<---I can't cry anymore


<--waves a bright and cheery Sunday morn to you ladies
<--is watching SP&J on fit tv
<--to early for <--to w/o, so might as well watch :D
<--wonders what everyone is up to today?
<--waves gm to roomie (where's the coffeee???)
<--went to bed really late for <-- (around 0130) and was still up at 0530
<--has NO IDEA why! :mad:
<--expects tonight to be an early night!
<--managed to do some cardio and UB y'day
<--will probably do some cardio today
<--has a lot to do (pick up a dog, go to a meeting about the sanctuary)
<--FINALLY put some photos (from <--'s fam-da mily trip in JULY) in frames and up
<--ordered some photos from rt and can't wait to get those up!

<--is going to peruse
<--oh! forgot to tell youse all that jasper (the alpaca) is up and walking around and doing GREAT!

<--hopes youse all have a loverly saturday!!!
<--is glad to hear jasper is up and walking
<--wonders which RT photos Lorie ordered
<--'s coffee is in hand LOL!!!
<--is in a much better mood today than <--has been :D
<--hopes it stays that way
<--doesn't like feeling grumpy
<--Waves good morning to Lorie,Catherine and all who follow!
<--clinks mugs with Catherine
<--is glad to see her so cheery this morning
<--is also glad to hear jasper is up and walking1
<--is taking a much needed rest day today
<--'s 3yr old started waking<--up at 6am this morning:mad::mad::mad:
<--didn't actually get up until 8am...urrrrrrrr
<--won't be doing much today and wouldn't have it any other way;)
<--is off to persue.....
<--waves to Catherine, Lorie, and Amelia
<--went to bed @ 3:30 and is up at 8:30
<--is going to have a bit of breakfast and go back for a snooze
<--is hoping today is a better day than yesterday
<--wishes Lorie luck today and will be thinking of her
<--waves to all who follow
<--waves gm
<--is sure Catherine has done a WO by now ;)
<--wants to see Lorie's pics
<--wishes Amelia a happy lazy day
<--loves those
<--is thrilled to see Beavs here
<--wonders what happened to Beavs yesterday?
<--tells Beavs <-- is waiting by her front door for the Upstate Partridge Family Van to come to NYC ;)
<--knows that Tammy comes here a lot to set up her kids in various schools and apartments but thinks she needs an All Fun Day in NYC
<--says DT left early this morning for an all-day bike ride
<--plans to do cardio and LB today
<-- is up and grumpy
<-- overslept and didn't go for a run and now it's already too hot :mad::mad::mad:
<-- wonders what w/o Catherine is doing today
<-- wonders if <-- can borrow some of Catherine's terrific mood
<-- is :eek::eek: about Lorie's sleepless night
<-- is glad Jasper is getting better
<-- hopes Amelia enjoys her lazy day
<-- hugs Beavs :eek: and hopes that she has a great day today
<-- is glad to hear that DT is going to an all day bike ride
<-- assumes that means DT is okay
<-- wonders what Nancy is up to today other than working out
<-- needs to get some tea
<-- BBL in a cheery mood
<--waves happy Sunday to all!!
<--needed some motivation to workout
<--knew where to get it!
<--wants to thank FN for putting the bug in <--ear to buy new handbag:p
<--will spend more time surfing the net for one today
<--is also happy that Jasper is up:D
<--tells Carola that there's always CC
<--waves to Beavs and hopes she has something fun planned for the day!
<--is glad Catherine's in a good mood
<--feels badly for Lorie...<--hardly ever sleep anymore:(
<--says it really sucks:mad:
<--tells Amelia that <--don't miss the days when the kids would wake up super early
<--says if they were little now...<--'d already be up cuz <--don't sleep!!!
<--should now go workout
<--will bbl
<-- is sipping some tea and mood is improving :D
<-- waves to Elainee
<-- tells Elainee <-- does CC outside
<-- doesn't have a tready and cancelled gym membership a couple of months ago
<-- is not so mad that <-- missed the run, but Cardio Coach :D
<-- wonders what workout Elainee will be doing
<-- will be playing around with Cathe nutrition program
<-- hopes everyone has a great day
<--is glad roomie is un-grumpy
<--thinks amelia's not much day sounds divine!
<--waves to beavs and thanks her for keeping <--in her thoughts
<--seems today has already started out better than yesterday (but there's still a way to go!)
<--wants to jump on the partridge family van to visit nancy!!!
<--wishes elaineee good luck on her online shopping trip!
<--is glad carola is less grumpy now that she has had her caffiene
<--is sorry she missed her date with sean :(
<--waves good afternoon to all!!
<--hopes Lorie's day is going well
<--wants to get on the NYC PF bus too!!
<--wonders if Elanieee got a new purse yet:p
<--thinks caffiene is good for everything:eek:
<--did SP&J step and hi lo this morning
<--looks like a fish flopping around during hi lo :eek:
<--is hankering for some KB now
<--may have to do some!!
<--tells elainee to check out the deals on Hobo International handbags
<--loves every single one of the 100+ handbags designed by that company
<--loves that company
<--says all the bags are designed by women for women for REAL life
<--says they are WAY cute too
<--is very glad that the PF van is filling up!
<--says can you spell ROAD TRIP??!!
<--tells Nance that <-- was upset <-- wasn't invited on a little camping trip
<--apparently made a big deal out of nothing but is prone to that
<--is really fired up about banging on Nancy's door
<--tells her Tammy and <-- have been thinking about coming down in the next few months
<--waves to elainee and tells her <-- did have a margarita, well two, today
<--wonders how Lorie's day went with the new doggy
<--feels for the gentleman and his dog
<--is off to bed

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