I Hate Cardio, 8/11

Miss Lee

It's a perfectly hideous dark, gloomy, and rainy day here in Ohio, and I'm going to curl up on my couch with a book and a cup of coffee. I have 3 errrands to run and a little housework to do. I think I'm going to blow off the housework part (sorry FlyLady:p). It will all still be there Monday, right?

Diane, are you out of your funk? I hope so. You're a beautiful woman and I wish I were as flabless as you;) . I do understand though,how infuriating it is when you can't seem to follow through with your plans. I like the advice August gave you.

August, when are you coming to the US again? Oh yeah, and don't you have a birthday coming up here soon?

Kate, how are you torturing yourself today? I thnk youi should compose a little song about Cardiohateville and post it in our thread. Maybe you and August can collaborate.

Janjan, I'm starting to worry that you have disappeared from the face of the earth. Have you finished your paper? What's going on with you? I miss you.

Dana, I know you're out there. I hope you're doing well on your BFL program. I miss you, too.

I'm starting anew...again. I've been bad--really, really bad in terms of exercise. My eating isn't perfect but it's not awful unless you count that big slice of 3 layer carrot cake with cream cheese icing that I had for dessert last night;( :9

I'm making vow before Cardiohatevill and God to do my cardio today--no ifs, ands, or butts...er...buts:eek: :7 ;)
Michele - Last night DH and I had a long talk about my funk, and I think I am slowly getting out of it. I have a project due today that has been weighing on me and I should have had it done yesterday. I think my performance at work as been the main cause of the funk. Expectations are so high, and I sometimes feel paralyzed by fear that I will mess up something. I have made a mistake on this particular case before, so maybe that is what it was. Then added to that I wasn't working out and my house was starting to get cluttered. But this morning I emptied the dishwasher and put in the dirty dishes, even though I was late to work, and for some reason that made me feel better. I am getting a lot of work done this morning so hopefully I can get it done in time to have a fun Friday, but I might be here late.
No cardio today. yeah!!!! GS Legs, Ab Ripper, Cathe stretch. Yeah yeah yeah!

It's raining in Ohio. What? Is it muggy too? I can't imagine how yucky that must be.

Diane, I agree you are adorable. Look how trim you are! Just because you have had some bad workout times doesn't mean that you are out of shape and flabby. And you are so young too. Life is easier on you under 40's.

Ah, anyway. What happened to August? She cannot be sleeping! She doesn't sleep.

I must go, my little one got syup in her hair. Yes, I gave her pancake syrup on her pancakes. I am bad. Yuck I hate syrup, especially maple. Yuck

You're right, I'm not asleep. I just got home. It's 4:30am. Jeesh. I have to catch a train tomorrow at 10am, which means I have to leave my apartment around 9am.

I'll be riding that sleepless high tomorrow wooooo~~~~~!

Michele - That cozying up on the couch with coffee (though I don't drink coffee) and a book (though I don't like to read) sounds awesome. I'd do it with herb tea and my computer. Oooh, that sounds good. I'm coming to the States on Monday. I don't know what my internet situation will be like. That totally scares me! How can I not be on the internet at least 20 hours of my day?! And yes, my birthday is indeed coming up at the end of the month. Yeow!

Diane - Glad to hear that you're moving out of your funk!

Kate - Hair syrup. Hmm. I've never tried that before. At least knowingly.

All right you guys, I'm out of town this weekend, but I'll be back for a day before I'm off to the States so I'll check in and see how you're doing (a.k.a. what kind of cardio you're doing ;) ) . I've been furiously checking out all the rotations and trying to figure out which one to do for after I've returned from the States. I'm bringing a bunch of workouts with me that I can do at home without my beloved weights (Bar Method, Pilates, Kickboxing, Christi - no duh!) but I get the feeling that I'm going to need a major fat loss endurance torture rotation on my return :D :D :D .

Not that I plan to eat like a major pig. Just a minor one. :)

Oh, oh, I did the step portion of Body Max again today, and I tried it with just the top of the Step. It was lots easier, and I was surprised to find that my heartrate was only one beat less!

Oh gosh, it's really getting late and I have to get up early.

I'm off!


Jana - Did you enjoy your holiday?
Dana- We miss you!
Guess what!?!?! I did my workout---at 2:00:eek: !!!!! How's that! Boy, I can't remember the last time I did a workout in teh afternoon. I'm just really tickled with myself. I did LIS and I will cofess that I had to take a little extra time to rest between cardio segments. It's this friggin weather. Man, oh man, I cannot wait until fall. I've had all I can take of this humidity. It's not even hot here today, but the humidity is off the charts.

Diane, you are so hard on yourself. I'm glad you talked it out with your DH. I think you need to take some time to just relax and center yourself, to think through your priorities and order your life accordingly. I know, I know--easier said than done. Look at it this way; this job is temporary and you'll be out of there once you have a baby, so don't drive yourself so hard. You can only do so much and if you try to do too much, something is going to get short shrift. You are amazing in so many ways, you really are. You're young, kind, intelligent, accomplished. You have it all all ready. ;)

Kate, no cardio, eh? What, are you sick? No 90 min cardio complete with blasts? I'm calling the doctor!

I think August finally passed out from sheer exhaustion. Sleep tight:*
There'll be a nice, steaming bowl of barley and green beans waiting for you when you get up:7
........................is it morning..................is....it...............morning?

I'm up!

I'm eating my oats.

But green beans and barley are never far away. :*

Haha, you know, when I read your comment, Michele, I thought you were saying that you'd done your workout at 2am! Anyway, that's great that you got through LIS. If you can get through that sucker in the heat now, just think how easy it will be to do in the Fall!

All right. I've got to get ready and out the door.

Have a fun weekend!
Well, I finally finished that big assignment and my brain is mush. I have something else I needed to do but I decided to say to heck with it and I want to go home. My co-worker is suppsed to review these things over the weekend while he is out of town, but the first thing I sent him is over 40 pages, so I don't think he is going to finish editted it tonight. So we can wait on the other one until tomrorow.

DH is working really late tonight and all weekend, so I am about to meet him for dinner and then he will go back to work. This job blows!

We will see if I go home and do Tamilee or just plop on the couch and veg out.

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