I Hate Cardio - Aug 9


Good morning, all!

Michele - I'm so glad to hear that your DH is doing better. How sweet of him to say that your chicken soup revitalized him. I want some! I'll need to test it out before approving it for the book, of course, so I guess we'll need to arrange something. Are you planning any trips to Japan soon? Well, that just totally sucks about your PF. I'm planning to order a bunch of Cathe's step, so maybe I can join you on the PF talk in a few months LOL. Oh yeah! You got your Kick Max! DON'T DO THE DRILLS! DON'T DO THE DRILLS! Hehe. At least don't do them the first time you do the workout or you'll end up hating the entire workout (like me and Diane). Like Diane said, start with the first section and the leg drills for a while, and then do what I did - do one blast but not know that you are really doing five.

Oh, I checked out Dave's True Story. I'd say it's kind of light jazz with a twinge of folk. Do you have the album? So you like jazz?

Dana - Hi there! Sorry to hear that Gannon is under the weather again. Teeth can surely do it to you, so hopefully the fever is just his body working those pearlies out. Speaking of teeth, I hear you on the sweet tooth. Have you tried smearing some organic peanut butter on a dried date? I know it sounds gross/weird, but it really is incredibly delicious and can totally sub for candy. Now, dates ain't low on the GI or calorie charts, but at least they're natural and healthful. Try it out! Oh, and if you think weighing in on Friday is going to bum you out more than give you an assessment on where you are, skip it. When I got back from my last business trip, I decided to skip a week of weighing myself and I think that was a good idea. Sometimes it's like, "okay, well, I could be the same weight and body fat spending hours meticulously counting my macronutrients and calories and feeling hungry, OR I could be the same weight and body fat not counting a dang thing. Hmm, which should I do?" And if I see all my efforts as an unchanged number, it makes me want to eat a mud slide. Haha, you totally know I'll be bringing back a bunch of food items I can't get here. I'm sure immigrations is going to be suspicious. I'll be in the States for about 10 food-shopping filled days.

Jana - Glad DD's doctor's visit went all right. Hey, who you callin' a shrimp? Don't forget my stats. Oh MY! You're sending the P90X BACK?! LOL! What happened?! That was fairly quick! Wow, it really must be bad! Oh, I hate fast moves, too. I got some Fitness Ball Upper/Lower Challenge or something like that, and the moves are like so friggen frantic. I also have a problem with feeling annoyed at background people, or worse yet, instructors who say "woo, YEAH!" too much or scream, as if that's supposed to invigorate me. The Fitness Ball instructor actually has a nice butch quality about her that I like, but she literally GROWLS throughout the exercise LOL. I'm not even kidding. GROWLING while speaking. It's totally annoying.

Diane - Sign language is really so beautiful to watch, isn't it?

Kate - Hi. Has your jealousy subsided some? :7

Okay, so I've figured out why I'm exhausted. It's because I have reread and rewatched all of the Christi workouts nearly one hundred thousand times in the last 48 hours LMAO. My achin' neck from lookin' down at the screen! My achin' arms from clicking back and forth and comparing this and that! Oh MAN! I should just order them all and save myself the headache LOL!

Anyway, I just finished the 30 minute step portion of Body Max. I have an announcement (that everyone here already knows but I'll announce it again) : My endurance sucks. But I'm totally getting the steps down for BM...but if that first section were any longer, I'm not sure I could get myself to finish it.

You guys, am I going to regret getting all the step workouts I'm thinking to buy?
Jealousy? What jealousy? Oh, you mean that jealousy. Well, I am a mature adult and I can handle..NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!
Good morning Haters!

I think the woman posting in August's name is an imposter. Who are you and what have you done with August?

I like some jazz. The only Dave's True Story CD I have is "Sex Without Bodies". I lOVE it! I like most types of music, except Rap (ick). I LOVE the 40's era big band and swing stuff. I adore Frank Sinatra and Dean martin, etc. I like Celtic and Bluegrass, and I often listen to classical music in the car. I read a report that said people who exercised while listening to classical music actually showed improvement in their cognitive functions. I'll see if I can find that article.

Diane, I think it's so neat that you worked with special needs kids. There's a nationally recognised school for the blind here in Ohio and I always though it would be neat to volunteer there.

Kate, Janjan, Dana--what's shakin'!?:D

Okey dokey, I'm going to cue up Kickmax and give'er a go:eek: ;(

ETA--Kate, go back to bed. don't you know it's only about 6:30 in the morning where you are!?:*
so, you are fifteen hours ahead? I can look at the world clock and never figure anything out.

