I Hate Cardio, 8/7/06

Miss Lee

OMG, it's nearly 10:00--where are you people!? LOL! I know, where was I?

Okay, it's Monday and time to put your game face on (this is as much a pep talk for me as it is for anyone). I've been a slacker and a procrastinator and it has to stop NOW. Plantar faciitis or no, I must do my cardio or die. It's LIS for me today and I'll try C&W again later in the week. For those of you who missed it, I posted the results of my first attempt at C&W yesterday--it wasn't pretty.:eek:

August--wow! You haven't been home in 8--EIGHT years? I'll bet your family will be so happy to see you. Have they ever come to Japan to visit you? You know, your visit home will be a great opportunity to stock up on Quaker Medium Pearled Barley. By the way, I've been to Portland and I think it's gorgeous. I remember DH and I rented a car and drove all around. We found a bakery that bore our name so DH took my picture standing under the sign. Dopey, I know, but that's the closest I'll ever come to seeing my name in lights--lol!

Kate--so you're a songwriter, eh? I love it--Kneading My Husband--lol! I could've written that little ditty myself. My DH is constantly asking me to massage his head, back, neck, feet, .... So, you have your tunes up on a website? Where? I want to see it! Kate, you are truly an amazing woman. ;)

Diane, I LOVE the kitty pictures. My gosh, they have really grown--all ready!! They are too cute for words.

Janjan, did you get your paper done? It's hell to miss out on so much sleep. You're probably going to pass out one day from sheer exhaustion.

Dana--I hope you can check in today--if only for a minute. I've been thinking about you!

All right, then--I'm off and running *UGH*
Oh Michele, you must bit your tongue. I am not amazing, I am wierd. I just have my stuff at MySpace. It is not big deal. I just needed something to blog and that is all I could come up with.
Have you been to the Columbia River Gorge outside Portland. Incredible. The most beautiful place I have ever seen and there is so much to see. Can you believe that she has been gone for eight years? "Wow", is all I can come up with!
That plantar thing sounds terrible. I think I have a friend with the same thing. I can never remember medical names, terms, etc. I am going to have to ask again.
I got up late today, more bladder problems last night but I think it has calmed down for the while (meaning I am back to going only 30 times a day and believe me this is a relief) so I gotta get some workout in.
So, today, I don't know what I doing until I pull it off the shelf. I has been two days since I have done weights and three since I have done cardio. Oh well, I guess I see which one wins (and I lose!)
Checking in later
And Kneading the Man is only about massaging a certain part of you man. Must stop here before I kicked off this website!
Hi Everyone -

I looked over the posts yesterday but there were soooo many!!! I couldn't read them all. I hope you all had a great weekend.

I posted some new pics of the kittens in case you didn't see this weekend. Michele - the kittens are getting huge, I swear they have doubled in size in one week. They both fit in a single carrier just fine when we picked them up, and now I think they need their own carriers when we take them to the vet next week. I wonder if we are feeding them too much!! Sydney is like a monster - she is going to be a huge cat. Sadie is much smaller than her.

The kittens have adopted their people - Sadie always sits with me and Syndey always sits with DH. When DH is not in the room, they will both sit on my lap, but if DH comes back, Sydney runs to him. It is pretty cute.

This weekend I did a run/walk Friday through Sunday. I didn't do anything this morning, but plan on doing something after work. For some reason I have been not wanting to do weights lately (I know, very weird for a cardio hater). Even though it is so hot outside, all I want to do is go for a jog.

In other news, DH and I decided to move up our trying to conceive date one month, we will start in September!!! We are just too excited to wait anymore!! But I want to get in a little better shape before we start trying, I don't want to start out unfit or else I fear I will get hugely fat during pregnancy!!
Phew! I'm back. And I didn't even need a nap! I was juicing on those few gasps of sleep I had last night.

Anyway, this morning I did my S&H Shoulders, the floor section of Legs & Glutes, and then I did 20 minutes of Christi's Happy Hour. Yes, that's right. I put in a workout, took it out, put in another workout, took it out, and then put in another workout. It's a first for me. And then I was late for work LOL.

Tomorrow is S&H Chest and Back. And probably some more Christi woo hoo! I'm on a cardio roll! Don't stop me!


Now, before you all think I've abandoned my loved ones and haven't visited them in forever...that ain't the case. My brother lives a walking distance away from me, and Mom comes to stay for about half of each year (Dad's no longer with us). But I definitely miss my friends and will be doing some major hanging with them when I'm in town. I can't wait.

