i bought rushfit

not sure if i should have after reviewing some.it seems like it might be boring. i cannot find any good reviews.has anyone done it?i won't start it til mid july-after vacation

I've been eyeing it... I actually tried to buy it the other day but I guess they are in Canada because my CC declined the international purchase so I have to call to allow it through.

The clips on the site look like the set it kinda plain... are they all like that? Hopefully the workouts are good enough to not care about the set.

The website says George St-Pierre only lifts up to 30lbs ... I'm finding it interesting if doing mostly body weight workouts can build muscle.
i take back what i said about it seemed boring-certainly not Total Body
workouts have 5 rounds
each 5 min then repeated 2 min

1 air squats plus hindu push ups
2 dumbell get up+one leg one arm row
3 dumbell pistol=dumbell squatthrust+dumbell sumo high pull+dumbell narrow pushup
4 dumbell alternating back lunge+dumbell alternating y press+dumbell internal/external curl+dumbell cross back lunge
5 dumbell prone row+dumbell power clean+dumbell press

george goes pretty fast and its alot of reps
there is a cute personal trainer leading the class.it has the pt,george,and a man and woman in the back.someone compared p90x,rushfit,and insanity
for conditioning rf is the best.for cool down insanity. i plan on shortening up an insanity warmup,then rushfit,then insanity cool down.i feel like i am in the class.


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