the haters), he will start community service picking up garbage for 5 days. I'd be following him asking him to sing for me. HA!! He'd probably throw some sort of trash at me.

Guess what today is? My birthday! Yesterday my boss made me her to-die-for sticky buns. So 2 of those sabotaged my eating, but they were small. Tonight we are going out for supper and I am not going to be good.

Yesterday was supposed to be upper body. During lunch I did 20 minutes on the rowing machine. Man was that easy. I don't know if you can change the resistance on a rowing maching (b/c the electronic dohicky didn't have any batteries in it). I only burned 138 calories but my heartrate got up to 148. I was dead tired last night b/c of no sleep the night before (Gannon will NOT sleep). So I went to bed at 8:45 (and had another crappy night of sleep. Darn that boy!!!). Today is supposed to be HIIT but we are going to have a high of 101 and it will be so hot in that gym. We'll see if I end up doing anything.

OK. . .

First I want to tell Jan-Jan that I am so happy for your awesome news from your doc. Yeah!!!!! I know that you are going to listen, and take it easy, and work up SLOWLY, right Marathon??????? You better!

Diane, your kitties are so sweet. I like the name Sydney too! How were they on the ride home?

Kate: Hello! What's new with you crazy woman???

Michele: how are you? How have you been feeling? I see you're still doing LIS. If you are looking for another easy step workout, try Charlene Prickett, I cannot think of the name of the DVD, but it has 2 step routines on it. Each are 30 minutes. I'd say it is the same intensity as LIS and she is pretty easy to follow. Just a suggestion b/c I know that you just bought some new Cathe's. What ones did you get? I know that you got IMAX2/C&W, any others?

August: Welcome back! Missed you and your crazy self! Did you eat any barley while on the trip???

Well, sorry to cut it short, but I"ve gotta get the boys up.

I'll try to check in after work.

Have a great day everyone and stay cool!
STICKY BUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, no, I mean,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woo hoo hoo hoo hoooo! It's your birthday and you SHOULD be eating sticky buns, especially when they are to-die-for sticky buns. I mean, even just regular sticky buns are awesome...but to-die-for sticky buns? I'd have been allllll over them. Oh, and why bother weighing in during TTOM, girl?! You know that's gotta be water retention.

Ah, Boy George. I think I read something somewhere that he was going to be doing that service. I think I saw a photo of him and would never have known it was him without the caption. You should definitely seek him out and see if he'll sing you a few bars of "Do You Really Want To Hurt Me."

Anyway, HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your BIRTHDAY, DANA!! :D :* :D :* :* :D

P.S. No barley or green beans on the trip...but I barley'd and green bean'd today so I'm all set!
Oh gawd. I was just preparing some chicken to marinate overnight...I'm kind of freaked out by raw chicken so I wash EVERYTHING (including the chicken - though the chicken doesn't get the soap).......

Anyway, I put the chicken into my little Ziploc and started scrubbing my hands and the knife. I didn't want to touch anything, so I pushed down on the soap dispenser with my elbow, and it ended up totally spurting out all over me in a wave!

Problem is, I'm not sure if it also spurted out and into the Ziploc or not. x(

Well, I couldn't zip it up with chicken hands, now could I?! LOL.

So now I could possibly be marinating my chicken in soap.

Time will tell...
Good Morning Haters!

Ya'll are crazy cardio hatin' women! A bunch of sweating maniacs!!! I am gonna take off on my bike this morning for alittle cardio. Will only go 10 miles so I don't melt. LOL!

Jan Jan,

I heard about your news! That is WONDERFUL!!!! Now, you take it easy getting into that running stuff again. You have to work your way up to the miles. Don't go trying to take off 10 miles right away, ya here crazy marathon woman? I don't want you to get a set back. So you dumped the rotation already? GOSH!!!!!! So now what does Jan Jan want to do?

Char Char
I LOVED BOY GEORGE TOO! I saw him in concert twice in the early 80's. I was 30 feet away from him right smack dab in the middle at the San Francisco Civic Auditorium. Wow, he was great. So charismatic. I couln't take my eyes off him. Neither could the rest of my group. He was so funny and charming too. LOVED BOY GEORGE. He made such cute jokes about how the local papers made odd comments about him. What a show. I was broken when he went down. I read about how he has to pick up trash for community service when he offered hair and makeup classes. But he must pay for what he did. I suppose there will be many looking for him. I would.
Good for you Jan Jan. I don't think I could possibly even run a quater of a mile even if I was being chased by a death provoking disease. Running is too hard. Way too hard.
Michele, I think that Gin Miller's step workouts are pretty easy and she is easy to follow. She kind of annoys me with her not so funny jokes but once again, it is easy. Hope you are feeling better.
DOMS. I hate DOMS. Yesterday I did S&H squats with 80 pounds. I have a weight vest that makes that easier. But boy are my quads sore. Today it is cardio, abs and stretch. It is going to hurt. OUCH

Happy birthday Dana. Good luck on finding the Boy. Take pictures!

Happy Birthday, Dana!!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day! My mouth is watering over the sticky buns. By all means, go out tonight and order whatever your wish! That 4#'s is just water weight from TTOM--really--I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. I'm not sure about working out today. I've found that even indoors, when it's this hot it just makes you feel like crap.

August, I'm ROTFLMAO at your chicken story. You know, you can always rinse it again and put it in a fresh marinade if you're worried about the soap. On the other hand, if you got a little soap in there you can rest assured that any bacteria will be eradicated.

Char Char!! I cannot believe you're going to ride a bike outside today. You are CRAZY!!--lol! It's nice to see you, woman! Stop by more often.