Oh, and I can't wait to check out the Quaker Barley! And Kashi Golean! And Krispy Cream if I can find them. :7

Michele - Cute about the bakery. Being that they were "related" to you, I hope they had good baked items. Did you go inside and tell them your name and ask for free baked goods? LOL.

Kate - You know, I drink so much water that people mistake me for having bladder problems. I hate being in places where the bathroom is far away.

Diane - That's so great that your kitties have settled in (and into your laps!), and that they have their favorite laps. It's nice that they like to have their "own leg space" and split up between you and DH. Oh, and by the way, Kate and I are insulted that you didn't read every valuable post we entered yesterday. Very important information in there ;) . And as for your conceiving date - well, you just tell us if you knead anything :eek: LOL! (But better to ask me or Kate, and maybe not Michele :* .)

All right, I'm going to attempt to get some sleep now. Geez, it's already 1:30am.

Night night!
Ok I am here! Yeah! I have no school this week and I am sooo happy about that. I just did P90X back and chest and I can say I like Cathe better. It is a nice change, a lot of push ups and chin ups (I don't have a chin up bar so I did the bands instead) but I just like Cathe better. Tony is a little annoying, Cathe is a much better motivator IMO.

Moving right along.
Michele-I am soo happy to hear about the C&W you completed yeah!!!
The music I think is good and it helps when you feel like a klutz. That was the one I tripped over the step, flew over the cat, and had the step hit me in the head. It was a funny moment to say the least. You might experience moments with that one as well, but you will get a good laugh at yourself. IMO the only way to go.

Kate-you always crack me up. I am w/August I drink too much water too and always have to go. Being preggo was hell, going all the time. Is there any medicine you can take to help?

Diane-Oh the joys of being a Mommy. We signed DD up at The Little Gym this weekend. It was so cute, baby aerobics. She had fun and so now she is a member and we go to class every Sat morning. DH actually went and he had fun too. She was by far the smallest baby in there, but she was showing all the other babies who the boss is! They give them bells to play with and she went up to another baby boy who was 3x's the size of her and went up and took his bell right out of his hand!! I was laughing at it! When you have your little one you will have to take them too! It's really cute! I am going to get her a little Nike outfit today. Girls are soo much fun!! So good to hear about the kitties! How sweet, oh they grow up sooo fast!

Ok I have got to get in the shower now, it's almost 12 here and I need to get out of the house!

Hello to everyone!
thanks for the bladder concern but there is nothing that can be done. Luckily for me (and saracsm here) I have a severe form of the disese so yeah, if they ever find a cure, I want to be first!
When I was pregnant, I had to get up 14 times per night the first trimester and the last month, but like they say, you forget about the pain and the bladder after the baby is here. True, sort of, but I am telling you, I will NEVER forget labor pain.

Anyway, I did 90 mins of cardio today. I guess I am in my punishment mode. All kickboxing. Boy, am I sick of cardio. But I was supposed to work out yesterday and I felt guilty. Oh, the psyche is strange thing.

On to the day's errand. Love the kitties. LOVE CATS.
Jana - Are you still considering getting Cosmos? I emailed the foster mom today to update her on our kittens and she said that Cosmos misses his sisters. So sounds like he is ready for another home with another cat to play with. And if he is anything like his sisters, he will adjust so well to the new home and be a great pet.
DH said no on Cosmosx(
I can't push the issue, he knows he felt bad about saying no so he dropped $307 on DD this weekend for the Little Gym to make up for it. I can't really ask to spend any more $$, know what I mean? If we did not live on a budget I would get him, but I don't have the extra $$ laying around to pay for vet bills right now.
I understand. DH and I are having to cut way back this month and use some of our "rainy day fund" savings to pay for double vet bills - they are getting declawed and spayed next Monday at $300 each, plus they will need booster shots and whatever else the vet does to them, so it will probably end up well over $700. Our vet tends to just do things and then tell us later what he did. With Lucy, we did a $100 procedure (taking some fluid out of her poor tummy) without asking!! Eek! So hopefully they won't need anything else as they seem really healthy.

Sydney has sneezed about 1 or 2 times a day and have DH and I freaking out. Lucy was sneezing constantly when we got her (every 10 minutes, along with discharge out of eyes and nose) and we think that may be a symptom of what she had. She was treated for a upper respirtory infection, but it may have been that other virus. Even if Sydney did get that virus, there is only a 1-5% chance she would develop FIP. But I don't think 1 sneeze a day means she is sick, especially since it usually happens when she is playing behind dusty stuff. But DH are still on edge that they might get sick. It is a little stressful.
Did you call the vet? I am sure it is nothing and like you said they have been playing in dust etc and oh yeah this nasty weather we have been having, you know some rain and then hot and muggy. It makes me sneeze and my allergies go nuts. I am sure they are ok.
Oh, by the way, I was just reminded to tell you a story of a "flylady moment" that happened this weekend.

