I don't feel good!


Uh, I have a serious case of all day long sickness here. It has been going on for almost a week, but progressively getting worse. I can hardly stand to eat. I have even lost 2 pounds now.
One of my friends told me that the progesterone that I am on can cause morning sickness. So if I'm prone to it anyway, I might have quite the major sickness in store. She wasn't kidding.
Hubby, my son and I all pretty much slept the weekend away. My Dh told me yesterday that I need to stop falling asleep he sees me sleeping and falls asleep himself. :) I thought that was pretty funny. I have been trying not to fall asleep unless it's nap time for my son. That way if my DH does fall asleep it's ok, because he's not watching our son.
WEll enough complaining. I just had to get that out. I will go in for an ultrasound next week, when I'm 7 weeks along. I'll let you know how that went.
Hi Kathy! Congratulations on your pregnancy. I am eight weeks pregnant with our second and have also been dealing with the all day long nausea and sickness. I had the same thing with my first, but it does seem a little bit better this time around. We had our first ultrasound last week and we were able to see the heartbeat. It was reassuring--then the nausea and queasiness started. We did the same thing this past weekend. It was cold and rainy here in the south and so we took advantage of it and slept. Like you, I was able to sleep when my 2 year old daughter napped. I think my husband also caught some zzz's as well. Hang in there. At least it is nice to know that I'm not alone.

Jessi:) :)
Oh Kathy, I am sorry you feel so lousy. I have been in the same boat, although I thought I was past for the last 4 days and then today its BAAAACK! :) Sure the progesterone could be worsening the nausea, and it made me soooo sleepy when I took it. Anyway, I'll tell you what I keep being told re: nausea... it is good you are soooo nauseated (not nauseous... sorry... pet peeve... I am trying to rid the incorrect use of this word :). One of the physicians I collaborate with told me the more nauseated I am and the more tender my breasts are the better. Yippee! Right? :)

I also have people using this to predict the sex of my child. Lets see... one old wives' tale is that nausea means a girl. Then I heard, if I am sicker with this pregnancy than the last... its a boy. :)

I am rambling again... you can complain all you want, there are lots of understanding listeners here. :) take care!


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