Kate! I missed you yesterday. Take it easy on that cardio! I'm worried about how you'll hold up in this heat. I can't believe you wore a weighted vest in all this heat!!:eek: ;( You are a nut! But you're our nut and we love you.:*

Dana, I just bought the Intensity Series and that has C&W. I haven't tried it yet but I'm planning to on Friday.

Kate--I know this will be hard to digest, but I'm actually not looking for easier workouts. I've been trying to IMPROVE!!--lol! I don't want to go backwards and I'm only looking at buying more Cathe DVD's. I think I'm getting Lowmax next, along with Coremax and Stretchmax.

Well, I have a mouse and I can't find the little sucker. My kitty had him in his mouth, then he dropped him (I'm sure he just wanted to bat him around), and the little thing ran off. I'm a little freaked out here so I need to go on a hunt. I'll see y'all later:eek: ;(

Don't worry about the gain, it is probably just TOTM water gain. I can gain up to 5 lbs of water weight and it just goes away after it is over.

Michele - I can bring my kittens over and they can all go chasing the mouse together.

Kate and August - I was born in the 80s so never really got into boy george. Seems like he always gets himself into trouble.

Jana - Get Cosmos! He is calling you, can you hear him (*meow*). Bari (the foster mom) said there was a lot of interest in him, even people from France calling about him. So if you want him just so that he can have a home, then he will probably find one just fine. But if you want him because you think he is the cutest thing ever (which he is) then you should decide asap before he gets snatched up.
I really want him, I am just trying to decide if I can get him. I am talking it over with DH right now. We have a big house and Kitty could use a friend, but uhh..I don't know. Decisions, decisions....

Moving right along..

HAPPY B-DAY DANA!!!http://bestsmileys.com/birthday2/9.gif

Yeah!!! The 4lbs are just water weight, It will come off! Promise. The sticky buns OMG sound SOOOOO good! I would eat all of them not just 2! What are you getting for your B-day?

Michele-OMG a mouse...heheheee...kitty had it in his mouth....hheheeee.....I would so have to laugh at that one! I am can just see my kitty w/a mouse, I think he would just stare at it and bat it a few times.

Kate-Yes, running did not work out to well this morning. If I did not already hate cardio enough, my treadmill tried to kill me this morning. I go to get on it, hit the speed of 2 (yes I know wow..a whole 2), but my treadmill decided to go 4 and just as it does that my knee gives out and I nearly fly off the treadmill. Not only is cardio evil, it now tries to kill you. Oh, I forgot to tell you the place you took your girls last week sounds so fab! I would have had a blast there! I bet your girls loved every second of it. I wish we had stuff like that to do here, it is just too darn hot to walk out side of the house between May-November. I hid away. I wonder what I would look like with a tan???

August-August, where are you??? Sleeping???

I have to get my rear in gear and decide on this kitty. I will update later.

Ohhh..I get my P90X today! I am sooo excited!!
Jana - let me know what you think of P90X. I would love to buy that after I get in good enough shape to try it.
Diane, P90X is great. Hard, but great. I love AbRipper. I don't mind all the heavy weight work. I couldn't build a muscle now matter how hard I tried. And Boy George was great. What charisma. I dressed as him twice for Halloween parties. I LOVED BOY GEORGE.
I'm up. I tried to get to sleep but couldn't.

Ooh, I wanna hear about P90X, too!

Hey, Michele - did you find Mr. Mouse?
I hate meeces to pieces!!!

I still haven't found that little critter, and neither has my kittyx( ;(

Janjan, get the kitty, yuo know you want him, just do it!

August, I slept pretty well last night so what's up with you? Going according to custom, if I sleep well you're supposed to sleep well.

How's the chicken?
The chicken is in the fridge marinating its bubbly self...heh. I hope soap flavor goes well with curry powder and mustard.

You know, I think I can't sleep because I'm hungry. Is this the way it's supposed to be?! I'm contemplating getting out the organic peanut butter.....Meanwhile to lull me to sleep, I'm rereading my BFFM. LOL.

Oh, little Mousey! I like mice. Poor little guy must be so scared. I hope he'll find his way outside!
All right, now I'm up and eating.....cold steamed okra.

I'm on a major okra kick these days. Man, I love those guys. Hopefully this is going to put me to sleep.

Come on oh powers of okra!
>Oh, little Mousey! I like mice. Poor little guy must be so
>scared. I hope he'll find his way outside!

Well, I think they're cute in a Beatrix Potter picture book, but EGADS!! This creature is in my house and likey leaving rodent poopy all over the place :eek: :7

You know, it's a cat-eat-mouse world we live in. That's just the way it is}( :7

Oh yes, I cannot sleep if I'm having hunger pangs. By all means, have your peanut butter and eat it, too.
Oh yeah, well, mousey poop ain't so pretty. Though quite easy to clean up. :)

Well, you read me. I had some peanut butter. I just couldn't stand it.

Remember when I was talking about possibly upping my cals a whopping 100 or so or not? And that I had a problem with changing my routine too much? (Though this is what is actually recommended if you're not finding the results you want after a week, so it's not entirely due to my analness. ;-) ) Well, I decided to try out a different ratio : 40/40/20. You'd think with that much protein you'd be pretty full.


All right, Wonder Twin Powers (okra and peanut butter) ACTIVATE!
I want a kitty too. AW, so adorable!!!! I love cats!!!! DH loves dogs. We do have one cat and she has been with us for 12 years, but I want more even though we have leather furniture!
Char Char

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