There is a co-worker of mine who live in the same neighborhood as us and whose wife I have been trying to become friends with (it is hard to get things started). She used to be a laywer and now is a stay at home mom to two boys (one born like 2 weeks ago!). Co-worker husband has been hinting that we can do show and tell - they want to see our kittens and we want to see their new baby. Anyway, they randomly dropped by Sunday without any notice!!! The house was totally clean with only a couple things on a few countertops. The only problem was I wasn't "dressed to the shoes." In fact, I wasn't dressed at all! I had taken a bath in the middle of the day and was out in the living room in my towel. The doorbell rang and I had to wait until they turned around (our front door has a lot of glass so you can see through it) to run past the front door to the bedroom to change. Luckily I don't think they saw me, but I have learned my lesson to not hang around the house in my towel any more!

Anyway, I don't really know how to become this person's friend. She is a stay at home mom and it would be great to be friends with her when I become a SAHM. The four of us have gone to a Astros baseball game together which was fun, and then tried to plan a dinner together a long time ago which fell through twice and never got started again. She invited me to her baby shower and I went and bought her lots of presents. They bought me presents for our wedding and showed up to one of my engagement parties. But it is just hard to plan something for us to do because they have two kids and we have none. I just don't want to make them get a sitter to go out with us and make it a big deal. Also, the husband, my co-worker, is a little weird, so DH is actually not enthused about doing couple things. But the wife is really nice.

So I was thinking that maybe I could email her today (makes sense because she just came over so my turn to do something) and ask if she ever wants to take a walk around the neighborhood in the morning or evening?? That seems like something easy for her to do with the kids and we can actually talk. Any other ideas? Sorry, I am just so bad at making new friends.
Jana - We have not called the vet. She has only sneezed a handful of times, doesn't have any discharge out of eyes and nose and otherwise seems really healthy and energetic. If she has a fever when we take them in for their appointment, then I will tell them not to do the procedure as I don't want to compromise her immune system. Lucy really seemed sick and had wet sneezes and discharge. Sydney does not seem sick and has dry sneezes that are very small. If she starts sneezing more we will call the vet or take her in early. But we still worry a lot that they will get sick, it is so scary.
I just called the vet and talked to someone there (not a doctor). She said that sneezing 1 or 2 times a day is not "normal" but could either bed just allergins in the air or the start of something else. Since it has been consistently 1 or 2 times a day, then I would guess it is the start of something else. And since she didn't sneeze before we got her, I would get that "something else" is FECV. So now I am really worried that she has it and that there is a 1-5% chance she or both of them will get FIP.
Ok, let me try to ease you worry a little here. Just in my case with my kitty, he was a pound kitty and he got real sick when I got him home. He started sneezing and sneezing and sneezing so I brought him into the vet. He had a resp infection and they were able to treat it. He did have to stay at the vet for a few days for the anti-bionics, but he was ok. If it were me, I would make an apt to see the vet ASAP and just have them checked out. Just to be on the safe side might want to have her looked at. Its just the 1 kitty right?
Morning guys!

Ahhhh, love sleep.

Okay, Diane - If sneezing once or twice a day is unusual according to your vet, why on earth did they not ask you to come bring them in? What, did they just tell you that info and then say, "Have a nice day!" Also, about the vet doing procedures without your consent - that seems quite unprofessional to me for so many reasons. I'm fresh out of bed. DId I read your info incorrectly?

As for hanging out in your house in your towel - hang out in your house in your towel! It's one of life's joys! ;) You don't need to dress to the T in your house at all times just in case someone comes by unannounced, girl! And as for trying to become friends with your neighbor - it sounds like she is making an effort to get to come see you (albeit naked, just kidding)...I think trying to hook up to get to know her just as the girls (and not the couple) would be great. You might even go over and help her with her kids or just hang out with her. She must be hankering for friend-time, too! Go for it! Diane, we all know how sweet you are, and I'm sure she does, too. You could ask if she'd like to rent a movie or order in for lunch at her or your house, so the baby can be there and you can just hang.

Hi, Jana!

All right. I've had my oatmeal and it's time to digest now before lifting.


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