<--I could shed another million tears a million breaths

<--is up and drinking her morning cup-o-joe(s)
<--waves good morning to Miss Catherine and wonders what shes up too today?
<--isn't really doing anything except watching the game around 1 and doing some grocery shopping
<--and DH may take the kids swimming afterwards if the weather holds up
<--woke with DOMS in her UB and is LOVING it!:7
<--sold SJP/SB yesterday so is now on the prowl for another weight workout? any suggestions?
<--is off to see whats happening
RE: <--I could shed another million tears a million bre...

<---has had coffee, a banana and done CCPP
<---can't believe baby is still sleeping!
<---has a long list of chores, so it's shower time and taa till much later
RE: <--I could shed another million tears a million bre...

<--waves good morning to all
<--has also had coffee...but no workout;(
<--will be helping dh plant some bushes and a small tree
<--will hopefully get a walk in later
<--spent the entire week removing wallpaper and painting at mom's
<--hopes to get <--stuff done before going back to work on Tuesday
<--has missed youse guys sooo much!!!
<--hopes to check back later
RE: <--I could shed another million tears a million bre...

<--waves gm
<--is still drinking her coffee
<--needs to go to the dry cleaner, go to the UPS store, go to the gym, do strength training, clean the apartment and get a pedicure
<--got her new High Step topper and new Firm WO and can't wait to try them :D
<--is having guests tomorrow and REALLY needs to get this place into shape! :eek:
<--is amazed at how much you guys have accomplished before 11 am!

ETA:<--thanks Catherine for the encouragement
<--realizes it's more important for ex-SIL to feel welcome than be dazzled by a perfect apartment
<--just wants her to feel comfortable
RE: <--I could shed another million tears a million bre...

<---waves a quick good afternoon
<---says you all must imagine <---whispering furiously right now so others don't hear
<---is having DS1's b-day party today and DH's family who said they were NOT coming are all here
<---is beyond aggravated
<---adds that they also showed up 2 hours early
<---has to go back down to be a good hostess
<---will bbl later after the party

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
RE: <--I could shed another million tears a million bre...

<--can't believe Beth's DH's family showed up two hours early...especially since they said they weren't coming!!!
<--would be aggravated too!!
<--hope FN gets everything done before her company arrives
<--is sure everything will turn out just fine
<--thinks FN worries too much!!!
<--got all the plantings done
<--went out to eat
<--is exhausted
<--will try to check back later

ETA: <--thinks FN's new avatar is beautiful!!!
RE: <--I could shed another million tears a million bre...

<--- comes in and waves wildly
<--- has been MIA lately
<--- had a truly awful week at week coupled with a whole bunch of other stress and couldn't find time to post much
<--- is aggravated for Beth
<--- says that sounds like something the Poodle would do, only she shows up 3 hours late:p
<--- cleaned entire house today and did mega-laundry
<--- is wiped
RE: <--I could shed another million tears a million bre...

<-- screams "SEVEN?!?!?!!!!! *SEVEN* POSTS?!?!!!!!?!??? ALL DAY??????"
<-- is embarrassed for youse...


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