I Gotta Try


In my training for the new Intensity Series, I think this coming Sunday, which of course is always I-Max day, I'm going to add on the interval segment from the CTX Step & Intervals workout at the end of I-Max 1.

Has anyone else ever done this? (I think I remember at least one poster mentioning it.) If so, did you survive? (If I don't hear from you, I'll presume that you didn't.)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-03 AT 10:46AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Annette,
I have done this lots of times. I add that interval segment on to a lot of workouts - it's only 9 minutes long and I feel like I am "going out with a bang". Another short, tough segment I like to add on is the intensity blast at the end of MIC.
Have fun!!

Edited to add - One more add-on I love is the drill section from Cardio Kicks! That one is a little longer - 14 minutes?

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