Diane, I sure hope your kitties are fine. So sad that there are so many unwanted animals and that the poor things have to be exposed so they can become ill. Fingers crossed

Michele, I feel so bad about your feet, I didn't realize what you had and now I do. And you have kickmax? Yikes, that one is the worst on the feet. Do you ride a bike much. I can remember riding bikes to school every day and telling myself that when I finish school, I will never get on a bike again. Doesn't seem so bad now.

Jana, you are really sending P90X back. Oh, I love it, I got most of it through trades. I have to push myself to do it because it isn't something to look forward too. It makes me really sore. I don't like DOMS though. I hate being sore. I read all these posts from those who love being sore and I don't get it. I thought working out is one reasons to avoid being sore. Why would you want to have a hard time sitting because your quads are screaming!

Oh, I must go, I am so sleepy. Bladder problems again. I want to kill my bladder. Well, maybe not quite that but you know. I just want a good nights sleep. Did you hear that bladder!!!
Oh yeah, Dean Martin and of course, Sinatra. Great stuff. Have you listened to Eartha Kitt much? She's great.

I studied classical piano growing up and started off as a music major in college...until I realized how hard it is to graduate with a music major! :D Sheesh, I had to take a semester of conducting! You think step is hard! x(

But you know, if you ever have the chance to listen to 2Pac Shakur (I know you've got millions of chances, heh), read the lyric sheet as you listen to him rap. I'm not a huge rap fan or anything, but it can move me to tears. Don't listen to it as rap music, but listen to it as him reading excerpts from his diary. It is truly amazing. Just as amazing to me as reading a symphonic score.

Let's see here, Kate, I'm writing this at 11:15pm...

All right. So now you guys can laugh and make fun of me. I think I've hurt my leg :7 LMAO. I couldn't help but do my Christi a million times,...and I think I did myself in. Be kind to me. How many times in my life have I WANTED to do cardio this much? I feel a sprainy feeling running up the inside of my right leg kind of behind my knee. ;( Does that mean I can't do my Christi again tomorrow? (Yep, I did the step of Body Max this morning, and then I couldn't help but do Christi a half hour ago.)


Is this the curse of........Cardiohatesville?!

P.S. Kate - hope you feel better. How sucky.
Hi Everyone -

August - Put down the Christi workouts and step away. It is for your own good. Sign language is beautiful. This boy knew about 30-40 words in hand over hand sign. He was deaf and blind, so that was the only way he could communicate with us. He would put his hands over my hands while I did a very exaggerated version of the sign. It was really cool. Then he would sign back to us.

Dana - I hope Gannon is feeling better. Do what I do and just don't step on the scale! I just got by how my clothes feel on me, I haven't weighed myself in a few months now.

Michele - You should definitely volunteer if you have the time. I think my title was a residential counselor or something like that, basically picked them up for school when they were done for the day and took them too their dorm and stayed with them there until 11 pm. I can't believe I worked until 11 pm on weeknights during undergrad! What was I thinking!

Jana - That is too bad you didn't like P90X. I was excited to get that some day.

Kate - The kittens were doing great last night, no symptoms at all. It is really sad going to the shelter and seeing all the animals that are unwanted. Breaks my heart.

As for me, I didn't wake up this morning again. I think I am going to make DH man the alarm clock and tell him to wake my a$$ up in the morning. I think I may follow Debbie's muscle endurance rotation, looks good and I actually have most of the dvds!
Michele - I am ROFLMAO big time!!

You are tooooo cute! :* You sneak!

Do you know what she did, Kate? Check out my Christi thread!

Too funny! Too funny!
Michele, what is shakin, you ask? My back end (and this is not intentional)
August, you were a music major in college. Wow, that is really hard! I wanted to take a course or two, but it actually required that I do some work and I was too busy partying to do any homework. Yikes, that is hard. Classical piano? WOW. Impressive.
Look at this woman, amazing and you are still up.....

See, didn't I tell you that this Christi thing was going to do something bad to you. You young people.........
Don't get too impressed. I smartened up and changed majors after a piano teacher told me that I didn't need a major in music to have a career in music. Isn't that funny for a music teacher to tell that to a student? Come to think of it, I guess she changed my life.

Did you see that Michele bought a Christi? :+ LOVE it! Funny.
Yeah, of course a college teacher is going to tell you that. It doesn't take that much smarts to teach college, just have to do the work and answers the interview questions, properly
TRue, there are some college teachers worth their pay, but I think sometimes I knew more than the instructors and I am not too smart.
Read David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day. Really funny book and there is a chapter where he discusses his college teaching days.

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